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Lord Shadow

Chapter 180: Going home (1)
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They should have won. They should have their celebratory feast but now only expression of despair etched on the face of the highest echelon of the military.

Just moments after they killed the Supreme General, the alarm sounded all over the military bases signifying that the satellite pick up hostile signal from Titan outer space.

Three Battlestar of gigantic proportion appeared raising the alarm to the highest level. On the side of the largest giant ark emblazoned in golden red is Titanic

Their cannon was activated as it shoots its energy blast decimating any spacecraft that was about to intercept their advance into the airspace of Titan.

The Admiral of the Space Division plopped down to the cold hard tile of his situation room as he was looking at the last recorded transmission from his Birds.

Their Birds was just decimated by the Supreme General. Half of their Birds and five battleship exploded in their confrontation with the Supreme General.

That was already a large loss. And now to defend from another Invasion? The Admiral had already lost hope.

Inside the War Room of the Five Supreme Potentates, the reaction was not any different.

The Analyst was shocked because he was not informed of this technological advances. Emblazoned in golden red was the name Battlestar Titanic.

A project of this scale should at least enter his periphery of information

What he couldn’t expect was that Miria base were fitted with new technology that block electronic hacking by the Analyst.

It was a top secret project when the Battlestar was forged underground with only a few people in the know.

Meanwhile, the ground soldier nearby the area where the Supreme General fall down moves cautiously approaching the corpse after they finished cheering.

They do not know that right now, three Battlestar is approaching or that their victory is short-lived.

A greater battle is about to unfold. The ground unit is led by a blond person with blue eyes and wearing a power suit

It was a Commander by the name of Theon. Looking at the destruction wrought only by one person fills his heart with terror. But it is thankful that person is already dead.

‘Approach the corpse and take it for research.’ He orders his men below him. The others nodded.

They quickly abandoned the high ground and quickly rush towards the corpse. Theon look at the slowly calming skies and sigh.

Only half an hour. In half an hour, Titan was almost destroyed.

But in the end, the ancestor of Normies still bless their descendants. The Normies still have a chance to reclaim this era.

He smiles a proud smile before his smile faltered. The calm skies in his eyes roils again. And he had a bad feeling.

It was then, that the sky….crack.

Thunder boomed shaking the sky and lighting strikes the earth. The wind howls, the clouds turns to balls of crimson fire and the rain falls.

The howling winds turns to storms, the fire clouds rain down droplets of fire drops.

Panic filled Titan. It was a rain of fire. Then his receiver beep.

‘Commander, there is a problem with the corpse.’ A soldier speak up nervously.

‘What is the problem Big Bear?’ Theon answer the transmission

‘It is dissipating… into black mist’

‘Huh?!’ Theon was shocked.

The thunder boomed more intensely than before as the clear skies turns darker enveloping the whole of Titan.

Theon yelled

“RETREAT! RETREAT!’ As he bolted of as far as he can before he was strikes by a golden lightning.

Up in the sky, the crimson clouds merged and form a gigantic face.

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The face was looking down on the entire Titan. With the fire clouds forming the face it was like a ball of sun is about to descend and set aflame the entire Moon.

The heat withers the plants and causes the seas and lake in Titan to condense into gas.

For those soldiers who were not wearing their power suits they were squirming on the ground screaming how hot their bodies feel

Even some soldiers wearing his powered suit that should regulate heat effectively is sweating inside his power suit.

The face appearing in the sky is the Supreme General face.

‘Did you think I would die under your hands? You truly overestimate your abilities!’ The face laughed as his voice swept up the entire Titan.

The face laughed, his laugh reverberates through the entire Moon causing a vibration shockwave that makes all the people whether they were underground or in the surface to felt queasy and disoriented.

‘Now, that I have got the Spear I’m done playing!’

The face declares as a massive amounts of golden light exploded out from that face in the sky, spreading out in all direction coloring the skyscape of Titan into golden.

And then the face exploded into motes of small clouds as a person appeared bathed in golden color with dark mist coiling around his feet and hand like little snakes.

With the golden skyscape on top of his floating figure, the Normies felt like they were seeing the descent of a holy beings from celestial realm.

And he is coming down to deliver divine punishment. Many soldiers buckled their knees and lost the ability to even run, overcome by their fear and hopelessness.

Even after all that, even after we throw everything….it was useless? This was the thoughts of every soldiers in Titan.

No soldiers in any world would like to fight an unkillable existence. As long as the enemies can be killed, soldiers could sacrifice themselves for their country or their belief.

But what use sacrificing themselves or fighting a battle where they already knew the outcome. It is nothing more than a senseless massacre.

And this is what the Supreme General is intending to do by descending down from the sky. A senseless and brutal massacre of the Normies

The soldiers knew it and the Supreme General has never hidden his motive about it.

It is why they are overcome by fear. To accept one death with such ending is hard to accept. But they knew they had to accept it since resistance is futile.

Thus the fear. The unresigned expression on their face.

‘Today, our era ended’ said an old man before he combusted an exploded into charred meat. The heat was too much for him

Up on the sky, Azief smiles as his clones had already fulfilled his objectives. After 35 minutes his clone body has dissipated coinciding with the completion of his phase two.

This plan has been concocted a few days ago. He knows even if he was in Disk Formation, being hit by a fragment of the All Source would mean his doom.

Thus, he uses the same trick he sues on the Asura. When he first fought an enemy stronger than him he uses this technique of his to trick that Asura leaving the World Orb.

Now, he uses that classic technique again. His preparation and craftiness pays off. While he was the Supreme General he never once hinted that he could split himself into two.

Phase two began when he destroys the space station.

He knows that the satellites could see his movement and the Analyst could hack many electrical devise which is why he disguises himself even in his own Battlestar.

He needs to do it in space and near Titan since he had only thirty five minutes windows of opportunity.

If he split himself when he was in the hackable free base on Earth before he enter Titan space his clone would have dissipated.

Miria skills is undoubtedly one of a kind but Azief will always err on the safe side.

When the space station exploded amidst the large explosion that will surely interfere with the visibility of the nearby satellites so it was then he uses Shadow Clones.

His clone possess only half of his power but Azief deem it is enough to get the Source Fragment and lure out the Five Supreme Potentates on using the spear on him.

When he splits himself, his real self with his fastest speed he almost broke the speed of light as he flew and hides himself in a nearby space rock shielding himself from the satellites surveillance.

He uses his Shadow Haste and Shadow Escape to boost his flying speed and with the dark aura shielding him, he blends with the darkness of space.

The moment he spotted the Battlestar Fleet in the Moon he quickly enters Titanic using the secret hatch that Miria has created for him and met Will.

By that time his clone was fighting in Titan while he was talking about other parts of the plan and phase three with Will while sipping coffee.

If the people he is fighting is evolved being like him he might not split himself like that since when his clone dies he would also feel half of his pain.

But he was only fighting mortals.

Who would have thought the pain of the spear was truly excruciating.

The moment his clone dies Azief was almost stunned in pain in the outer space and nearly collapsed.

Thankfully he managed to grab the spear and stores it in his storage bag. Even holding it Azief could feel its energy.

Azief has already had plans for that piece of the All Source

And then phase two is nearly completed. Getting the Spear was the first step.

This weapon is too perverted. Azief could not let such weapon in Normies hand when he is clearly the enemies of Normies.

It was also the reason why he only creates one clone and even left many chinks in his defense.

He even exited the same way from where he enter the ground just to lure the Five Supreme Potentates to kill him.

And just like that his plan worked like a charm.

The only thing he did not expected was that his clone would try to experience the power of the ALL Source.

But Azief understand. If he was there he would also did what his clones did. After all the clone is part of him and has his personality.

When they die they return back into Azief body. They share the same traits and personalities.

But now, since half of phase two is completed now Azief has to finish it. He could felt the despair from the people below and how heart crushing this sock relay is.

The Normies had just mistakenly believed they have won, and their morale was at its highest only to find out their hope is nothing but an illusion.

Meanwhile, The Five Supreme Potentates in the War Room was shocked and stunned before the Consul falls down to the floor almost fainting.

The Analyst the most rational one could felt his heart beating so furiously that it would seem like it would jump out from his body.

The Diplomat look at the screen before sighing. He take a drink of wine and then got up a she exited the room

‘It’s over’ he whisper as he left the room.

The Architect is still barking order this time coordinating attack to the combined attack of the Battlestar fleet and this impossible revival of the Supreme General.

But all people inside that room knows….they have lost. The Historian could not believe it as he clutches his hair and began ripping it

‘How could that be? He was clearly dead. He…could he split himself into two? This is too ridiculous! How could we ever win as long as such existence exist? What good all of our knowledge, our advancement when we met such being of unlimited power?’ He raved maniacally as he runs out the door.

Only a few of the Five Supreme Potentates mange to calm themselves.

They were not calm because they could find a way out from this predicament. They were calm because they have accepted it.

This era and the era after that will not belong to them or their descendant anymore.

As long as that monster exist, Normies had no chance of rising up. The Consul has also realized that he was being baited to kill the Supreme General.

‘No wonder, it was so easy’ the Architect muttered and the Consul smiles bitterly. That what strike the Consul to be weird when the spear managed to pierce the Supreme General heart.

It was too easy. Anticlimactic battle that was what he thought at the beginning. But the truth was that he was dancing inside the Supreme General palm

‘He hides deeply’ the Consul thought.

Never in his wildest dream could he have known that the Supreme General could split himself and still retains his abilities.

This defies the conservation principles of energy of Evolvers physiology that states one Evolvers regardless of the unique state of their body whether possessing two abilities at the same time or not when that energy is split, the other part will possess none or only one third of the body abilities.

The display of that clone of his clearly was overwhelming to the extreme.

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Either the Supreme General could split himself and retain his abilities or that clone abide by that law and only possess one third of the original body abilities which would only seek to demoralize the Consul.

Since if even one third of his power was that strong, then the original body would surely possess an otherworldly strength.

Of course how could the Consul knows that Azief was not truly an Evolver instead of using other types of enhancement provided by the World Orb that combines the Path of the Jade palace, the mastery of Runes of Asgardian, the Eternal Armaments crafting of the Olympians and many other abilities.

How could the Consul thought travel that far?

The Five Supreme Potentates was used to being on top of the world and so they were confident in their plans since they were never defeated.

Complacency was their true enemy.

Azief while he knows that he is stronger than any person in this Earth 39 he never underestimated his enemies.

He learns this form Sasha and he has never forgotten ever since. Even if he is crushing an ant e will use his full force.

Thus, today conclusion is written. History would record this defeat as the begging of the golden age of Evolvers.

Normies era has ended.

Azief knows this in his heart and the five figures that rules the Normies civilization has accepted it.

The Consul, the Architect and the Analyst knows they will perish here. They know the Supreme General leaves no survivor.

Especially them.

The Historian and Diplomat is still in the stage of denial.

The Consul get up as he look at the screen showing the Supreme General floating in the sky looking down all beneath him like they were ants and he laughed.

‘Domineering. HAHAHA. He is truly domineering. To be defeated by such opponent I don’t know if I have to feel thankful or not?’ He ask looking at the Architect. He might perish today, but he will die the way he always was…with pride

The Architect smiles.

He is a worthy opponent. His strength, his mind and tactical decision far outstripped mine. I have no complaints.’

He said looking at the screen as he put down his transmission device. His last order to the military is only one word


The Analyst Thinking throne floats to the Consul and the Architect as he ripped the wires connected to his brain and the chaotic images of surveillance and information stop appearing inside his eyes.

‘You were unlucky. If not for his strength I doubt he could beat you’ The Analyst said as he stepped down from the Thinking Throne.

His feet wobbles a bit as the Consul held him up

The Consul understand why the Analyst ripped the wires and come down from his Thinking Throne.

At least if he is going to die, he is going to die as himself and not as the information tools of the World Nobles.

In a way all of the Five Supreme Potentates is the tools of the elders of the world nobles.

‘Gaius, this is the end of Normies era. You once promised me that in your generation you would make sure that Normies and Evolvers will coexist. I believe in you. Yet, decades has passed. Nothing changed.’

The Analyst said to the Consul. This was the first time since they became the Five Supreme Potentates that the Analyst calls the Consul with his real name.

‘Himura’ The Consul said with a sigh.

‘The world was not as easy as I thought it would. The divide….I could not change it. I could only flow with it just like my father and his father before him’

‘Don’t blame him, Himura.’ The Architect said as he pats Himura back

‘Rafael.’ Himura said looking at the Architect.

‘He did his best. The reality was the Normies and Evolvers ultimate war has been decided long ago. In the end, this outcome is expected. We expected that we would the one emerging victorious. The only thing the Elders didn’t anticipate is that our oppression and suppression that should have destroyed the Evolvers to become Normies slave in body and soul instead created the current situations.’

Rafael said as he saw on the screen, the Supreme General is descending down. He let himself forgets his impending doom as he continues

‘They did not bent and they did not break. They grow stronger like steel after being forged by fire. But we could still won. We have the legacies of thousands of years behind our back, legacies of knowledge and power but ….the appearance of that monster bring the Normies to the apocalypse of our own doing.’

‘Ha.Ha. Hahahaha.’ Himura laughed as he look at the screen. And then as the waves of golden power washed them, they died
