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Lord Shadow

Chapter 174: That lonely back (1)
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Under a bamboo tree, there is an old beggar that is sitting on the hard ground; in front of the old beggar is a bowl.

In the bowl there are a few silvers and coppers. The Old Beggar did not ask nor did he beg. Yet, people still offers some silver and coppers.

People called him the Old Beggar of the Bamboo Grove. A few weeks ago a dungeon appeared here.

With Arrayist Master Lee Sangmin creating a Trapping Array on the area and seal the monsters, it has become a dungeon and countless low level users flocked here to strengthen themselves.

As the monster did not pose threats to Energy Disperse Stage user, the upper echelons of the Empire of Japan did not intend to monopolize it and all users can come and kills monsters.

As monsters are limited and do not regenerate easily the amount of monster in the area has decreased.

Even now they are still people researching where did this monster originate from and how do they regenerate.

Some researchers have concluded that low level monster seems to regenerate faster and that rate of regeneration also dependent on the geography of certain place.

But there are also some monsters that do not regenerate. This includes the monster from Legendary rank to Ultimate.

Such prime example is the White Dragon that used to be on top of the Peak of White Mountain in the false Earth.

Then there is also the Black Dragon on the Volcanic Mountain Range.

When they returned back to Earth Prime the World Government quickly found this titanic monster slumbering.

The Black Dragon is on top of Mt Vesuvius in Italy. The Mountain itself had changed when they returned.

Not only the mountain becomes taller, it is on par with Mount Everest. Experts says that if the Volcano erupted the entire Italy would be covered in ash, smoke and volcanic lava.

Other than that, monsters regenerate in many places helping humanity growth.

As the wars are being prohibited right now to fend off the coming invasion of Weronians, the world is relatively at peace with some exterminating monster guild formed all over the world.

Most of them will disband after finished fulfilling their objectives.

Most of them seem to hunt high level monster in a raid like system. Even though some monsters are way above their level, with numbers, they could even defeat a Legendary rank monster.

In this dungeon that Lee Sangmin created, there are two legendary monsters. A Tengu and a Wolf Demon.

Both of them are yokai.

Researchers attributed this kind of monster appearance to the geography.

It seems that the World Orb created monster based on the lore of tat specific culture.

In Europe there is a lot of monster usually found and depicted in fantasy stories like ogres, orcs, and beastly monster.

Many of the guilds that were formed after the Fall to reap the benefits after killing the monsters flocked here, wanting to kill the Tengu and Wolf Demon.

But what has this got to do with the Old Beggar?

When the Old Beggar first arrived, no one pays him any attention other than a few people that pity him.

Yet, he rejected food and accept only silver and copper. He would not accept gold. People remarked that the Old Beggar is eccentric.

But then when Major Arno and the White Witch Giselle came here to subdue the Tengu the Old Beggar stop them and whispers something to the White Witch.

Major Arno wanted to stop the Old Beggar and even created a Steel chain that exploded out from the Earth to bind the Old Beggar from moving yet the Old Beggar dodges the chain effortlessly.

With one slap of his hand, the chain turns to dark smokes like its element was transformed from solid to gaseous substance.

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It drew the attention of the nearby onlooker as they were shocked to see that the Old Beggar could easily dodges Major Arno who was in Energy Disperse Stage Middle Realm and even neutralizes his attack with such a simple slap.

Arno was shocked and alarms rang inside his heart but he was unable to move when the Old Beggar wanted to whisper something to the White Witch.

It was like he was under a spell.

The onlooker all understands something. It seems they underestimated the Old Beggar. He is actually an expert.

The White Witch while she was shocked was jolted scared and terrified after listening to the whispers of the Old Beggar.

Nobody knows what the Old Beggar whisper to the White Witch but her face was pale and her hand was trembling furiously after she heard the Old Beggar words.

She then orders Major Arno to accompany her back to the World Council Headquarters on the new Island of Peace somewhere in the Mediterranean leaving the entrance of the Dungeon and did not return.

Since then, people have been giving the Old Beggar sitting under the bamboo a few cooper and silver.

Sometimes if there is some danger the Old Beggar would get up from his sitting spot and help the unlucky users using his staff.

Today, there were a few guilds that try to subdue the Tengu and the wolf Demon but all were inflicted terrible injuries.

But there were no casualties as the Old Beggar arrived and help the people from getting killed.

They all expressed gratitude and the status of the Old Beggar in front of the entrance of the Dungeon rose again.

Nowadays, all users that came here shows respect as they walk past the Old Beggar. Those who wanted to give alms can give those who don’t want to don’t have to.

But the people here also perplexed at the Old Beggar. The old Beggar could clearly kill those two legendary rank monsters yet he did not.

Instead of killing the monster he seems to be content sitting under the bamboo tree and begging.

Some people speculate that the Old Beggar might be a Seed Forming low realm expert or an Energy Disperse Stage High Realm expert thus he is not interested in fighting such low rank monster.

At least to those high level experts Legendary rank was not as beneficial for their leveling like the low level users.

They were also perplexed that such a powerful person is not famous.

After the Battle at the World Council Island, there were some people that shot to famous status.

This all started from the Battle of the Gods that started with the Prince fighting the Nightingale Sasha.

At the time Sasha was not the Nightingale but a Seed Forming Realm expert. Their battle crushed mountains and hills and created tremors all over the false Earth.

In that battle Sasha lost and ran to the Forest Region where the High Lord of the Forest Alliance Arrayist Lee Sangmin held off the Prince using the Formation he constructed.

In that battle The Prince establishes his status as the world number one expert and the world strongest man.

Then there is the battle of the Prince with the Seven Fairy.

Seven powerful Energy Disperse Stage expert could not even withstand the prince might in a few bouts thus showing to the world the gap between a Seed Forming expert with Energy Disperse Stage expert was like the difference between Heaven and Earth.

They were almost killed if not for the mercy of the prince who accepted them as his subordinate at least that is how the stories go among the people.

But the people in the know that the Prince was schemed against and nearly get duped and suffer a great loss.

The Sven Fairy wanted protection against the Beast Horde and the prince accepted.

By that time and after this repeated showing of might and invincibility the Prince faction were threats to all the organizations in the world.

The schemes that were laid for the Prince to fall into did not happen at least that is how it seems but it actually worked.

The League of Freedom while one of their objectives was foiled but they managed to wake the world and view the Prince faction with suspicious eyes.

And as long as they look towards the growth of the prince faction, the League of Freedom could bide their time as they grow silently.

That was the grand scheme. And the Prince knows but he can’t do anything about it since he could not force or change what people think of him.

If the Seven Fairy as the Prince subordinates is not enough for the whole world to be wary of the Prince faction then there is also the White Tiger Wang Jian who Loki saves from demise in China.

He possesses artifacts from head to toe, the artifact of Sun Wukong. With it he reigns supreme in the battlefield, wining battle after battle.

It is ironic that the story version of Sun Wukong were rebellious but Wang Jian is a loyal person and win battles for the Prince faction making it easy for the Prince to do other things.

Then there is Loki the Trickster who is full of schemes and widely regarded as the advisor of the Prince.

Many people did not want to tangle with this kind of person who is slick and cunning.

Then there is the Divine Archer who possesses the Houyi Bow and has a powerful long range attack and rumored to the Prince woman.

But she is also associated with General Raymond of the World Council.

There is also the fact she is an Energy Disperse Stage expert that could fight toe to toe with some of the powerful people in the world.

Then there is aloes Genius Alchemist Sina who could create miraculous pills and strengthen the low level users and boost their potentials, creating a powerful army in the fastest time possible.

And with the Seven Fairy and even Sasha joining the Prince the entire world was frightened with this lineup.

The only other organization in the world that could match this abundance of experts and talents is only the Revolutionary Army and the World Council.

But the culmination of this event eventually leads to the battle at the Island of Peace. All the world knows the story as it is an example of brotherhood and heroic deeds.

To save his sworn brother, the Prince went to confront the World Council demanding that his brother released and with the refusal of the President of the World Council, a small war erupted on the Island.

The Prince faction also welcomed two more experts, the Immortal Couple into their fold and The Dark Speedster who used to work with the Royal Family of Britain and under the World Council were revealed to actually be the sworn brother of the Prince and a spy.

With all this revelations and scheme revealed to the world, the great experts of the World Council try to fight off the Prince with even Raymond and other experts try to persuade the Prince to see the greater picture.

The result?

The teleportation Formation was activated and President Hirate activated the Council lifesaving treasures

A great battle then ensues as the world stood watching the secret broadcast with everyone knowing that the result of the battle will surely change the situations of the world.

The Island was split into two as the lifesaving treasures of the World Council were destroyed by a great saber slash that was capable of rendering the Heaven and Earth apart.

With Halos of Ring on top of the Prince head when he temporarily broke through to Disk Formation, it was almost like the Prince was a divine existence the moment he brings down his saber down to the island.

The Island broke and the world experiences tsunamis and earthquakes.

The day the myth of the World Council invincibility was broken, the people following the Prince all shot to stardom and were viewed by many as a threat and war potential that could wipe out hundreds and even thousands of low level user with only two or three people.

But this Old Beggar figures is unrecognizable. How could such a powerful person could be such low profile?

Evening came and the sun is setting. Sighing, the guilds walk back to the nearby in as they said farewell to the Old Beggars.

Night came and only the sound of the wind accompanied the Old Beggar who was sitting down in an uncouth manner in front of his begging bowl.

The Beggar brings out something from his Storage Pouch. It was a wine bottle. He then brought out a wine glass.

And after scanning the area with his divine sense and confirming there is no one nearby he pour the wine into the wine glass.

It was a red wine. Then putting down the wine bottle he drinks the wine inside the wine glass with a satisfied expression on his face.

The bamboos grove here grows thick and strong giving shades to cool down the summer heat while letting in beams of sunshine during winter for warmth.

The Old Beggar was relaxing feeling the peace when suddenly a voice broke through the silence.

‘Still playing this kind of game, Loki?’ It was a girl voice, but it was cold and severe.

Loki smirk as he instantly knows who is seeing through his disguise and spoke to him with such familiarity.

Coming out from the bamboo grove, illuminated by the moonlight a child with a pale face appears a few hundred meters in front of Loki.

‘Beautiful’ Loki unconsciously said before his cheek grows red as he realizes he said it out loud.

Loki has always felt while Morgana is a little cold and mysterious,but she was beautiful.

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Not in an objective way but in the way her personality seems to overwhelm others.

After all there are many beauties after the Fall since by leveling up and becoming stronger the hidden potential inside a person body would be unleashed.

Someone who really cares about beauty would find some items or pills to change their appearances or weight.

‘Morgana. Do you not understand rejection? I’m not interested in your plan?’ Loki said looking a little miffed as he waves his hand and a single wind gale as sharp as blade flew to Morgana.

The pressure of the wind blade causes the wind inside this bamboo grove area to halt.

If this wind blade collided with Morgana body then Morgan would be sliced to a thousand pieces.

Morgana did not move or activated any items but a suction force suddenly appeared from the sky as Morgana bodyguard Louise appears from the sky and sucking the wind gale into his large gourd.

The moment Louise landed in front of Morgana the wind gale has been neutralized by Louise as he slightly pants in exhaustion.

‘The wind gale was very powerful’ he remarked inside his mind as the wind in the area blows normally again.

Morgana smiles that malevolent smile again as she look at Loki in amusement.

‘Trying to kill me, dear husband?’

She asks but there is no hint of coyness in her voice.

Loki shrugged as the wrinkles of his face slowly transformed into a smooth skin and Loki face transform entirely into a young man in mere moments.

He now wears a silk golden robe looking like a royal noble young master as he smiles.

‘I just want rats to show themselves.’ He replies looking uninterested in the reason they are coming here.

He then sits like a thug looking bored as he scratches his chin.

The five feet tall girl walks a step when Loki flicks his finger and a powerful compressed air shoots out as a hole were created a few feet forward from Morgana.

‘That distance is enough.’ Morgana green eyes look at Loki coldly. With his red tight robe she seems to be a monster of the night.

After all that red tight robe is made from human skin and bloodlust aura constantly emanated from her the moment Loki attacked her with the wind gales.

The book behind her back bounded with silver metal chains is furiously shaking like it wanted to be let out.

‘Shut up!’ Loki scolded and this scold of his was filled with primordial energy from his Soul as the Investiture of the First Race on the back of Morgana suddenly stop shaking and become like an ordinary book.

Its black aura was suppressed as it recognizes the soul power.

Loki might not be a Sovereign now and do not possess his godly means and his Dominion and Domain but his soul was forged and grinded by Time and experience.

Not even Time Travel could erase the mark of his hardship and experience he accumulated from his soul.

If he time travel and his memories were erased of course he would not have this pressuring effect from his soul but Sofia and Time God when they sent Loki back to the past decided to preserve the power of his soul.

And this has helped Loki tremendously in achieving many of his objectives.

‘You!’ Morgana almost shouted when Loki calm face contorted into an angry expression and the silhouette of the God of Deceit could be seen materializing from the aura of his soul and like a powerful gust, it causes both Morgana and Louise to feel their Orb cracking.

‘Hey!’ And Loki pointed a finger to Morgana and in that moment killing intent rises up from Loki heart.

BOOM! Both Morgana and Louise felt like there was an explosion in their consciousness as one of their Orbs exploded.

That pointed finger was infused with the killing intent of a former Sovereign.

To put it into perspective it was like the Universe extending its finger to push the entire weight of Universe to you and Morgana and Louise both coughed blood and retreated a few steps backward.

‘Sovereign are God’ This statement once again reinforces itself in Louise mind as he wipes the blood on the corner of his mouth as he pooped some pills into his mouth to quickly stabilizes his body.

Then Loki glared at Morgana

Louise was alarmed as he reaches his hand to his gourd when Loki slaps his hand to the ground and shouted

‘Kneel!’ And like that, unconsciously Louise kneels unable to get up.