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Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 643 His Reverse Scale (1)
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A series of explosions filled the area near the periphery of the Regis Estate.

The Regis Special Force and Rantz, the Archmagus Layla left to deal with the Regis, were currently engaged in range warfare.

Arrays, with formulas focusing on range magic attacks, hovered above the Regis Outer Walls. Each of these arrays gathered different types of magic energies, which would then convert into concentrated magic energy beams that bombarded Rantz's side.

Seeing the Regis Clan employed such powerful range-focus attack arrays, Rantz and the leaders from different noble families under the Crown Princess's army were dumbstruck. They had known the Regic Clan had a number of combat mages and Abjurers, but it was their first time seeing them rely on Arrays when attacking— not that there was any instance in the past hundred years or so that they ended up in a war.

In any case, the unexpected appearance of these range-focus attack arrays threw Rantz's plan into disarray.

Initially, they wanted to overwhelm the Regis Special Force with their sheer number of Grand Master mages and combat mages after confirming they were the only ones left in the Regis Estate. For this reason, Rantz ordered their people to split into four groups, targeting the Regis Estate on four sides.

However, as soon as these four groups closed in, those range-focus attack arrays appeared and relentlessly bombarded them. Moreover, the concentrated magic energy beams that shot out from these arrays had the power output of an Exalted— maybe even a Magus! An impossible feat if a mere Array Specialist created these arrays.

Thinking back on it, Rantz was convinced that there was more than one Array Master— no, not just a Master but likely a Saint— among the Regis Special Force.

That was correct. Rantz was aware of Array Saints because he was one of those people who managed to find the Tower of Tribulations.

It was his guarded secret, which, surprisingly, Layla did not discover even after she used Soul Scan to check his soul.

With Rantz's knowledge and experience inside the Tower of Tribulations, he could see and understand more of what was currently happening in the empire. He also knew the situation was not as simple as the Crown Princess enacting control over the Regis Clan, who dared shelter a mage possessing Forbidden Magic.

Because of this, Rantz admitted feeling a little reluctant to follow the Crown Princess's orders. As a matter of fact, the Crown Princess kept him by her side because she sensed his reluctance.

Nevertheless, Rantz was a mage of the Royal Family. He had an obligation, a responsibility to fulfill. Since Emperor Euan gave the Crown Princess full authority to dispatch them Archmaguses, then as one of them, Rantz could only follow.

Rantz was deep in thought while watching the projection, showing all four forefronts inside a makeshift tent. Soon after, messengers from all forefronts rushed inside, sounding aggrieved.

"Archmagus Rantz, it is impossible to advance with those arrays' relentless attacks," one of the messengers reported.

Rantz snapped out of his reverie and looked at the messengers. They all wore plain gray robes, and he honestly could not see their faces because they were wearing a mask covering half of their face— from nose to chin. Though only one of them had spoken, the rest nodded in agreement.

Obviously, all four groups were facing the same problems.

"The Cheever Family asks Archmagus Rantz to forge a path for our forces," another messenger said.

Rantz did not respond. He simply looked at them. Apparently, his attention had yet to return to the present fully.

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When Rantz remained silent even after waiting for almost half a minute, the four messengers looked up at him questioningly.

"Archmagus Rantz?"

"Is there anything—?"

"Have you found who is leading the Regis Special Force?" Rantz finally reacted before the latter messenger could finish his question.

"Due to the arrays, our scouts also failed to advance," another messenger replied.

Rantz scowled at the messenger, "What are the scouts thinking wanting to advance from the forefront? Can't they even find a gap from the uncovered areas and enter the estate?"


The four messengers exchanged awkward looks among themselves. Truth be told, the acting leaders in the forefront did not seem keen on dispatching the scouting team and wanted Archmagus Rantz to make a move himself.

This mindset was not because they feared the Regis Special Force or were not invested in this operation like the other noble families attacking the rest of their enemies. The reason they wanted Rantz to move was because doing so would reduce the effort they had to pour in and also save their resources.

Sensing the messengers' awkwardness, Rantz did not pursue the matter. Instead, he turned and left the tent.

The Cheever Family was one of the older noble families in the empire. Although they were not well known, they were among the few who had been supporting the Winfrey Family for a long time. Since they asked Rantz to make a move, he had no choice but to comply. If not, the Crown Princess would definitely know he was not doing his job properly.

An aide approached Rantz as soon as he stepped out of the tent and asked, "Archmagus Rantz, let us know where you are heading."

The aide was the one who would arrange Rantz's transportation.

"There is no need," Rantz replied, and without waiting for the aide to say more, he flew up and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

On the Regis Special Force's side, the use of the range-focus attack arrays was proposed by Abe. Then the placement of the Regis Special Forces was decided by Zeniff and Greer.

Truthfully, Abe, Zeniff, and Greer only planned to drag the battle using Jared's attack arrays. However, after the incident with White Lily, and Nolan's advancement, Jared and the Regis Elders decided to act proactively.

At that moment, only two squads were in the Regis Estate's Outer Wall. Most of them were Abjurers with Array Knowledge. Jared was also with them, maintaining the attack arrays.

As for four enemy groups, four squads of twelve Regis Special Force members were dispatched to infiltrate from the rear.

For the remaining squads, three squads of ten went to the Lumley Family's Residence; two squads of ten went to the Tower of Conclave; and lastly, one squad of eight went to Noser.

They had yet to receive an update from their allies, but Jared and the Regis Elders thought it best to send their people to check the situation on those ends and act accordingly. Their numbers might be small, but some were beast tamers.

The beasts could be added to their numbers.

Jared approved all of their actions mainly because he knew that although they were in a stalemate, the truth was they were on the losing side.

This was the conclusion he and the Regis Elders came up with after analyzing the situation of all their allies.

In any case, they had to deal a blow on the enemy's number as much as possible.

Myst was among the members who were dispatched to where Rantz was staying. As soon as he confirmed the latter's departure, he contacted the rest and informed them.

"Big Crow had left the lair," he reported.

"Copy that."

"Finally, they want to break the stalemate."

"But can he really break it? I mean, we're talking about Master Jared's offensive array here."

"True. I haven't seen anyone who can break Master Jared's array."

"What are you talking about? There's Master Cade."

"Oh, right."

"Ah, but Master Cade specializes in defensive arrays, right? So, it is pointless to match them up."

"I heard Young Master Kyran can also create arrays."

"Hmm... does he specialize in defensive arrays or offensive?"

Myst sighed inwardly after hearing the conversation of his members through the communication device. These guys did not appear to be nervous at all! It seemed he had to educate them when everything was over.

In the meantime, he had to remind them of something.

"You guys... don't use the channel to talk cr*p. This line is connected with the Elders."

"Oh, sh*t."

"Err... we didn't say anything wrong, right?"

"Oi! Change the frequency!"


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There was a static sound before the line turned silent.

With another exasperated sigh, Myst said, "I'm sorry about that. I'll be sure to teach them... later."

From another end of the line, Eleanor stifled a laugh and said, "It is fine, Myst. Knowing they are not nervous and even looked up to Master Cade, Master Jared, and even Young Master Kyran helped ease the tension from our old bones."

Jared cleared his throat, "Ahem, I know you guys knew I was here, too. Please don't put me in the same league as my brother and nephew. Those two are monsters."


"Going back on topic," Jared continued, deliberately changing the subject. "When Big Crow arrives, I'll handle him. After that, commence with the operation."

"Roger, that."

The leaders of each squad respond in unison.

After about two minutes, Rantz arrived at the forefront. Using only his raw energy, his body erupted with magic pressure that swept through the surroundings.

In an instant, the barrier the Grand Masters on his side was maintaining crumbled, and some were forced to their knees.

When Rantz exploded with his magic pressure on Jared's side, the barrier Mannick created activated and absorbed its force. It also protected Jared's attack arrays. But in return, the attacks were forced to stop.

Still, the faces of every Regis member with Jared paled after they felt the aftershock.

Jared was not fairing well, either. His level was not much different from those with him, and his only advantage was his higher Array attainment. If not for the enhancements he placed on his coat, he would have vomited a mouthful of blood from that!

"Are you kidding me? That force is only his magic pressure?"

Jared heard one of them mutter behind him.

"That is nothing," he replied. "He is not even using the magic energies in the surroundings yet. Only his own."

The expressions of the members behind him turned grim.

"Master Jared, maybe it is better for us to go out there and probe him first."

"No need," Jared rejected their suggestion. "I'm going out."

Without waiting for them to say more, Jared had already moved.

Rantz was still three hundred meters from the Regis Estate's Outer Wall. He did not attack the arrays since they had already stopped. Instead, he looked at the barrier around the estate with a slight frown.

This barrier was obviously different from the one reported inside the Regis Estate's Inner Wall. He also found it strange that it activated with his magic pressure but not when their side attacked.

Before Rantz could dwell on the matter, he saw a figure exit from the gates.