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Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 562 Enter The Fray (3)
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After meeting with Myst and Raya, Kyran warped to where Neo was at once. However, the scene that greeted them reeled in shock.

"This..." Kyran's expression turned grim as he looked at the bodies that littered the floor.

Raya could not help but swallow in fright while Myst's mouth hung open in shock.

Kyran knew he had programmed Neo to kill anyone that discovered his identity. But this was something he did not expect. Not that Neo did not have the capability of mass murder...

Kyran tilted his head to one side, feeling slightly uneasy at the thought he just had. He should probably review the emergency action code he installed in Neo; otherwise, he might inadvertently create a real killing machine.

In any case, the matter of Neo becoming a killing machine was unimportant right now. Because Kyran warped to where Neo was, apart from the remnant energy it had, confirming that it had been in this place, Neo was clearly nowhere to be seen.

"Young master, Raya can use his magic to recreate what happened here," Myst suddenly said, turning to Kyran before looking at Raya.

Kyran raised his brows and looked at them, "I haven't asked about your innate magic yet." He looked at Raya and added, "Can you really do that?"

Raya scratched his head and smiled sheepishly, "Well, my innate magic can be considered offensive and support type. I can do it, but it requires a huge amount of magic energy. I will need to..."

His voice trailed off as he sensed the magic energies in the surrounding became dense.

Kyran, who had raised his left hand to attract the magic energies, looked at Raya again and asked, "Will this be enough?"

Raya's brow twitched slightly.

A few months ago, this young master of theirs had his magic core sealed and was not allowed to attract magic energies because doing so could kill him. But now, simply raising his hand could attract them without affecting his body.

"Y-Yes... it's more than enough," Raya replied.

Myst shared the same feelings as Raya. After all, as someone who reported directly to Cade, he knew almost everything about Kyran. Frankly, when they saw him a few minutes ago, they already sensed how much he had changed, and that was not only in physical appearance.

Raya got to work at once, he roused his magic, and a fifty-meter radius light gold magic array appeared on the floor.

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Kyran's eyes narrowed when he recognized the magic array's runes.

'This is Memory magic!' he thought, recalling the only person he knew who possessed Memory magic was President Callan.

Kyran had no idea that among the Regis Clan, they also had someone who had Memory magic. Not only that, but based on the magic fluctuation in the magic array and concentration of magic energy, Raya's understanding of his magic was very high. It made Kyran wonder what Raya's mage level was. Because as far as Kyran knew, the Regis Special Force's uniform had the ability to conceal its wearer's mage level.

Little light golden orbs emerged from the magic array and passed through the corpses on the floor. After that, these little orbs converged and turned into a mist-like projection of the corpse.

Kyran now understood why Raya needed a large amount of magic energy. In order to sustain the form of these mist projections, he had to supplement them with enough magic energy.

Ten minutes later, Raya had already created a mist-like projection of every corpse on the floor. His eyes glowed silver, and he made circular motions with both hands. The magic array on the floor circulated, following his hand's movement.

Kyran observed the magic array and noticed that some of the magic runes on the array had disappeared and been replaced. It made him realize that Raya was performing a sequence of magic array formation.

Basically, instead of creating a new magic array, Raya used the same magic array and slightly changed its rune to create a new effect.

Kyran understood the reasoning behind Raya's action. If the latter had summoned a new magic array, the mist-like projection of the corpses would disappear. To avoid that, he kept the original magic array and only adjusted it to add a new effect.

When Raya stopped moving his hands, the magic array also stopped circulating, and the mist-like projections moved on their own. They seemed to re-enact the scene that happened before their death.

The three watched the whole scene in silence. They immediately noticed how most of the projection fell without seeing who attacked them.

"I don't think your man is among the corpse, young master," Myst commented. "If he were, we would have seen it."

"Not really," Kyran replied with a wry smile. "'He' is a puppet, so I don't think it will produce any 'memory.'"

Myst and Raya looked at Kyran with a blank expressions. Somehow, they were already numb to the latter's 'achievements.'

"Actually, it can, as long as my magic array picks up its magic energy," Raya told Kyran. "However, my magic cannot reproduce its form. Probably only a wisp of its movement but not a whole body projection."

Kyran looked at him and fell silent for a moment. Then he asked, "Can your magic produce any type of magic energy?"

Raya thought for a moment before replying, "I want to say yes. But my magic array can only recognize magic energies that I am familiar with."

"If not, then it can't produce it."

Raya nodded, "Yes."

"Neo's energy core had already circulated Void energy," Kyran replied. "You can't recognize it yet, can you?"

Raya scratched his head and said with a sheepish smile, "I don't think so. As a matter of fact, I don't think my magic can recognize Void magic energy even if I am already familiar with it."

"That's fine," Kyran replied and continued watching the scene before them.

At the latter end, their expressions turned nasty after seeing three powerful mages die in a manner different from the rest.

"Someone else came," Kyran said with furrowed brows. He looked at Raya again and asked, "Can you reproduce that person?"

Even before Kyran asked him, Raya had already adjusted his magic array's effect. However, even if he widened the magic array's range, he could not pick up any other magic energy.

"I can't find it," Raya said with a frown. Before he could say more, Myst suddenly looked on the ground and said, "Below. I sensed remnant magic energy below."

Raya immediately adjusted his magic array to also locate any magic energy below. However, the result was the same. He failed to project an image of the person.

"It's strange. Whoever killed these three is powerful enough to hide its presence below."

Myst shook his head, "I don't think that mage is hiding below."

After saying this, he roused his magic energy and spread his magic sense below.

Kyran did not say anything and let them investigate themselves. Frankly, he already checked below and discovered the remnant magic fluctuation Myst mentioned. However, he also failed to pinpoint its location. He also felt that the person was not exactly hiding below but that the person's magic attack only penetrated through the ground.

After a few minutes, Myst shook his head with a sigh of resignation, "I can't pinpoint it either."

"It's fine," Kyran said. "At least we know someone else came here and likely took my puppet."

Myst looked at him in concern, "Won't they realize it's a puppet?"

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"I... don't know. But, if they took my puppet, it means that person believed it was 'Tyr.'"

"Tyr?" Raya asked in confusion. "Like the disciple, Master Noir announced more than a year ago?"

"Yes," Kyran nodded and gave them a brief explanation of how it happened.

As Myst and Raya listened, their expression turned grim the moment they realized who had taken 'Tyr' and for what reason.

"If the Crown Princess's people took Neo, there is a good chance she is already out of that room," Kyran muttered.

The two heard him but did not understand what he meant.

"I have to take Neo back," Kyran continued before they could even ask what he meant. "But doing so will be tricky."

He looked at the corpse-- or to be precise, the lump of flesh and two corpses with missing heads-- on the ground.

"Whoever killed these three is likely someone whose mage level is higher than a Magus."

"An Archmagus?" Raya asked.

Unlike most people, the Regis family members knew there was a higher realm after a Magus.

"No," Kyran replied, shaking his head slightly, "I think it's that slumbering Legendary mage."

The two looked at him with a complicated expressions. Clearly, they were aware of that mage. They were the ones who found the information about him, after all.

"If that's true, then it explains why his magic seemed to come from below," Myst said.

Raya also nodded and said, "Yeah. It's because underground, there is a winding path of water."

"You mean that mage's innate magic is Water?" Kyran asked in surprise.


Kyran did not doubt their information. After all, his father was the one who told him about the Legendary mage's existence.

In any case, knowing that mage's magic was beneficial to him. He remembered that Tritus was also a Water mage. If that was the case, if Tritus and that mage clashed, the former might gain some insight to help him break through to the Legendary.

Thinking of this, Kyran began to formulate a strategy that, if he were not careful, would likely result in an all-out war.