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Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 532 Blitz: Saltare (1)
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Kyran was surrounded by several red, green, and yellow magic arrays in a blink of an eye. However, he did not attempt to dodge the attacks. It was not because he underestimated the offensive power of the soldiers' attacks but because he was busy monitoring the Montgomeray members' and sprites' movements.

Apparently, the Montgomeray had already completed what they needed to do and Kyran wanted to give them some leeway to move around the encampment by drawing the army's attention to himself.

That was right.

Kyran's sudden action was not because he was triggered by Gael's 'eradicate-his-clan' talk. Although he admitted, getting annoyed by the latter's extravagant claims.

Restraining and strengthened Fire magic attacks rained down on Kyran.

Not waiting for these attacks to hit, the soldiers nearby brandished their weapons, an assortment of cold weapons such as short swords, staffs, mace, daggers, spears and more.

Concentrated magic energy attacks flashed out from the blade or tip of their weapons and also went straight at Kyran.

When the first volley of magic attacks was only five meters away, a translucent purple barrier appeared, instantly covering a two-meter radius of space around him.

"Move back and stay on alert!" A grand master ordered and all the soldiers nearby jumped back.

Based on their experience, if several magic attacks collided on a magic barrier, a huge explosion would ensue, followed by a powerful shockwave. When that happened, if they got caught up in the aftershock and engulfed by the cloud of smoke, if the enemy survived then he could use it as a smokescreen and attack them.

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The soldiers immediately deployed their magic barriers to protect themselves from the explosion and aftershock.

However, contrary to their expectations, the explosion did not happen.

As soon as the magic attacks collided with the magic barrier, they heard crackling and sizzling sounds. After which the magic attacks seemed to disappear.

To be accurate, all the attacks disintegrated into the air.

This outcome immediately sent the soldiers, gaping at the enemy in shock.

Meanwhile, Kyran furrowed his brows inside the Void Barrier. His change in expression was not caused by the attacks but by his discovery of something amiss in three of the Montgomeray members, targeting the army's remaining supplies.

The task of the five Montgomeray members with the five sprites was to place Kyran's pre-made disc inside the army's storage rooms. The reason they needed five people to complete the task was that Kyran discovered five storage rooms where the army supplies were kept. Apparently, the army wanted to avoid a repeat of the Spirits' successful burning of their supplies because it was kept in one location. It was not hard to accomplish the task, which explained why Kyran only gave them a three-minute time limit. As for the sprites, they were only responsible to keep their human contractors 'invisible.'

When Gael was doing his pep talk, Kyran confirmed that there were only low-ranked officers standing guard outside these storage rooms. But now, these guards were replaced by High Masters. Aside from this, the sprites determined the latter few possessed innate abilities that could detect 'unseen entities.'

The sprites could roughly sense the range of their innate ability, but because of it, they could not leave the storage room. As for the other two, they managed to leave the storage room but could only hide in one of the empty houses nearby to wait for Kyran.

This situation gave Kyran a headache. Initially, he thought keeping six improved transmission scrolls was enough for their raid operation. Most of the scrolls were sent to Styx and his squad because they needed them more.

Alas, Kyran did not expect the army to keep their supplies in five locations. It was the main reason he could only give one scroll to the five Montgomeray members. As for the last scroll, he gave it to the other three, in case of emergency.

If they had more time scouting the encampment, they could have found a safe location to meet up and prepare an escape route. In any case, Kyran was confident that he could take them out of the encampment by utilizing his magic sense and warping ability. Unless someone in the army who, like Cade or Nolan, knew an array formula or even magic to counter his warp ability, Kyran would not have trouble warping to where the Montgomeray members were, and then warping out of the encampment.

But seeing the situation the three were in, Kyran knew he had to do something or they could end up getting into bigger trouble.

Kyran had two options. He could run amock to the point that the army had no choice but to focus all their forces on him and let the Montgomeray members and the sprites escape by themselves, or he could perform a continuous warping, taking them one after another, before warping back to their camp. However, even if Kyran chose the latter, the fastest he could accomplish this would be less than fifteen seconds. And even if he could do it, there was no guarantee the Montgomeray member he would take first would not suffer any side effects for getting warped around several times.

Kyran had improved his warping's stability which was why few people get nauseous when he takes them with him now. Unless he did it on purpose, they would no longer feel nauseous. But warping continuously would affect the stability whether Kyran wanted to or not.

Although the thoughts running through Kyran's head would normally take a lot of time to process, he only needed the amount of time it took for all the attacks raining down on him to end to complete his thoughts.

As soon as the attacks ended,  Kyran's eyes turned reddish-purple. Because he was wearing a mask and the color of his eyes was black, none of the soldiers who could see through the thin cloud of smoke noticed any change in his face.


Kyran increased the Void magic energy concentration of his barrier, before expanding it.

In a blink of an eye, the ground around him disintegrated, creating a huge pit.

"RETREAT!" The grand masters ordered.

But the soldiers need not be told twice. When they saw the barrier expand and passed through the grand master's corpse the enemy killed, disintegrating it into nothingness, their scalp tingled in fright and they retreated post haste.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Meanwhile, Gael who had returned to his tent to rest and replenish his magic reserves already run back to the open field.

When he saw the running soldiers, he suddenly had a bad inkling. Soon he found a purple sphere growing and increasing in size and was reminded of Dior's report about Kyran unleashing a similar sphere, which reduced the surrounding into a huge crater.

Without wasting any time, Gael made full use of his Magus strength and unleashed a very powerful magic pressure. Although he tried to avoid the soldiers nearby to ensure they could escape from the expanding purple sphere, those with low mage levels were unable to escape the pressure and fell to their knees.

Gael's eyes flashed red as he activated his domain. The shadow beneath his feet expanded at an alarming speed, turning the ground into a sea of shadow. Those soldiers who entered the shadow's range were pulled inside at once.

On another side, Imman had also returned. When he saw the commotion, he roused his magic at once. The ground trembled as boulders made of stone erupted forming a stone wall fifty meters away from the still-expanding purple sphere.

Gael saw the stone wall and knew it was done by Imman. However, he did not stop the influence of his domain and magic pressure. He approached the expanding sphere while spitting out the soldiers who fell into his domain a few hundred meters away.

"Grand Marshal! Please retreat! That sphere is strange, anything it touches would turn into nothingness!" A soldier warned Gael when he saw the latter jump on top of the rising stone wall.

"Follow Deputy Marshal Imman's orders," Gael told the soldier without looking, before jumping inside the stone wall.

"Grand Marshal!"

"Regroup and prepare for battle!" Imman ordered the soldiers as soon as he finished summoning a twenty-meter-high stone wall, barricading and disrupting the purple sphere's expansion.

The soldiers responded at once and regrouped with their squad. The grand masters also barked orders to get them into different formations.

Kyran raised his head when he sensed a somewhat familiar aura closing in on the edge of his Void Barrier. He recognized it as Gael and a small smile appeared on his lips. He was glad the latter was not like those cowardly leaders who would prioritize their lives and run instead of fighting the enemy head-on.

Since Gael came knocking on his doorsteps himself, Kyran would respond in kind. Besides, after what he had done to Zephyr, Kyran would definitely not let him off the hook. Gael also posed a threat to Kyran's connection with his Sigils, if the former learned how to combine the nature of his magic with restraining magic.

Kyran stopped the expansion of his Void Barrier and looked in the direction where Gael was, his eyes glinted malevolently.