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Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 527 Blitz: Respite (2)
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The whole place was lit up by fireflies that danced around the place.

Wooden cubicles, with one or two beds inside, lined up the walls. Almost all the beds were occupied by a human or a Spirit, while different types of small-sized Spirits moved about, taking care of their needs.

At the farthest end, Kyran saw Manti and the others forming a two-line while looking at a cubicle on the highest floor. Inside, three Water Sprites with aquamarine scales and glittering fins on their ears and feet, wore solemn expressions as they aimed their healing magic at the person lying on the bed. Even without using the connection he had with his Sigils, Kyran knew they were healing Zephyr.

The thought instantly made Kyran sigh inwardly. He felt as if Zephyr was fated to suffer every time he got involved with humans. The incident in the Shaiha Ruins, then the time they went to Hanaan, and the back at the Shaihay once again involving the Templar Code.

Now, this.

Kyran suddenly had the urge to help Zephyr advance his level to prevent him from suffering like this again.

"Greetings, Void Master," a Wind Sprite, with yellow-green scales, and translucent green wings stopped in his tracks and greeted Kyran as soon as he entered.

The Wind Sprite's voice was not loud. However, as if all Spirits inside had ridiculously sharp ears, they stopped and turned their attention to the entrance.

"Void Master!" They all exclaimed in both excitement and relief.

When the Montgomeray Family members heard this, those who only suffered mild injuries also looked at the entrance of the infirmary and bowed their heads in respect.


Some who could stand stood up before bowing their heads.



Even Bas, Manti, Mera, and Iss turned and looked at him.

[Aren't you one popular guy.]

Seeing everyone's reaction, True Void could not help teasing Kyran.

Kyran chose to ignore him and nod slightly to address everyone. After which, he immediately went toward Zephyr's cubicle.

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"Void Master," the Water Sprites greeted as Kyran arrived.

"I'll take it from here."


All of them bowed and left to assist the others.

"They restrained his movement and magic preventing him from escaping from a Magus's attack. That Magus's magic is also a little strange. It absorbed his blood and created a creature similar to him," Slith explained as she hovered at Kyran's right.

[That's not good. A Quilin's blood is very special. He possessed the legendary Unicorn's blood and also a dragon. Anything created using his blood will not have any problem receiving its own sentient.]

True Void voiced his concern.

Kyran furrowed his brows as he looked at Zephyr.

Zephyr lay on the bed and was breathing heavily. Reddish black veins could be seen all over his exposed skin. Because of these veins, Kyran had trouble sharing his healing abilities with Zephyr.

Hiss... Hiss...

Bas hissed toward Kyran as if saying something.

Kyran looked at him and did understand what he said. Apparently, the four of them heard what True Void had said. Thus, Bas confirmed that the Quilin created by the human Magus had been destroyed by Zephyr's attack.

[What did he say?]

True Void asked when he sensed Kyran's relief.

"The creature was destroyed though, so there is nothing to worry about," Slith added before Kyran could answer True Void's question.

True Void sighed.

[That's good... really good.]

"Still, we don't know why our healing magic isn't working on him. Void Master, can you tell?"

Kyran was not surprised that Slith and the other Spirits failed to understand Zephyr's condition. They were not that proficient in Human magic, after all.

"It probably has something to do with the nature of the Magus's magic," he replied without looking at her. "I'll take care of him myself, as for the others..." he paused before looking at Slith and asking, "How stable is this world?"

Slith looked at Kyran in surprise. But then she smiled and slightly shook her head, "As expected of the Void Master. Yes, this world is stable enough. We have used her Majesty's  Diadem as the medium."

True Void was surprised to hear Slith. He did not realize that the inside of the tent was actually a small 'world' created by the Spirits. He thought it was a spell or ability that Spirits had.

Kyran nodded his head, "Just in case, have your people on standby. I'll open my world for a few minutes. We have to take care of the wounded as soon as possible."

Slith was exhilarated when she heard him. She had heard from her elders about the Void Master's 'Void World.' One could say that it was also an artificial world like this infirmary, yet, it could also be considered genuine. Magic energy was present there, and people could grow any type of plant and raise livestock. Any living being who entered there could live there for years. The only downside was, anything naturally created and harvested there could not be taken to the real world.

Without asking any questions, Slith nodded and gathered all free sprites to be on standby.

When Kyran saw them, he slowly opened his Void World. However, just as a small fissure appeared in the infirmary, the whole place shook.

"Impossible!" Slith exclaimed in shock. As far as she knew, the Fae Queen's Diadem was a very powerful magic item. It could produce its own magic energy, making it a very good medium to create artificial worlds, albeit only a small ones. To think that it would show signs of cracking when Kyran had yet to open his Void World.

"Everyone, support the medium's magic energy supply!" Slith ordered the sprites at once.

All of them aimed their magic energy at a glittering item inside a golden orb embedded in the ceiling. Inside that orb was White Lily's Diadem, a small beautiful crystal crown made purely from morning dew. The sprites' magic energies gathered on the orb, supplementing the Diadem.

Kyran tried to widen the passage to the Void World, however, it aggravated the Diadem again.

"True Void," Kyran called out suddenly. He could not afford to delay further. Besides, he did not want the Spirits to be drained of their magic energies by supporting the Diadem further.

True Void sighed, "Seriously, you. What do you take me for? I am an Ultimate Weapon, not a magic energy bank!"

When they heard them they all felt excited. They knew about True Void being the previous Void Master's powerful magic weapon. But from what they heard, he had been missing for millennia. Surprisingly, the new Void Master had already found him!

All the sprites were ecstatic to finally be able to meet True Void!

Though True Void had complained, he still disengaged himself from Kyran and turned into miniature armor before flying toward the orb to supply it with magic energy.

The sprites who were excited to meet True Void were suddenly rendered speechless. Seeing his miniature form made them feel disillusioned. The previous Void Master's Ultimate Weapon did not look impressive.

But Kyran and True Void were not interested in what others thought. As a matter of fact, they did not notice their expressions. True Void was busy maintaining the infirmary's stability while Kyran opened his Void World.

After a few minutes, several figures rushed out from the fissure and appeared behind Kyran. Since the space in the cubicle was not large enough, the rest of the figures landed on the first level.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

When Kyran was sure he had taken them all out, he closed the fissure at once.

All the sprites looked at the figures that came out from the fissure warily.

"We more or less understand the current situation," a woman spoke beside Kyran. "Leave it to us."

Kyran looked at her and smiled apologetically, "Thank you, godmother."

The woman was none other than Anette, and the others that went out with her from the Void World were the rest of the Solum Tribe who had been living in the Void World all this time.

Earlier, Kyran had asked Anette's assistance in convincing the Solum Tribe to help him. He might have taken them away from the Myedeo plane, but when they all agreed to come with him, he promised not to take advantage of their unique abilities and Alchemy. Thus, he could not ask for their help directly. With Anette as the mediator, Kyran believed it would be easier to get his attention across. He only wanted their help in tending to their wounded and would never expose them.

An old man with long gray hair and a long white beard, wearing a light brown robe with strange symbol designs,  scowled at Kyran.

"Young man," he said. "You dare go back on your word? Even using my own daughter to coax us!"

Anette looked at the old man, who was the previous chieftain of the Solum Tribe, and her father, Atti. She had a strange look in her eyes as she said, "That's not what you said earlier. You said, he need only ask and all of you will happily agree to help!"

"Humph! I said no such thing!"

Another woman, who had the same green eyes as Anette, and short wavy light violet hair laughed softly as she looked at Kyran, "Ignore him. He's just shy."

Kyran looked at the woman and smiled. She was Anette's sister, Anaya.

"I am not!" Atti denied.

"Alright then, our bad," Anaya said and winked at Kyran.

Anette smiled but her expression turned solemn as she turned her attention to Zephyr. The rest of the Solum Tribe also looked at the other wounded people and spirits, their expressions filled with pain, as if recalling a certain situation they had once lived.

"Everyone," a middle-aged man wearing a similar robe to Atti except there was a violet tippet with embroidered golden symbols, proof of his status as the tribe's Chieftain. "Let us do our best in assisting, Ihra."

Kyran looked at the middle-aged man named Murad. Ihra was the title they gave him after saving them, their native language's term for a benefactor.

"Thank you," he said. "Tell me what you need. I'll have it ready."

"It's okay," Anette said while clasping a hand on his shoulder. "I'll handle this one."

Without giving Kyran a chance to refuse, all of them approached the spirits and asked for details. Anette and the rest of the Solum Tribe in Zephyr's cubicle also went down to join them.

Seeing that these people showed a certain level of respect toward Kyran, Slith and the rest of the sprites put aside their wariness and worked with them.

As for Zephyr, Anette sensed Kyran wanted to handle him himself, so she did not say anything.

Thus, for the next few hours, the Solum Tribe healed all the wounded.