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Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 503 Macabre (4)
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"Not with my magic sense. But with m-my own two eyes!"

Kyran had a bad feeling. True Void shared the same sentiment as he sat cross-legged in midair. They did not speak and only let Cyneah continue.

"A-After parting with you, I found myself in a c-carriage and t-there were people I don't know with me. But they didn't look like bad people and t-they were very respectful. W-We went to a place, with tall buildings. The whole place was buzzing with activity but t-there were still a few of people…" Cyneah shivered recalling the huge people in red that greeted 'her.' "Who greeted us. T-Two big m-men and a woman. Then the woman led us to an underground place. Her, me and t-this strict-looking woman I c-called Lira. T-The underground's hallway was very dark and at the end… there was a very big door, t-twin doors…." Cyneah's voice trailed off, and her whole body trembled with renewed zeal. She lowered her head and tightly held onto Kyran's coat before saying, "My thoughts as I stood in front of those doors… were very unsightly. I… kept thinking of wanting to control everyone. T-That all opposition s-should be... k-killed."

Kyran held Cyneah's hand and said, "That's not your thoughts. You don't have to worry."

True Void looked at Kyran with a complicated expression. Although, with the limitation of the armor's face, his expression only distorted slightly.

Obviously, Cyneah was talking about Haylee. It seemed while she was in her so-called sleep paralysis mode, her soul and Haylee's connected. It was not really impossible since they were one and the same. Which technically meant, Haylee's thoughts were also Cyneah's.

Of course, an essence may have their own way of thinking. But ultimately, they are still part of the original.

True Void paused for a moment after recalling how Cyneah and Haylee had been apart for many years. Could they have developed different personalities because of it?

Thinking of the two people True Void knew who had their essence lived away from their original selves for several years, Azaloth and Cade, he rejected the idea at once. Their essences still acted and thought like their original selves.

So what was the difference with Cyneah and Haylee? Was it because she was meant to be the next Soul Emperor, making her soul special?

Cyneah tightened her grip on Kyran's coat. She remembered 'her' talk with Lira and shut her eyes at once. Something dark hidden deep inside her seemed hardpress on surfacing in her memories. However, Cyneah stubbornly pushed it back while recalling what Kyran had just told her like a sacred mantra.

'That's not your thoughts. You don't have to worry.'

Yet. The words the woman named Lira had said kept haunting Cyneah.

'What about your father?'

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'Your Highness, I think you are being too complacent about your father. He is the emperor, and you must not underestimate his insights…'

Cyneah buried her face on Kyran's chest and said, "Nar… w-what will you do if I…end up not being the person you think I was?"

Kyran's heart sank. One of the things he feared was Cyneah realizing her connection with Haylee.

If Cyneah is the essence, and she starts to doubt her existence, Haylee can easily get rid of her. But if Cyneah is the original but also starts to doubt herself, Haylee might end up influencing her thoughts.

"You're Neah… Cyneah. And that will never change. At least, not to me, or your master, or Zephy," Kyran told her while pulling her close. It was not the first time he had held her in his arms. However, it would be the first time he did so, with the intention of conveying how he felt. Maybe it was not enough to assure her, but he wanted to feel his warmth and that warmth was real. Just as she was real to him.

Kyran's words shook Cyneah's heart. It was like a powerful warding spell, that easily vanquished the darkness inside her. After a short pause, she took a deep breath and opened her eyes before continuing, "That person…"

Kyran was relieved after hearing Cyneah treat what she saw as not her own but someone else.

"... entered through the twin doors. The place was dark, but she was able to see somehow."

Because of Kyran's assurance, Cyneah's stuttering disappeared. She spoke more clearly and fluidly.

"It was a very big room, and in the middle, there was a very big mirror suspended in midair by thick silver thread-like silk…"

[No way! No way! S-She's not talking a-about that m-mirror, is she?]

As if Cyneah's stuttering got transferred to True Void, he stammered in fear, allowing Kyran to sense his apprehension.

What kind of mirror could scare True Void?

"At first, the mirror showed a very g-grotesque scene of c-carnage. There were countless humans and… non-humans k-killing each other. Somehow, their movements appeared as if they were being controlled… like they were dancing… a dance of death.

"But then the mirror's reflection changed. It then showed a white room. It's white because it was filled with silver thread-like silk. In the middle of that room, was a figure. At least I think it was a human figure, wrapped in that thread-like silk, like a cocoon. When that person saw the cocoon, she felt exhilirated… then her thoughts… an image flashed through her mind. A photo of a boy… he looked a bit skinny, with dark hair and gray eyes… Then she said… she would eventually have him dance in the plam of her hands."

Kyran's expression turned cold. Obviously, Haylee was talking about him. He had seen his bounty and knew it used an old photo of him, and hearing Cyneah's description of the boy made him recall it.

"Then she spoke some incoherent words… When I heard it then I kind of understood her, but now… I couldn't remember what she said."

Kyran more or less guessed Haylee spoke the runic language of Soul magic. Cyneah could use Soul magic by singing the words from the song her mother taught, but she did not understand them. Apparently, not understanding the words, did not hinder her from using it.

"She kept saying those words, until the mirror flashed and emitted a strange ripple. The ripple possess a powerful energy and when it entered my body, it made me feel like bursting. I tried to get away and just when I thought it was futile, I woke up."

[It really is that. This is not good, Void Halfling. Not good at all!]

True Void exclaimed inside Kyran's head. The former remained sitting cross-legged in midair but because of his agitation he had started moving up and down.

On the other hand, Kyran contemplated Cyneah's words. It appeared Haylee went to that place to activate the mirror. Obviously, that mirror could be an artifact or a relic from ancient times. It could even be a magic weapon. Haylee knew how to activate it. When she spoke until the mirror reacted, that was the impression Kyran had. Could the mirror be the Soul Emperor's magic weapon? Kyran had once read that mirrors were a way to one's soul.

But why did it show a scene of carnage? Did it show that scene after Haylee stood before it? Did the mirror show the carnage depicting her soul's desire? Or was the scene a memory possessed by her Soul core? A memory by the previous Soul Emperor?

Kyran did not know the answers to that. True Void might know and hopefully he would not try to hide the truth because he did not have the leisure of time in finding the answers himself.

In any case, the mirror seemed to realize Cyneah was looking through Haylee and tried to destroy her. It was a good thing Cyneah managed to escape before that happened. If not… Kyran did not want to think about it.

"You did good by waking up," Kyran told her with a smile. What he said was not to make Cyneah feel better. He was genuinely relieved that she escaped and woke up.

Cyneah leaned back and lifted her head. Her line of sight was a little off, but her eyes looked imploring at Kyran.

"That wasn't a dream."

It was not a question but a statement.

Kyran hesitated for a second, but ultimately answered, "No."

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"That woman…"

"You don't have to think about it."

"I have to!" Cyneah replied, her mirror-like eyes glowed stubbornly. She did not tell Kyran how she had seen the woman's reflection in that 'dream.' There were some differences given the age, but the woman had some similarities with her mother. Cyneah was not blind by birth so she still had an early memory of how her mother looked like. And her mother used to say how much she take after her.

Obviously, Cyneah's mother was already dead and could not be that woman. And though there was a chance that woman might be related to her mother, Cyneah felt a connection with that woman when she looked at her reflection. That dream also did not feel like a memory. If that was the case, then it was an experience quite similar to how she met Kyran.

"She's me. But also not me. An essence. Just like the uncle Nolan resting in the attic."

Kyran frowned. He knew Cyneah was smart, but he did not expect her to come up with this conclusion easily.

A thought crossed Cyneah's mind and her expression dimmed. In a small voice that Kyran and True Void almost failed to hear, she asked, "Am I… an essence?"

"No," Kyran replied with such certainty, True Void looked at him strangely.

[Void Halfling-.]

'I'm not saying this to make her feel at ease. I believe she is not an essence. I have my reasons, but I can't prove it yet.'

[All the more reason not to give her false hope.]

Kyran did not respond. Instead, he gently squeezed Cyneah's hand and said, "Don't think about it too much. That woman isn't you. Focus on recovering instead. Aki, one of my puppets will be here with you. Chairman Malia, will also arrive to give you a potion that can relieve some discomfort. I'm sorry I can't stay, or that your master can't be here with you. We... still have things to do."

"You're preparing for battle...."

Kyran frowned and could not help but shot a look at True Void. Did they discuss the situation in front of Cyneah?

[No use glaring at me, Void Halfling. It was urgent. You didn't expect me to wait for her to leave so we don't taint her innocent ears. Besides, she's not as clueless and innocent as she looks. She manage to describe her dream in full details. Even using words like grotesque and carnage.]

Kyran wanted to retort that Cyneah had a traumatic childhood, being abused by her so-called relatives after her mother's death. In the end, he kept his thoughts to himself.

[Putting that aside, I know you have confidence in your Sigils to keep the army busy and your uncle to keep Ruin in check, but that mirror is bad news. Really bad news!

[That is the Macabre Glacier. A demonic magic weapon created by The Dark Sage. My master managed to seal it and... ugh! I was sure he hid it well. How did it end up in their hands?

[Anyway, that mirrror can bring out the ugliness in people. As long as their reflections appeared in the mirror, they will lose their mind and will go on a killing spree!]