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Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 498 The Regis’s Grand Array
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Kyran was stunned after hearing Cade. He only thought Nolan's an Arch Magus or a newly advanced Legendary, but never thought of him as someone close to becoming a Sovereign.

But this possibility raised a lot of questions.

If Nolan was already a Sage why did he have to hide his strength? His magic pressure alone could easily send his enemies to their knees. Why did he not offer to save the Regis right from the start? Why did he let things escalate?

Nevertheless, even with these questions, Kyran could more or less guessed the answers.

Nolan was ruthless but he was not bloodthirsty to initiate a bloodbath by meddling. If he had helped free the Regis Clan before, a war would ensued. Countless innocent people would be caught in the crossfire and it would have escalated to other nations. After all, he would be seen as a threat not only because he was a peak Sage but also for trying to protect the new 'Dark Sage' and his family. Hidden high-leveled mages would appear not only within the empire but all around the world just to exterminate the threat that he posed.

Nolan might be a peak existence at the Sage level, but whose to say if there were others like him hiding in other nations? Kyran was not familiar with the affairs and status of the other nations but Nolan who had been running away from the Yflaen Royal Army definitely had an idea. As someone wanted by the Ylfaen Royal Army, he likely wandered in other nations.

In any case, Kyran had a feeling Nolan had another genuine reason to avoid using his real strength. He just did not know why and was not really inclined to know. Knowing that Nolan had what it means to keep Ruin in check was enough for Kyran.

Cade's voice turned solemn as he commented, "Taking an inheritance from master mages of the past would have been enough to help restore my damaged core. It may be hard to find one but it is definitely easier than finding Azaloth's Inheritance."

Kyran looked at Cade in puzzlement. He was unsure what his father was on about.

"I don't necessarily have to take Azaloth's inheritance," Cade went on.

Kyran frowned slightly. If that was true, why did Nolan insisted on finding Azaloth's Inheritance? Then again, discovering what magic the latter had, Kyran guessed Nolan not only wanted to restore his father's damaged core but to let him achieve enlightenment and advance.

"Azaloth's Inheritance is definitely a top existence among other inheritance by other Abjurers. If Nolan took it for himself, he can be promoted to a Sovereign directly," Cade smiled bitterly.

That was when Kyran understood what his father was trying to tell him. A Sage on a verge of becoming a Sovereign would need tremendous energy and a higher enlightenment to advance. Azaloth was a Sovereign and his inheritance would surely provide the necessary energy and enlightenment Nolan would need to advance.

Why didn't he?

Kyran already arrived at the answer.

"Nolan does not want to take it because once he becomes a Sovereign he will not be able to meddle in the Human plane's internal affairs."

Cade nodded. "That's right. Others may think he doesn't have lingering attachments, but..." he hesitated for a moment before adding, "Did he tell you who he is?"

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Kyran suddenly felt a little awkward. He had not openly treated Nolan as an uncle because he acted like a total jack ass most of the time. But discovering what Nolan had passed up on so he could still meddle in the Human plane's affairs, made Kyran see him in a new light.

Nolan cared about his relationships. Especially his family. He did not try to save the Regis Clan because, alone he could only do so much. Even as a peak Sage, he would not be able to protect everyone. He needed help and one person he trusted the most was Cade. Thus, he did what he can to help restore Cade's damaged core and also help him advance.

Inwardly, Kyran could not help but smile wryly.

Nolan had really hidden his intentions well.

"No," Kyran replied to Cade's question. It was not a lie. Nolan neither admitted nor denied their connection. "I did guess it, after talking to godmother."

Cade raised his brows and chuckled. "So you've also meet Anette."

Kyran wanted to ask why they never mentioned her or even Nolan before but refrain from doing so. As a matter of fact, he had a lot of questions.

As if reading Kyran's thoughts, Cade said, "I know you have many questions. But we'll talk again after this is over."

"Yes, father."

Cade sat cross-legged on the marbled floor and relaxed his body. His wound had already closed and he could activate the Regis Blessing. The potion in his hand was no longer needed.

Before Cade could return it to Kyran, Kyran already said, "Keep it for emergency."

Cade looked at him in silence. Though he could not detect his son's level, he was positive he had already achieved a greater understanding of his magic and combat abilities based on the things he told him.

"Alright," Cade answered after a short pause and put the potion in his storage pouch. "Since you've met my essence in the Tower of Tribulations, I'm guessing he taught you a secret about the Regis Estate."

The moment Cade opened this topic, Kyran's eyes lit up at once. That was right, why had he forgotten about that?

Cade's essence had taught him a lot of things, and one of the most important lessons he taught him was about the Regis's Grand Array.

The Grand Array was designed by the Regis's ancestor and was said to provide protection to the clan in the most perilous time. It was unknown what kind of protection it was, but there had been speculations that it was a very powerful magic weapon. However, activating the array was not easy. It required three mages with very high Array attainments just to activate it.

"It can't be activated with just three ordinary Array Masters. We needed at least three Array Saints with a Regis bloodline."

Kyran was surprised. Cade's essence did not tell him about the last part. Not only that, he did not expect it required three Array Saints! Kyran's Array attainment was too profound that his level could no longer be measured. Cade was also the same. Initially, Kyran had thought Nolan could be the third Array Master, but if it required a Regis bloodline then it was not possible.

"Is there someone else in the family?" Kyran asked, feeling an incoming headache.

Cade laughed, seeing Kyran's worried expression. Instead of answering directly, he said, "Most of the Regis members found their way to the Tower of Tribulations and trained. Your uncle Jared was one of them."

Kyran recalled his uncle Jared was proficient in Alchemy. However, what Cade said next left him reeling in surprise.

"But instead of focusing on improving his Alchemy further he chose to learn Array. Did you think it was easy to create a storage pouch? The onr he gave you as a gift?"

Kyran's eyes widened. He always felt his space pouch was special. However, he did not expect his uncle Jared to have created it himself, using Array!

"Then... with uncle Jared, we can activate the Grand Array!"

Cade nodded, "But first we have to let Jared know our intentions. Currently, they are creating a passageway underground to leave the Inner Walls. Contacting them will be tricky."

Kyran smiled, "I didn't you tell much about the Montgomeray Family apart from them swearing allegiance to me. But the truth, the reason why they did is because of their connection with the Spirits."

"Spirits have their own way of transport. They are the best in delivering messages at a distance," Cade said in agreement.

"Yes, I'll ask their help to deliver the message to mother. She... is with them, right?"

"Yes," Cade replied with a slight smile.

"Alright. I'll help Nolan buy more time until you acquire Azaloth's Inheritance, father. When you are done, you can contact me through this," Kyran took out one of his own-made communication device and gave it to Cade. As he did, he caught sight of True Void, still in a mask form and was uncharacteristically silent all this time.

"Right," he said and reached for the mask he placed beside him. "I forgot to introduce you to-."

[There is no need! No need at all!]

True Void's frantic voice screamed in Kyran's head, he almost had a migraine.

"-True Void."

However, Kyran ignored True Void's plead and showed Cade the mask.

Cade's initial response was to gape indifferently at the mask. Kyran told him True Void's ultimate move was to absorb any type of magic energy. Of course, Cade was already aware of it because True Void had almost killed Kyran twelve years ago, when the former continuously absorbed the magic energy in the surroundings the moment he woke up. But he had not expected True Void's form was a panther mask.

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"Oi, go change back to your true form."


"Why you-."

Cade suddenly chuckled. He already guessed True Void did not want to appear before him after he sealing him for years. Still, he found it amusing that the ultimate weapon of the previous Void Master would be scared of him.

"It is fine."


"I'd like to meet and have a talk with him later."

[No! Definitely no!]

"I have rested enough," Cade diverted the topic back on track and stood up. "I go do my part and successfully take Azaloth's Inheritance. You go do what you need to do."

Kyran stood up as well and nodded, "I will. Please take care, father."

Cade only smiled in response. But inwardly he was feeling mixed emotions. To think a time would come that his own son would worry about him like this. He had to succeed in taking the inheritance and advance his mage level. Though it was impossible for him to be promoted any higher than a Magus, with the addition of the Regis Blessing, his strength would be comparable to an Arch Magus or even a Legendary. It might not be comparable to his son's current level, but at least he would not drag him down.

Kyran wore the mask and warped, leaving Cade alone in the cave.

The moment Kyran had left, an oppressive and ominous aura surged out from the innermost part of the cave.

"I see. It seems you have been suppressing your aura because you sensed the new Void Master. Now that he has left, the trial for the inheritance has officially started."

"Do not think that being my new master's father will provide you an advantage. Only a worthy Abjurer could receive my inheritance."

A thunderous voice echoed from inside the cave.

Cade smiled, but it did not reach his eyes.

"You are just a consciousness. Don't talk as if you are the real Azaloth."

"Enter the chamber and find for yourself whether I am a mere consciousness or not."

Cade ignored the voice's threat. Even without telling him to enter, he would. His sworn brother passed up on the opportunity to take such a valuable inheritance and his son was doing everything he could to save the clan. He had no plans on retreating. Succeeding the trial was his only path.

With that in mind, Cade made his way to the depths of the cave.