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Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 490 Counter
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Bas opened his mouth and let out a shockwave toward the building Deception was standing on.

Deception's red eyes flickered and jumped to avoid the shockwave's attack range. She flicked her fingers, a translucent fume whirled out from her fingertips and a sweet smell permeated slowly in the air.  All the while, she felt a little indignant by the reaction speed of the beasts.  With no cannon fodders— a.k.a. The Royal Army officers— around, the two beasts had been pursuing her non-stop. It also appeared that whether she was in her human or mist form they could still determine her position and adjust accordingly.

The building Deception had just been on crumbled to pieces from Bas's attack, at the same time, the sweet smell swept toward Bas.

But it was at this moment that Manti appeared to the left side. With opened maw, revealing razor sharp teeth, he pulled back his head and breath out a combination of green and purple flames. Except he did not aim at Deception. Instead, he aimed at the space between the her and Bas.

Manti's flaming breath easily countered the translucent fume that Deception produced.

Deception glared at Manti. It seemed these beasts also knew when she was using her medium to trigger her illusions and also knew how to counter it. Flames could easily purge the fumes in the air.

The two was getting on Deception's nerves. Unfortunately, she could not ignore them. Now that they had already finished off all the officers, she had no one to order around and keep them busy. Her only consolation was the fact that the other two was still inside the rift.


A tall lanky man in a black short-sleeved black hooded coat hovered above the Regis Estate's Inner Wall. Below the silver barrier, which was the inner wall's defensive array, was filled with large cracks and appeared to be on the verge of collapse.

However, this man was not looking at the barrier. Three hours ago, he had unleashed his third concentrated attack on the barrier, and would need another four hours to replenish his energy. But although there was only an hour left before he could release another attack to the barrier, his thoughts were no longer there and was already occupied by the news he had received more than an hour ago.

More than an hour ago, he received a coded message from the Crown Princess, Haylee. The content sent him reeling in excitement, to the point that he wanted to attack the silver barrier with normal attacks. In his opinion, if he relentlessly unleashed normal attacks on the barrier, it would only be a matter of time before it collapsed. When that happened, he would massacre everyone inside the barrier and present their heads to him;  the young man who ruined his game in Lignum Plane.

His prey.

After all, what would be the most effective way to rile up his prey than show him the heads of his people?

But then, while he was basking at this happy news, a huge magic fluctuation appeared in the west. He was not that overly familiar with the Human plane's current geography but he could more or less identify the location of the magic fluctuation. It was closed to the old city he once attacked on his first visit. That old city was now in ruins, and the closest city there was Noser, the place where Deception and Gael went to seize Haylee's target.

In an instant,  his sharp red eyes turned into slits, his rage rising.

This man was none other than the Sovereign of Ruin. And because of his identity, it was easy for him to recognize who caused that magic fluctuation.

"Deception, you b*tch!" He growled under his breath. "I'll let you experience a thousand death if you touch my prey."

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

He and Deception had an agreement where the former would help the latter in conquering the Myedeo plane. In turn, she would help him locate his prey. Although Ruin knew his prey had offended Deception after taking the Solum Tribe, Ruin was confident that she would not do anything without his consent.

Ruin's confidence stem from the fact that Deception had no ability to overpower the other Sovereigns eyeing the Myedeo plane. With her magic, it was not enough to win against the others especially against the Sovereign of Decay. That guy was a real neurotic. If one day he woke up in the wrong side of the bed and decided he did not want the Myedeo plane anymore, it would definitely turn into a wasteland, losing its value. Ruin was the only one who could keep Decay in check.

Though their magic appeared similar, Ruin could also target 'people' while Decay could only target nature.

Frankly, Ruin no longer needed Deception's assistance now that his knew his prey had returned to the Human plane. However, he thought having Deception here would put more pressure on his prey and would stop running away. Knowing his prey's character, he would not runaway if he knew three Sovereigns was threatening his clan.

But it seemed, Ruin had made the wrong decision. Because of an unknown being's interference, Savagery died and now, Deception had revolted.

Ruin would definitely kill her if she touches even a strand of his prey's hair.

Ruin lost interest in destroying the Regis Estate's barrier. In the first place, he was only helping Haylee because she promised not to touch his prey. Besides, killing all this people would mean nothing if that b*tch Deception took his prey.

Dark energy circulated around Ruin's body. His intention was clear, he would destroy the space in this place to get to Noser at once.


Ruin's sharp red eyes flashed as he stopped the dark energy's circulation and evaded the black spear that suddenly rushed out from a huge crack on the barrier.

"Don't be in a hurry to leave."

A deep powerful voice spoke from inside the barrier.

Ruin looked down and saw a man, in a black armor standing on the surface of the barrier. In an instant, a sinister smile appeared on the former's face. Especially when the man shared an uncanny resemblance to his prey!



Mera let out a distressed roar. He wanted to go out and eat that despicable woman for harming their master. Iss also slithered restlessly at the entrance of the rift, having the same sentiments as Mera. Unfortunately, they could only watch as Bas and Manti run around attacking that woman.


A loud earth-shattering sound echoed above followed by sizzling sounds as the crack in the sky was pierced by a sharp metal object.

"Ack! What is she doing? What is she doing?" True Void exclaimed in fear. His question was not really a question because he knew exactly what the real Deception was doing.

That sharp metal object was the tip of her magic weapon, and True Void was aware of its corrosion ability. If they could not push back that weapon, the crack would not be able to hold!

That was right. Deception possessed not one dagger, but two. The truth, she was known to wield dual daggers. However, she had let her essence take one while she kept the other.

Initially, Deception had no intentions of using her dagger to forcefully widen the crack, but if she dallied longer Ruin would definitely not stay idle. If he comes, she would never get a chance of taking Kyran. That guy was an obsessive freak.  He might appear laid-back, but his temper was worse than her's.

In any case, Deception did not want to fight Ruin, but if he knew she decided to take liberty on his prey— even though Kyran was also her prey— he would definitely go ballistic.

No. Not just ballistic. He would likely start a war right here in the Human plane.

Deception had to move fast and take Kyran with her. After that, she would return to her own plane. Ruin did not know where her original plane was located. By the time he found it, she would have already done what she wanted to Kyran.

As for the matter of who get to conquer the Myedeo plane, none of that mattered now. In the first place, Deception was only interested in that plane because of the Solum Tribe. Since Kyran took them, then she no longer needed the Myedeo plane.

Zephyr's brow furrowed and sent out another concentrated punch toward the crack. This time, he aimed at the edge of the dagger, with the intention of destroying it. Alas, his attack did nothing but make it tremble.

In human form, the magic energy Zephyr could exert was at most a Grand Master. Although True Void was currently boosting his energy and the effect of the Sovereign's Cradle was also assisting him, it was not enough to be of threat. If he used his real form though, that would be a different case. But at the moment, he was not allowed to. As True Void said, with him pretending to be the man in black panther mask, they could divert further suspicions about Kyran's other identities.

Not that Zephyr cared. After this incident, he was sure the Ylfaen Empire would be thrown into turmoil and Kyran's other identities wouldn't matter. Actually, it would not only be the empire but the whole Human plane.


"Oi, oi, little guy. Don't space out and focus!"

"I'm not a little guy!"

"Compared to me, you are! Now focus!"

What did True Void mean compared to him? Did he think Zephyr was blind? Wasn't he just a miniature armor?

"Argh! You're annoying!" Zephyr complained. Before punching out this time, he utilized his Air magic, creating a compressed air magic energy on his fist. As he released it toward the crack, a poweful blast shook the sky, widening the crack!


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With the crack widening, the dagger slid further, now showing almost half of its length.

Deception twisted the dagger, sending pieces of the sky falling like shards of glass.


Suddenly, black, gold and silver particles gathered around the dagger's blade.


A deep and somewhat gruff voice ordered Zephyr and True Void.

Zephyr's ears perked upon hearing the voice and immediately retreated.

"Oi!" True Void complained but then his magic sense confirmed the identity of the owner of the voice and heaved a sigh of relief!

From below, Deception's essence, who had done nothing but escape from Bas and Manti's constant harassment, sensed a powerful presence and looked up.

The black, gold and silver substance merged transforming into a large thick tongs. Then it grabbed the edges of the dagger sending sparks to fly out in all direction as the metal collided against metal. It then hoisted the dagger upward back into the other side of the dagger.

Deception let out an angry wail as she exerted more force on the dagger.

However, the tongs would not budge!

Deception's essence instantly released her magic sense. Her red eyes flicked in anger, searching for the location of the newcomer.

"No need to search, I'm right here."

The owner of the gruff voice spoke from behind Deception. In an instant, she turned into mist.  However, different-colored particles moved along her, forcing her to return to her human form!

"Argh! What is this?" Deception exclaimed in annoyance.

"Heh, you've got guts changing into that form in front of me. Don't you know what my magic is?"

The man sneered, "It's Nolan's magic!"