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Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 417 I Only Used 20%...
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[Void Halfling, you said we'd make fast work on the other two legendary beasts but can you really do that if you're holding back?]

Kyran could not help but regard True Void with a blank expression. True Void started his statement with a 'we' but ended it with a 'you.' Was he planning on letting Kyran deal with the legendary beasts alone?

True Void continued as if knowing Kyran was giving him a dirty look.

[Don't look at me like that. Now that Azaloth has appeared, I got reminded that I am not a shield. I am a weapon. But as I am now, and I really hate to admit this, I can't help with the offensive.]

'Are you still muddle headed from sleeping too long? Have you forgotten the reason I made the shape-shifting plates' size small? It is to ensure I can change them however I want. Whether a defensive or an offensive item, it is made to be able to change into them. That's why it's called the 'shape-shifting' plates,' Kyran reminded him.

[Ack! You're right. You are absolutely right! Be that as it may, I will not be able to make a decent big weapon with the remaining number of plates. At most, I can only make decent small weapons. You will need a big weapon to deal with the legendary beasts, right?]

'I'm not aiming to kill,' Kyran chuckled. 'Besides, I've been using my fists when I'm in this disguise. If I suddenly show I can use weapons, I'll lose a possible trump card when an unforeseen event happens.'

[Ha… I don't know anymore. It feels like I can't keep up with your thinking now that I am awake. Have I missed a lot of things that you've undergone another transformation?]

'What transformation? It just happens you are not aware of the circumstances behind my new disguise. If you know, you'll understand why I am being careful,' Kyran sighed. 'In any case, we can catch up later. We're getting close to the Manticore. Use some of the plates to make a panther mask. As for the rest, change them into greaves, vambraces and a breastplate. That should be enough as protection.'


True Void grumbled and did what Kyran asked him to.

[In the end, I still have to stand in as Azaloth's proxy, huh? Becoming a shield when I am supposed to be a weapon!]

A strange image of a shield with Mannick's face crossed Kyran's mind, and he shivered involuntarily.

'...You know, depending on how you use it, shields can also become a weapon.'

[I don't care! I have no intention of changing my majestic form into a shield just for the experience!]

''Majestic,' huh,' Kyran repeated with a slight smile.

It had been more than five years since they met, yet True Void managed to keep his actual form a secret. The only thing he let slip was how even a small part of him could pose a huge threat.

Honestly, the way True Void said kept insisting on how majestic his form was, made Kyran think that maybe he was using the term to refer to his 'size' rather than its meaning at face value.

[Tsk, tsk, tsk. Just look at this mess...]

True Void clicked his tongue as soon as they returned to the area where the Manticore started its rampage.

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A considerable part of the forest was rendered in green flames. The terrain had been levelled and scorched with the ground tinged in reddish-green tint.


At least 80 to 90 meters ahead, the Manticore breathed another round of green flames, rendering its surroundings ablaze.

To others, the Manticore might appear to be on a rampage. However, Kyran knew it was burning everything around it to draw out its enemies. The Manticore's flames were poisonous, thus, contaminating the air.

With the wind blowing in every direction, the flames were not the only thing spreading upon this part of the island, but also its poison. If this went on and reached the other side of the island, there was a chance the Chimera would get agitated.

The Manticore's flames seemed to possess the ability to destroy seals, and the proof was how it destroyed the seal on Kyran's arm. If this were the case, it would also destroy the Chimera's seal.

Keeping this in mind, Kyran circulated the Draconic magic in his body, activating the Regis Blessing.

'I'll use 20%,' he thought.

In an instant, his eyes turned silver which soon glowed fiercely.

[Is it ok to use—! AAAHHH! SLOOOW DOOOWN!]

True Void's sentence got cut off as Kyran rushed toward the Manticore.

In just three seconds, he crossed the 80-90 meter distance, taking the Manticore by surprise.

Sensing something the danger, the Manticore abruptly stopped its flaming attack and turned its head.

However, it was at this moment that Kyran jumped and using his clenched bare fists, smacked the Manticore's forehead.



The Manticore's pained scream was cut short as a loud crack sounded.


Kyran and True Void stared dumbfounded as the Manticore fell with a loud thud on the ground. Its eyes were rolled back with blood and foam oozing down its nose and mouth, respectively.

[Ack...! You killed it!]

True Void shouted in exasperation as Kyran landed on the ground.

Blacklines appeared on Kyran's head as he looked at the Manticore. It was not yet dead. At least, not for the next 40 seconds or so.

'Ugh! Such a brittle skull. Its a legendary beast, right?' Kyran complained.

True Void regarded him with a blank expression.

[You hit it too hard! Why are you complaining? More importantly, what's with that insane strength?]

'I only used 20%...'

That was right. A 20% boost in strength using the Regis Blessing was equivalent to using 100%— maybe even more— from before.

With a sigh, Kyran jumped on top of the Manticore's head. Then he knelt and placed his right hand on its head, summoning the Sigil's mark.

Leaving the Manticore to die was such a waste and at the moment, the only way he could save it was to turn it into a Sigil. In this way, the Manticore could share Kyran's healing abilities and could heal slowly.

'Keep an eye out,' Kyran told True Void. 'I've once tried performing the Sigil on a legendary type beast and it took quite some time.'


True Void harumphed and crossed his imaginary arms as he disengaged a few plates on Kyran's legs, turning them into three short blades. He manipulated the short blades to circle around Kyran.

[You say that, but with your magic sense it is impossible to take you by surprise.]

Kyran smiled wryly.

'Have you already forgotten? The Manticore's attack took me by surprise just a few minutes ago.'

[That is only because you are not aware of its attack range. Anyway, do what you have to do.]


While Kyran dealt with the Manticore, Imman and Ingrid finally met.

Imman gave Ingrid a brief explanation of what happened as they made their way back to where he managed to outrun the Manticore.

"I haven't confirmed Mannick's condition, but I am sure he escaped from the Manticore's attack," he said.

"That guy's magic is to perverse," Ingrid agreed. "He will not die from that. Although, I am not too sure about his tolerance against poison."

"Either way, we have to deal with the Manticore fast. The entity was hit by its flames but I am sure it also survived and is hiding somewhere."

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Ingrid's eyes narrowed. She was unsure whether the two of them could handle the Manticore if the entity showed up. All the more if the reverse happened; they encountered the entity first before the Manticore.

Mannick had a short fuse but his hotheadedness rivalled his battle sense. With his melee and mid-range attacks, it would be easier for Ingrid and Imman to throw in their long-range magic attacks. Alas, with him missing, the two would just have to do what they could.

Anyway, they still had secret cards at their disposal. They were not entirely helpless. It was just that, as much as possible, they would not want to use their cards too early in the game.

'Hm?' Imman's eyes narrowed as he sensed something in the air. 'This...!'

He stopped abruptly, pulling Ingrid with him.


"The air is poisoned!" He told him.

Ingrid's eyes widened and immediately strengthened her magic barrier.

Imman on the other hand took out two bottles of high-grade antidote and gave one to Ingrid.

"Antidotes can give us a certain level of poison tolerance. But to be honest, I am unsure if this kind of potion will work on the Manticore's poison."

"It's better than nothing," Ingrid said and took the potion.

As the two drank the potion, the space before them distorted.

"Hm?" They both looked at the distortion, however, none of them showed any signs of vigilance.

Soon the distortion took the form of a man.


Most of his clothes got charred, with only his pants left intact. His exposed skin was red and scorched, with visible flesh and even bones showing.

"F*ck that bastard. Took me by surprise," he complained while gathering the magic energies in the surroundings letting them cover his whole body.

Seeing Mannick's action, Imman and Ingrid could not help but exchange wry glances. He looked to be in a bad condition. But after only a few seconds, his skin began to repair by itself and even his magic energy began to replenish.

That was right. Mannick's magic was perverse because his magic was energy itself.

They were not entirely sure how it worked, but Mannick could manipulate the magic energy in the surroundings as easy as breathing. He could not summon the surrounding energies' elemental state, but he could use their nature.

For example, right now, he was gathering the light magic energy in the surroundings and using its healing nature to rapidly heal his wounds.

Of course, such perverse magic was not without flaws. Apart from him unable to summon the energy's elemental form, he could only use their nature on himself or items imbued with his magic signature.

"Right," Mannick looked at them. "The Manticore is about a hundred meters away and currently facing the 'entity.' Do you guys want to join in their fun? Or we take down the Echidna?"