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Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear-Novel

Chapter 691
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Primme’s Sister Ronne Part 2

Bellung was chagrined by the results of his research, but it was great to know that people could seea little bit if sof Ryan’s magic power was transferred to them.

“But if I use Ryan’s magic power, Bellung can always see and talk to me, so that’s good.”

I think that’s a good enough method. It also didn’t involve all the tedious research and such.

It was the sas transferring Ryan’s magic power, but the only difference would beabsorbing Ryan’s magic power instead of transferring it to Bellung.

“Yes, but without Ryan, I wouldn’t be able to see or talk to Ronne.” (Bellung)

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“But I have to go hsomeday, too, so it won’t make a difference.” (Ronne)

My words made them both look sad.

If I leave, they won’t be able to see or talk toanyway. This research itself would be a waste of time. If they wanted to converse for a little while, all they had to do was to letuse Ryan’s magic to make myself visible.

But humans were different, it seemed.

“It’s not a waste of time. People research and study many things and develop.” (Bellung)

He also toldthat these big buildings were built with strong assemblies to prevent them from collapsing and made after much research. He also informedthat the weapons humans used were developed the sway.

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Which materials were harder and sharper? What weight was comfortable for humans to handle? What should be the center of gravity while attacking?

“So there’s no such thing as wasted research. Besides, we are more than happy to learn a little bit about Ronne and other fairies.” (Bellung)

“Yes, it has also been a dream of mine since I was a child to meet and talk to fairies.” (Ryan)

“But the more I researched about fairies, the more I despaired. Very few people had ever seen fairies, and all they had were legends. So when this guy toldabout Ronne, I couldn’t believe it.” (Bellung)

Bellung looked at Ryan.

“That’s why I told you it wasn’t a lie.” (Ryan)

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The two of them talked happily.

I didn’t know what was going on, but if Ryan was happy, I was happy, too.

So I decided to help them with their research a little more.

I was a little worried that I had left without telling my sister. However, fairies have a different sense of tthan humans, so she might not have noticed that I was gone.

Ryan and Bellung had to work, so their research was done in the evenings when they had sspare time. Both of them mentioned that they wanted to return to being students and just do their research without stopping.

Then, as we proceeded with our research, we learned many things.

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When I channeled my magic into Ryan, his magic becstronger.

Ryan toldthat the power had increased by 20 to 30 percent.

“So, a fairy’s magic power has this kind of power…” (Ryan)

I tried the swith Bellung, but it had no effect.

In other words, it only worked on people who could seeand were on the swavelength as me.

“Ronne is my only partner in the world.” (Ryan)

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Those words madehappy.

“But the world is a big place, so you may not be the only person who can see me.” (Ronne)

There might be someone who was on the swavelength as me. If I look for them, there might be at least one in this country.

“It’s sad to hear you say that.” (Ryan)

“But right now, Ryan is the only one.” (Ronne)

Ryan looked happy to hear my words.

While Ryan and I were talking happily, I felt a strong gaze coming from nowhere. I looked for the direction of that gaze and found Bellung staring at us. But as soon as he noticed my gaze, his expression changed.

“I envy you. I would love to have a lovely fairy partner like Ronne.” (Bellung)

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He said so with a smile on his face.

Was I reading his expression wrong? 

But it turned out that I didn’t make a mistake.

After that, I often felt his eyes onwhen Ryan and I were together, and I would catch him staring at me.

I was afraid of the way he looked at Ryan.

When I told Ryan about this, he did not believe me.

Ryan did not seem to notice Bellung’s strange gaze.

After that, Bellung started talking tomore than usual.

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“Is there anything you want?” “Are you dissatisfied with your life?” “Are you enjoying life in town?”

He was very concerned aboutand kind towhen we were alone, but when I talked to Ryan alone, he would sometimes look at us with scary eyes.

I have tried to keep my distance from Bellung, except when I help him with his research.

When the day cforto go back to my home, Ryan disappeared.

No matter where I looked, I could not find him.

I was scared, so I went to see Bellung.

“Oh, Ryan is sleeping in the basement of this house.” (Bellung)

Bellung answered with a smile.

He was smiling, but his eyes were scary.

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But I was worried about Ryan, so I followed Bellung as he tookto a certain place.

We went down the first floor hallway and opened a tightly closed door to find a staircase.

It was dimly lit and scary.

But when Bellung touched the magic stone on the wall, a light illuminated the place.

When the light lit up, I felt a little relieved.

Going down the stairs, we cto a large hall.

In the center of the hall, there was a bed where Ryan was sleeping.

I jumped up and went over to him.

“Ryan!” (Ronne)

I called out to him, but he didn’t wake up.

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I hit him, I flailed about on his face, but he still did not respond.

“What did you do to Ryan?!” (Bellung)

“I just had him help me. Permanently.” (Bellung)

Bellung replied with a smile.

“What do you mean by that?” (Ronne)

“It means that I’m going to be able to see you for a long time.” (Bellung)

I disconnected from Ryan’s magic.

“I can still see you, you know.” (Bellung)

“No, you can’t.” (Ronne)

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I moved, but Bellung’s eyes followed me.

“You and I are connected. You are now mine.” (Bellung)

Bellung laughed.

I was afraid.

I wanted to run away right now.

I turned my attention to the stairs behind Bellung.

“Are you going to leave him like this and run away?” (Bellung)

He asked me, as if he realized that I was trying to escape.

I turned to look at Ryan.

He was sleeping like he was dead in his bed, but he was alive.

I couldn’t leave Ryan and run away by myself.

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“If you run away like this, he might die.” (Bellung)

“What have you done to Ryan?” (Ronne)

“His magic flows tosporadically.” (Bellung)

“Don’t tell me…” (Ronne)

“I think you understand. I’m receiving his magic power to see you.” (Bellung)

There were a lot of things around Ryan’s bed that I didn’t understand. The only thing I could make out was a magic stone, something the two of them sometimes did research on, but was it because of that? 

“You don’t have to do that, I can just use Ryan’s magic power, so anyone will be able to see me.” (Ronne)

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“But didn’t you just cut off your connection to Ryan in an attempt to escape, I won’t be able to see you when you do that, right?” (Bellung)

Indeed, I just made myself invisible.

Normally, he should not be able to seeor hear me. But Bellung could right now.

So it was true that Bellung had somehow managed to incorporate Ryan’s magic power into himself as he could see and talk to me.

“If I continue to use Ryan’s magic power, he may die. If you stay here, I will continue supplying him with magic power from the outside, but if you run away, I will just stop the supply, and you can imagine what will happen next.” (Bellung)

In other words, he indicated that if the magic power connection was cut, Ryan would die.

“And even if you escape, you and I are still connected. I will follow you wherever you go. I should be able to do it through Ryan, but you may not be convinced that I can do it.” (Bellung)

Did that mean he would know where I was located even if I was far away?

If that was true, I would be bringing this man to the fairy forest where my friends lived even if I escaped to the fairy forest.

Even if I were to die, that would not be something that I would do.

“Ryan and you weren’t friends?” (Ronne)

“We are friends. That’s why we share each other’s things, like right now.” (Bellung)

“I’m not a thing, and Ryan didn’t get anything from you.” (Ronne)

“What Ronne doesn’t understand is that research costs money. I have paid for all the research he has done. We were both friends chasing after fairies. But when I heard that Ryan had seen fairies, I was jealous of him and started hating him.” (Bellung)

I finally understood how he felt when he sawand Ryan together for the first time.

After that, I sometimes saw the look of hatred with which he looked at Ryan.

“So, what’s your response?” (Bellung)

Once again, I turned my attention to the sleeping Ryan.

The one who could see me.

I could not abandon Ryan.

And even if I did, I would not be able to return to the fairy forest.

“What do you wantto do?” (Ronne)

“It’s simple. Just stay by my side.” (Bellung)

Apparently, he just wanted to keepto himself.

I didn’t belong to anyone.

However, I could not run away from this man right now.

“All right. I’ll stay here. But letbe free to do what I want.” (Ronne)

“Fine. However, if I think you’ve escaped…” (Bellung)

“I understand.” (Ronne)

He would chase afterwherever I would go until Ryan was dead.

If Ryan died, I would be able to run away, but I could not abandon him right now.

I would like to see that smile on his face again.

As long as I didn’t lose my freedom, I would have a chance to rescue him.

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