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Kill the Sun-Novel

Chapter 449 449 – What's the Time?
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Nick stopped in front of the Containment Unit and readied himself.

He took a deep breath.

Then, he closed his eyes and opened the door.

Nick could not see anything inside the Containment Unit due to his closed eyes, which made him quite nervous.

Walking towards a threat with closed eyes went against every instinct a human had.

Nick closed the door behind him and walked towards the right with outstretched arms.


Nick suddenly touched something slimy and soft, and he did his very best to not open his eyes.

He moved his hand around, trying to get past that slimy thing.

Yet, the sldidn't seem to end.


An alien, insect-like sound cfrom directly in front of Nick.

It was very high-pitched, abrupt, and loud.

Nick had no idea what kind of creature could make such a noise.

However, Nick just kept his eyes shut and searched for the wall.

Eventually, he got past whatever was in front of him and finally managed to touch the wall.

"What are you doing here?" the voice of a small girl asked innocently from beside Nick.

However, Nick didn't answer and just kept searching with his arm.

"DON'T TOUCH THAT!" the deep voice of a man shouted.

Nick's hand flinched, but a moment later, he returned to searching.

Finally, he found the corner!

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Nick walked towards the corner and sat down.

"Death is but a temporary respite from torture," a chorus of people spoke from behind Nick.

Nick didn't turn around.


The sound of a massive explosion cfrom behind Nick, and he even felt his hair getting blown away by the shockwave.

Yet, he didn't turn around.

Squelch. "AAAAAHHHH!"

The sound of something sharp piercing through flesh echoed throughout the Containment Unit, accompanied by the shrill scream of a dying woman.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please, don't ignore me! I'll never do it again!" a small boy shouted.

The next moment, Nick felt something incomparably soft touching the back of his neck.

His body shivered, but Nick didn't move.

"Oh, con," a husky female voice whispered into Nick's ears. "Don't you want to take a peek?"

"I can be whatever you want."

Nick didn't do anything.

"Oh, by the way. What tis it?" a casual male voice asked.


"Hello? I'm talking to you!"


"Dude, I'm not doing my thing right now. I genuinely just want to know the time. You can look without getting attacked."


A sigh.

"I get that you don't want to look atsince I always attack whoever looks at me, but con. I really just want to know the time. You don't even need to look at me. Just tell me."


"Just trustonce, okay? You're pretty strong. I can feel that. At worst, we have a little scuffle, and that's it. And if that happens, you can be sure that you shouldn't have looked ator whatever."

"I just want to know what tit is. It's kind of important."


"Con, man, I'm alone in here the entire day. You know how boring this is? I just want to talk a bit."


More silence.

Minutes of silence.


A terrifyingly loud screech in Nick's ear.

Nick's body shivered, but that was everything he did.









'I guess that's the last phase,' Nick thought.

He knew what was happening, but he was still agitated.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

This Specter gained power by being perceived but being ignored, which was funny since it constantly did its best to not be ignored.

If it wanted to be perceived but ignored, it could just keep humming behind Nick or slowly move its whatever over his back.

Instead, it tried every trick in the book to get Nick to answer or to look at it, except for actually attacking him.

According to the documentation, it was amazing at imitating all kinds of sounds and voices, and it used that ability to get its victims to look at it.

After which it killed them.

This was probably one of the strangest Specters in existence due to its contradictory nature.

It acted like it wanted to kill its only source of power, which was strange.

Every other Specter wanted to keep their supply of food steady and constant.

But this one actively provoked people into looking at it when that was actually in opposition to what every Specter wanted, becoming powerful.

In a way, this Specter was really similar to the Attention Seeker, even though the similarity was based on how contrasting the two were.

It was actually funny and ironic how the guy that wanted to be seen actually didn't say or do anything to get said attention, while the guy that wanted to be ignored did his best to be seen.

'Seriously, this one should be called the Attention Seeker. Not the other one,' Nick thought as another shrill scream cfrom beside his right ear.

Working with this Specter was always the same.

First, it tried its best to get someone's attention.

It used screeches, sounds, begging, threatening, and all manners of distracting acts.

And when it realized that it wouldn't get any attention, it defaulted to becoming the most annoying thing in existence.

People weren't sure if it did that because it thought this was the greatest chance of gaining attention or if this was just to spite and annoy the Extractor working with it.

It just randomly becsilent and imperceivable for a random period of time, ranging from anywhere between one second and one hour.

Then, it screeched loudly in one's ear and becsilent again.

Rinse and repeat.

Working with it wasn't very dangerous since keeping one's eyes closed was actually pretty easy, but it was probably one of the most aggravating and frustrating things to do.

The constant jump scares of having someone screech in one's ear were insanely infuriating.

'I get why Anatomy named this one the Annoying One.'


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