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Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 625
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Chapter 625 Instigation

"Thank you, Mom." Kendall was grateful for Sally's generosity. She didn't harbor any grudge toward Charlotte

because of what she did, nor did she become distant.

"Oh, it's all right, girl. All we want is for you to be happy."

"I love you, Mom."

Sally smiled. "I'm getting goosebumps here. Love you too. No matter what happens, you're always my daughter.

So, work is done for the day, huh? You should grab something to eat. Your father and I will be wrapping up some

work, and we'll go to town tomorrow. Nelson is healing up well, so we're going together."

"Don't push yourself, Mom. You take care. And of course, Nelson is coming. No trip without him."

"Oh, I need to ask. How's it going between Roger and Emma?" Now that Kendall had found herself a good husband,

Sally was starting to worry about her sons' relationships. Nelson was still healing up, so his case could wait. But

Roger had someone he liked, and Sally was really nervous about it. She would love it if she could monitor Roger's

progress with Emma constantly, but Roger wouldn't tell her anything. In the end, only Kendall could answer her

question since Emma was Kendall's friend and secretary.

Kendall looked at Emma, who was driving into Empire Holdings. "Not sure. Roger has to work a bit."

"Yeah, alright. Miss Finley is a great woman. Roger might be the best guy in our eyes, but she might not think so.

She probably thinks he's a bumpkin. Probably thinks Toddy is better, but as long as Roger did his best, that's all that

matters." Sally would still feel sad if Emma picked Toddy in the end, but she could accept it. "Just tell Roger to do his

best. And don't blame Miss Finley for her choice."

"Roger won't do that, Mom." Kendall knew Roger well. As long as Emma was happy, he would be happy for her,

even if the groom wasn't him.

"Alright, time to see the crop. Talk later." And Sally hung up.

Emma stopped the car and asked, "Mrs. Wood talked about me, didn't she?"

"Yeah. Wanted to know how far you and Roger have gone."

Emma blushed a little. "Mrs. Wood is a good mother. I think she'll be a great mother-in-law, but I really can't

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promise Roger anything. I'm still confused about the whole thing."

"Why don't you get some days off and cool your head somewhere, then?" asked Kendall.

"No. I need to face this head-on, or I'll regret it. What about Amelia and Mr. Mendelson?"

"Frank must suffer. The courtship will be his personal hell."

"Oh, he must." Emma smiled.

Frank would be crying for mercy if he were here.

But none would be spared for him.

And thus, Frank's suffering went on.

"Time to pick him up. You wanna meet up with Roger or go home?"

"I'll have a spin around."

Kendall smiled and got out of the car. She then waved Emma goodbye and approached the building. Just in time as

well. She saw Dylan coming to the exit escorted by his bodyguards. His employees greeted him on the way, but he

didn't even spare them a smile. It felt like he didn't care about anyone.

Yet his façade melted away when he saw Kendall. Everyone noticed a smile slowly cracking his lips as he hurried

over to Kendall. And then he said something his employees never thought he would. "Oh, honey, you should've

waited in the car. Walking around is tiring."

Oh my, a show of public affection. He thinks she's tired just from a short journey. If we weren't here, he'd probably

pick her up right away.

"Well, here to pick you up. Been sitting the whole day, so I thought I should walk."

Dylan went ahead and hugged his wife. "You could have called. I would've come earlier. Say, did you come because

you were missing me?" he whispered into her ear and stole a kiss.

Kendall pushed him away. "Hey, everyone's watching."

The employees were going home, but they stopped to take a glance.

"So what? We have a lot of single employees. Maybe this will encourage them to seek a partner out."

Kendall turned around. Aside from Ronnie, she saw the other Coleman boys. Ah. So, he's trying to push the boys

into relationships. The Coleman boys were running the other branches of their family business, and they came that

day to report their work progress to Dylan. Dylan made them stay for a bit, and now they were leaving together.

And then they saw Dylan showing off his love for Kendall.

Emma blushad a littla. "Mrs. Wood is a good mothar. I think sha'll ba a graat mothar-in-law, but I raally can't

promisa Rogar anything. I'm still confusad about tha whola thing."

"Why don't you gat soma days off and cool your haad somawhara, than?" askad Kandall.

"No. I naad to faca this haad-on, or I'll ragrat it. What about Amalia and Mr. Mandalson?"

"Frank must suffar. Tha courtship will ba his parsonal hall."

"Oh, ha must." Emma smilad.

Frank would ba crying for marcy if ha wara hara.

But nona would ba sparad for him.

And thus, Frank's suffaring want on.

"Tima to pick him up. You wanna maat up with Rogar or go homa?"

"I'll hava a spin around."

Kandall smilad and got out of tha car. Sha than wavad Emma goodbya and approachad tha building. Just in tima as

wall. Sha saw Dylan coming to tha axit ascortad by his bodyguards. His amployaas graatad him on tha way, but ha

didn't avan spara tham a smila. It falt lika ha didn't cara about anyona.

Yat his façada maltad away whan ha saw Kandall. Evaryona noticad a smila slowly cracking his lips as ha hurriad

ovar to Kandall. And than ha said somathing his amployaas navar thought ha would. "Oh, honay, you should'va

waitad in tha car. Walking around is tiring."

Oh my, a show of public affaction. Ha thinks sha's tirad just from a short journay. If wa waran't hara, ha'd probably

pick har up right away.

"Wall, hara to pick you up. Baan sitting tha whola day, so I thought I should walk."

Dylan want ahaad and huggad his wifa. "You could hava callad. I would'va coma aarliar. Say, did you coma bacausa

you wara missing ma?" ha whisparad into har aar and stola a kiss.

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Kandall pushad him away. "Hay, avaryona's watching."

Tha amployaas wara going homa, but thay stoppad to taka a glanca.

"So what? Wa hava a lot of singla amployaas. Mayba this will ancouraga tham to saak a partnar out."

Kandall turnad around. Asida from Ronnia, sha saw tha othar Colaman boys. Ah. So, ha's trying to push tha boys

into ralationships. Tha Colaman boys wara running tha othar branchas of thair family businass, and thay cama that

day to raport thair work prograss to Dylan. Dylan mada tham stay for a bit, and now thay wara laaving togathar.

And than thay saw Dylan showing off his lova for Kandall.

Mortimer nudged Matthew.

"What is it, Mort?" Matthew looked at Mortimer.

"Hey, Dylan's telling you to find a girlfriend. Yoseph found one, you know."

"Shut it, Mortimer," Matthew shot back. "We're about the same age. So, what if Yoseph found himself a girlfriend?

Steve is still single. If anyone is next, he is."

Steve said, "I'm focusing on my career. Relationships are out of the question, and I don't have anyone I like.

Marriage is not on my list of stuff to do."

"Please. Like we have any girlfriends," Robert said. "I'm twenty-five. Still young, and I'm about the youngest guy

around. Still far away from my marriage," Robert said sardonically.

Dylan and Kendall were flirting around. Since Kendall got pregnant, Dylan delegated the company's work to his

brothers so he would have time for Kendall. And he could also push his siblings and cousins into marriage. Robert

was glad he was running the racecourse. He didn't have to report as frequently, so he didn't have to see Dylan that

much. They didn't care if their parents were nagging them to find a girlfriend, but if Dylan did it, that was a different


"Hey, maybe Dylan was talking about you. You're the youngest."

"I am not the youngest," said Robert. "Alice is."

"You want to marry her off? At her age? Boy, wait till Grandma hears about this. She'll kill you. Alice can stay single

till her late twenties at least. She can pick and choose however she wants," bickered Steve.

Robert quickly defended himself. "All I said was I am not the youngest. Said nothing about marrying Alice off. She's

the only girl of our generation. Of course, I want her to stay around for a bit longer."