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Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 592
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Chapter 592

"I don't really want to wear myself out either."

Upon saying that, Kendall rubbed her stomach. As an experienced man, Adam instantly understood what her

actions implied, and he was elated.

"Kendall, are you…"

Kendall smiled and said, "It's not confirmed, but I'm pretty certain. Dad, don't spread this to the public yet. I'm only

telling you so that you won't let me drink at dinner later."

Adam replied joyfully, "I got it. I won't tell anyone, and I definitely won't announce it before the Coleman Family

does. Don't worry, I won't let you touch any wine later."

Even if she wasn't pregnant, he wouldn't let his daughter drink too much either.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? You've even been working so hard recently."

When Adam recalled that he had increased Kendall's workload, he flicked her forehead in distress, to which she

cheekily stuck out her tongue.

Adam was not a fool either, and he soon understood why she hid her pregnancy from them. First, it was because

she wasn't entirely sure yet, and the second reason must be because of Kelly. Although Kendall did not lay her

hands on the child in Kelly's belly, there was no saying whether Kelly would return the favor. After all, she had gone

insane from her jealousy toward Kendall.

"Kendall, I'll help you keep it from your mom for now. She can't keep any secrets, so she'll definitely spill the beans

if she found out."

"Thanks, Dad."

Soon after, the two changed topics and did not delve into this subject any further.

Jessie remained silent as if she were invisible, but she inwardly thanked the two for their trust in her.

Meanwhile, Roger took Emma to the restaurant that they frequented for dinner, and Toddy did not tag along.

Perhaps Roger had been driving too fast, and Toddy could not keep up.

Emma did not have much of an appetite, so Roger placed some of her favorite dishes onto her plate.

"Roger, I can help myself. You should eat too. You don't have to keep helping me."

Roger looked at her gently and asked, "Emma, do you not have any appetite tonight because of Mr. Heller?"

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"No, it has nothing to do with him. I'm not related to him in any way," Emma denied that Toddy would have any

effect on her.

"Actually, I know that you acted so intimately with me in front of your company because you wanted to show it to

Mr. Heller on purpose," Roger said. Although he was an honest man, he was not a fool either.

After a pause, Emma explained apologetically, "I'm sorry, Roger. I did use you earlier. I only did that because I

wanted to make Toddy give up and stop pestering me."

"I'm confused, too, and I don't know what choice I should make. You're a good person. I feel relaxed whenever I'm

with you, and you take good care of me too, but I really can't develop any romantic feelings for you at the moment.

I admit that Toddy is still able to affect my feelings, and I haven't completely forgotten about him yet."

"If he stops badgering me, I'll definitely be able to truly let him go after time passes."

Emma did not want to go back to Toddy, but she was unable to accept Roger's feelings in such a short time as well.

Roger assured her gently, "Emma, I've never asked you to give me an answer immediately. I just want you to give

me a chance, and when we know each other better and you've found peace, you can give me a clear answer then.

Now, we can just be regular, platonic friends, so that you won't feel pressured."

"You don't have to worry about Kendall either. This is between us and has nothing to do with her, and she won't

interfere in our relationship either. Even if Mr. Heller ends up your final choice, Kendall and I will respect your

decision and give you our utmost blessings. Loving a person is wanting them to do well and be happy. As long as

she's happy, I will still give her my blessings even if she doesn't choose to be with me."

Emma looked at him seriously, thinking that he truly was a kind person, and thanked him, "Thank you, Roger!"

"What are you thanking me for? I'm happy as long as you are. By the way, how's work going in the new

environment? My sister, I mean Kelly, she isn't giving you a hard time, is she?"

Emma replied, "I'm Miss Parker's secretary on paper, and while I'm not as influential as Miss Holmes, nobody dares

to pick on me."

In all her years of working, she had always been with Dylan, and she had seen more than any other secretary. The

staff at Parker Corporation knew the true reason she was suddenly hired as well, and no one dared to pick on

Dylan's designated secretary anyway.

The senior executives at Parker Corporation now viewed Kendall differently, not only because of her achievements

but also because Emma's arrival made them realize that Dylan would interfere with the handover of the company

to its heir. If Kendall couldn't take over, he would definitely purchase the company by force and hand it to her later.

If she ended up taking over the company, regardless of whether she had the ability to take the company to greater

heights, she still had Dylan to back her up and help her out.

Those who had been working at Parker Corporation for some time had grown attached to the company and did not

want to lose their jobs either. As long as the company did well, they could keep their jobs without having to brace

the pressure of looking for a new job. As time passed and they slowly grew older, they wouldn't be able to compete

with the new blood in the workplace. If they left Parker Corporation and nobody offered them a new job with good

compensation, they might spend a long time unemployed.

Those who had been working at Parker Corporation for some time had grown attached to the company and did not

want to lose their jobs either. As long as the company did well, they could keep their jobs without having to brace

the pressure of looking for a new job. As time passed and they slowly grew older, they wouldn't be able to compete

with the new blood in the workplace. If they left Parker Corporation and nobody offered them a new job with good

compensation, they might spend a long time unemployed.

"Glad to hear that, but you still have to be wary of her. She doesn't like Kendall, and you're good friends with

Kendall, so she might be scheming against the two of you," Roger warned.

Emma hummed in reply before asking, "She's your biological sister, but I feel like you and your family don't really

like her. Is it because of what happened with your elder brother?"

"Not completely. It mostly has to do with her attitude. It's been two years since she found out that she got swapped,

and it's one thing if she doesn't want to come back to the Woods Family, but she always acts like we don't exist

every time she sees us, as if we're embarrassing or something."

"When she was hospitalized and my mother took care of her, she treated my mother horribly. Although we're

blood-related, her attitude and behavior make it difficult for us to like her."

Roger did not feel much for her as they did not grow up together, and Kelly never thought of them as her family


"She thinks that Kendall is luckier than her because Kendall went from a country bumpkin to the daughter of a

wealthy family while she went from the daughter of a wealthy family to a country bumpkin. To her, we're just

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country bumpkins, really."

"I've never met her much, but in the few times that I did, I can sense that she despises Kendall and thinks that

Kendall took everything from her. Why couldn't she put herself in Kendall's shoes for a moment? Kendall is the

daughter of a rich family and should've lived luxuriously and gotten a better education, but she enjoyed all of that

instead. She was the one who'd had it easy, so I can't believe she harbors hate against Kendall."

Those who hod been working ot Porker Corporotion for some time hod grown ottoched to the compony ond did not

wont to lose their jobs either. As long os the compony did well, they could keep their jobs without hoving to broce

the pressure of looking for o new job. As time possed ond they slowly grew older, they wouldn't be oble to compete

with the new blood in the workploce. If they left Porker Corporotion ond nobody offered them o new job with good

compensotion, they might spend o long time unemployed.

"Glod to heor thot, but you still hove to be wory of her. She doesn't like Kendoll, ond you're good friends with

Kendoll, so she might be scheming ogoinst the two of you," Roger worned.

Emmo hummed in reply before osking, "She's your biologicol sister, but I feel like you ond your fomily don't reolly

like her. Is it becouse of whot hoppened with your elder brother?"

"Not completely. It mostly hos to do with her ottitude. It's been two yeors since she found out thot she got swopped,

ond it's one thing if she doesn't wont to come bock to the Woods Fomily, but she olwoys octs like we don't exist

every time she sees us, os if we're emborrossing or something."

"When she wos hospitolized ond my mother took core of her, she treoted my mother horribly. Although we're

blood-reloted, her ottitude ond behovior moke it difficult for us to like her."

Roger did not feel much for her os they did not grow up together, ond Kelly never thought of them os her fomily


"She thinks thot Kendoll is luckier thon her becouse Kendoll went from o country bumpkin to the doughter of o

weolthy fomily while she went from the doughter of o weolthy fomily to o country bumpkin. To her, we're just

country bumpkins, reolly."

"I've never met her much, but in the few times thot I did, I con sense thot she despises Kendoll ond thinks thot

Kendoll took everything from her. Why couldn't she put herself in Kendoll's shoes for o moment? Kendoll is the

doughter of o rich fomily ond should've lived luxuriously ond gotten o better educotion, but she enjoyed oll of thot

insteod. She wos the one who'd hod it eosy, so I con't believe she horbors hote ogoinst Kendoll."