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Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 586
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Chapter 586

Despite being very gentle, Dylan had been feeling Kendall's belly for a long while, after all. Plus, he was also

mumbling non-stop, and just like that, Kendall stirred.

The young woman sensed that something was moving back and forth on her belly, and she happened to be

dreaming about Baby as well.

This time, the little one had grown up. She looked to be about four years old, and she was standing by the bed in a

pink princess dress, calling Kendall 'Mommy' in her sweet, childish voice.

Kendall called out to the little one with joy, but the second she wanted to pick her baby up, the little one

disappeared. At the same time, she felt someone feeling her belly, and so she jolted awake to find her man

pressing his face on her belly and caressing it with his right hand instead of being asleep. He cooed, "Hurry and

grow up, okay, Baby? You can come out and meet Daddy once you're big enough. Daddy wants to meet you very,

very much."

Baby's still just an embryo, Coleman! Kendall mused. The baby wouldn't be able to hear him no matter how much

he said before they became a fetus.

She'll only be able to sense your interactions after she starts moving.

Word was that a baby would love their father especially after they were born if the father interacted with them


Prenatal education was still influential to a certain degree.

Amused, Kendall reached her hand out to ruffle Dylan's head, causing him to sit up and look at her in fright.

Just like that, the couple looked at each other, and it was Dylan who broke the silence with an embarrassed smile.

"Did I wake you up? I promise I've been as gentle as I could."

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"Why are you awake in the middle of the night?" Kendall asked while sitting up.

"I woke up thirsty, so I went to drink some water, but I couldn't fall back asleep. I couldn't help but want to talk to

Baby. I heard prenatal education is very important. If I keep talking to Baby, she'll remember my voice, and she and

I will only be close after she comes out."

A chuckle escaped Kendall as she listened to her beloved's explanation. "We have to make a trip to the hospital a

couple of days later to find out if I'm pregnant. Though it's about ninety percent positive, it's still too early to tell.

How can you feel Baby's presence when even I can't?! It won't be too late even if you wait until she moves before

giving her prenatal education, you know."

Look at how impatient this guy is. Then again, I'm also desperate to meet this little one too. Who knows if it's you,


"You're right. I'll talk to her every day once she starts moving." Dylan couldn't wait for the day to come any sooner.

Kendall suddenly understood his eagerness when she saw how eager he was.

In her past life, she and Baby died in front of him, and he was clueless about his relationship with the two even as

they died. Kendall didn't know if he got married and had kids after that, but either way, he was still a bachelor and

didn't know the feeling of being a father as she breathed her last breath.

This life, she had rewritten their story and had a child of their own as she wished. Hence, this was arguably his first

time being a father.

It was normal that he would feel excited and eager.

"It's very late. Try and get some sleep." Kendall yawned and lay back down, pulling his hand in the meantime,

suggesting he do the same as well before snuggling up in his arms.

Loving that she voluntarily snuggled up to him, he wrapped his arms around her and cooed, "Alright, let's sleep."

"Goodnight, darling," said Kendall with a smile after kissing him on the cheek.

"Goodnight." Dylan no longer bothered her from drifting into her slumber after that.

After watching his beloved wife falling asleep with barely an effort, he succumbed to sleep in no time as well.

Following that, silence filled the night until Kendall's phone rang non-stop at daybreak, waking up the young

Coleman couple.

"Who is it?" Dylan sounded a little grumpy.

Whomever the f*ck it is, you better have a tremendously important reason for waking people up bright and early,

or I'll do the same to you. Let's see how you like being woken up at the crack of dawn every day!

Meanwhile, Kendall turned the bedside lamp on before checking the caller ID. "I think it's Frank."

She hadn't saved Frank's phone number and even blocked him several times. However, the man kept calling her

with different phone numbers. Once she saw an unknown caller, she knew Frank was most likely behind it.

Dylan sat up at once.

"Relax. He might be calling me because he found out Amy has left. He's probably panicking after not being able to

get a hold of her. I saw this coming."

"Has Amelia left?" Dylan's eyes lit up.

Frank had visited him at his office again the day before.

The man visited him thrice within a short time. It wasn't just those in his company; even people outside were

guessing if he and Frank would eventually become friends because of Kendall.

Many even commented that they would believe in love again if the hearsay was true, for love was so powerful that

it could turn two nemeses into friends from being in love with the same woman.

"Yeah, Frank confessed his love to her, but she has a hard time accepting it at the moment and doesn't believe he

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truly loves her. Her head was all over the place, so she called me, and I gave her some advice. I told her to go on a

trip, get some fresh air, and let her calm her mind before dealing with this. I even told her to get a new phone

number lest Frank harassed her." At that, the young woman giggled. "What do you think, dear?"

"That should be the way." Dylan beamed too. "He shouldn't have things his way all the time!"

No wonder that b*stard came looking for me again yesterday. He confessed his love to Amelia, huh?

Frank didn't tell him his reason for visiting but only hung around in his office and kept drinking, then kept running to

the washroom.

Being his nemesis, Dylan didn't stand on ceremony with him either, literally charging Frank a fee for many things.

After all, it was on Frank for bothering him when he was working and chugging his water.

Cheapskate! Frank protested. Will it kill you to let me drink a few glasses of your water?!

Yes, what are you going to do about it?! You'd better pay up if you want to drink. Dylan retorted.

"Should I answer it, then?" Kendall asked her beloved husband, worried that he would get jealous if she answered

the call.

Meanwhile, Frank's calls kept coming in, looking like he wouldn't stop until her phone exploded.

Dylan reached his hand out, and Kendall gave him her phone at once.

Again, Frank's call came, and Dylan answered it.

"Kendall, where is Amelia?! You must know where she has gone. Tell me where she is! I've looked it up. Her last call

before leaving was to you. Did she leave because of what you told her?!" Frank rambled anxiously as soon as the

line connected.

"Kendall's not Amelia's shadow," Dylan said icily. "How would she know where Amelia has gone to?!"

"Coleman? Where's your wife? Tell her to answer the phone. Is she afraid of answering my calls because she's

feeling guilty?!"

"Why do you think I'd let my wife answer the calls of a man who used to parade about how much he loved her? I

have no interest in cuckolding," Dylan retorted icily.