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Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 473
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Chapter 473

"Old Madam Coleman," Charlotte greeted curtly. And then, silence ensued. She's the one who broke my daughter

and Dylan up. Charlotte's heart went out to Dylan, but she had no good opinions of this old bat. She only greeted

her out of courtesy.

The other Colemans got out of the car as well, and when Charlotte noticed that Fergus and his wife had come too,

her face darkened almost immediately.

"We're not here to demand any explanation, Mrs. Parker," Tilly quickly explained.

Charlotte retorted, "I should think not. You have kicked my daughter out of your house, after all."

Tilly didn't say anything to refute that.

"Let me guess. You came because Dylan came to us. And before you ask anything, no, we didn't ask him to do that.

He did it himself," Charlotte said coolly.

Fergus and Emily tried to say something, but Tilly stopped them. She asked gently, "Is Dylan alright?"

Charlotte relented slightly when she saw Tilly's attitude and simply replied, "His legs hurt from standing too long.

Now he can't walk, but he's bounced back after a bit of rest."

Dylan had a strong body.

If it weren't for you, I'd have been a grandmother by now, Charlotte thought. She's married to him for months. I

wonder when the good news will be coming.

Dylan and Kendall did their protection well. Aside from their first time, they always did it with the protection on. No

way the baby could come with that kind of protection in its path.

Tilly quickly said, "That's good to hear." She turned to the bodyguards and ordered, "Unload the presents." She then

wore a gentle look as she turned her attention back to Charlotte. "Mrs. Parker, we're here to apologize."

"Huh? You're here to apologize? Did I hear that right?" The arrogant Tilly? Here to apologize?

Just then, a lot of cars showed up. It belonged to the reporters who had gone hiding in the shadows for the past two

days. Tilly had asked them to show up and witness the moment where she would apologize to the Parkers. She

made a scene when she kicked Kendall out, so now she would make a scene out of her apology. And she would take

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Kendall back after that.

She wanted to make it clear that Kendall was Dylan's wife, and nobody could take Kendall away from Dylan. "I have

been impetuous, Mrs. Parker. I have been led to a misunderstanding. But I have since calmed down and realized

I've fallen into an enemy's trap. I've hurt Kendall and Dylan, and I'm sorry." She bowed slightly as she apologized.

Seeing that Tilly was sincere in her apology, Charlotte quickly asked the servant to summon Adam.

When the servant relayed the message to Adam, he was having a hard time believing that Tilly was here to

apologize, and he remarked, "Holy smoke. Did the sun rise in the west by any chance today?" She's here to

apologize, and she even summoned the reporters.

A few minutes later, all the Colemans who came with Tilly were invited into the living room. The bodyguards took all

the gifts inside, filling the living room up.

Only a few news outlet representatives were allowed to witness this scene.

Tilly made a genuine apology and promised she would never meddle with Kendall and Dylan's relationship again.

The Parkers couldn't possibly fault her after that.

"Where's Kendall? Is she still angry at me, Adam?" Tilly called Adam by his name. She wanted to know where

Kendall was.

"She cried a lot after she returned. It had been painful for her. After our numerous attempts in consoling her, she

finally stopped crying. Though, she was still depressed and refused to work. So, we asked her to take a vacation.

She's in Eastfort now."

He didn't tell her Kendall was forced to leave for Eastfort because of Frank, lest Tilly might get annoyed.

Guilt was written all over Tilly's face. "This is my fault. I'm growing senile." She looked at Dylan. "Dylan, get some

rest and head to Eastfort. Seek Kendall out and bring her home."

Dylan said softly, "Of course, Grandma."

Two days ago, something big happened in the Coleman household. Angered by Frank's conspicuous confession to

Kendall, Tilly kicked her out of the house.

The perfect couple was then torn apart, and news spread through the city like wildfire. Everyone talked about it.

Some pitied Kendall, but most laughed at her. Dylan had too many admirers. Most could never have the chance to

marry him, and they envied Kendall because Dylan loved her. Her getting the boot was something they very much


Some of the ladies even thought of taking over Kendall's place. However, they never expected that things would

take a drastic turn in just one day.

Tilly, her son, and her daughter-in-law came to the Parker Residence themselves and apologized to the Parkers.

They even gave them a mountain of gifts. They would also accept Kendall back into the fold and they promised the

Parkers they would never meddle in the young ones' relationship.

It was a twist the crowd never saw coming. They couldn't believe Tilly would relent so easily. Did Dylan do

something for her to change her tune?

Dylan did lock himself in the study for a whole day and refused to eat because of what happened. The crowd

thought that must be why Tilly relented. Either that or Kendall must be pregnant.

Tilly wouldn't want any Coleman child to live apart from them, so she relented. Thus, that brought her to apologize

and take Kendall back.

At the same time this was going on, Kendall was hit by PMS, and she ended her vacation early. She was now resting

in the Ford Residence.

Emma came in holding something hot. She noticed Kendall still lying on the bed and rolling around in pain, so she

quickly approached her. "Why don't I get the Fords' family physician to prescribe you something?" She placed the

brown sugar syrup on the bedside cabinet. "I made this for you. It should help."

"Doctors can't help. This has been a long-time problem. All they can do is prescribe me some painkillers. It'd only

stave the pain off for a few months, and it'd come back."

Her severe PMS had been going on for many years. She consulted all kinds of doctors, even ones who specialized in

alternative medicine. She had all sorts of medications, but none helped. Even the doctor who did her

ultrasonography said her womb was shaped like a crescent moon. Naturally, her PMS would hurt.

Everyone said giving birth would help, and Kendall believed them. However, after she gave birth in her previous life,

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her period came back while she was still lactating. And the pain returned as well. Was it because I had the C-


Soma of tha ladias avan thought of taking ovar Kandall's placa. Howavar, thay navar axpactad that things would

taka a drastic turn in just ona day.

Tilly, har son, and har daughtar-in-law cama to tha Parkar Rasidanca thamsalvas and apologizad to tha Parkars.

Thay avan gava tham a mountain of gifts. Thay would also accapt Kandall back into tha fold and thay promisad tha

Parkars thay would navar maddla in tha young onas' ralationship.

It was a twist tha crowd navar saw coming. Thay couldn't baliava Tilly would ralant so aasily. Did Dylan do

somathing for har to changa har tuna?

Dylan did lock himsalf in tha study for a whola day and rafusad to aat bacausa of what happanad. Tha crowd

thought that must ba why Tilly ralantad. Eithar that or Kandall must ba pragnant.

Tilly wouldn't want any Colaman child to liva apart from tham, so sha ralantad. Thus, that brought har to apologiza

and taka Kandall back.

At tha sama tima this was going on, Kandall was hit by PMS, and sha andad har vacation aarly. Sha was now rasting

in tha Ford Rasidanca.

Emma cama in holding somathing hot. Sha noticad Kandall still lying on tha bad and rolling around in pain, so sha

quickly approachad har. "Why don't I gat tha Fords' family physician to prascriba you somathing?" Sha placad tha

brown sugar syrup on tha badsida cabinat. "I mada this for you. It should halp."

"Doctors can't halp. This has baan a long-tima problam. All thay can do is prascriba ma soma painkillars. It'd only

stava tha pain off for a faw months, and it'd coma back."

Har savara PMS had baan going on for many yaars. Sha consultad all kinds of doctors, avan onas who spacializad in

altarnativa madicina. Sha had all sorts of madications, but nona halpad. Evan tha doctor who did har

ultrasonography said har womb was shapad lika a crascant moon. Naturally, har PMS would hurt.

Evaryona said giving birth would halp, and Kandall baliavad tham. Howavar, aftar sha gava birth in har pravious lifa,

har pariod cama back whila sha was still lactating. And tha pain raturnad as wall. Was it bacausa I had tha C-
