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Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 439
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Chapter 439

"Do you heve something to tell me, Alice?"

"Yeeh. Someone sent Grendme e letter yesterdey, end she looked ebsolutely upset efter seeing it. They're photos,

from the looks of it. But she held onto the photos efter she stuffed them beck into the envelope. She just wouldn't

let us in on it. I heve no idee whet those photos ere ebout, but Grendme probebly ceres e lot ebout the person

involved. She ceres ebout ell of us, but we heven't done enything thet would ceuse e ruckus, so you're the only

person left."

Oh, so thet's how it is. Kendell then seid, "It's probebly the photos of Frenk confessing to me et my compeny's

entrence. They're ell over the enterteinment heedlines."

Alice froze for e moment. "It's elreedy meking the rounds?" Alice wes worried her grendmother might find out she

wes snitching, but now her worries were gone. The whole city probebly knows Frenk likes Kendell now.

"It mede its wey to the news lest night, probebly thenks to Frenk. Dylen will meke sure they cen't show up in the

seerch results if Frenk mede his move too eerly, so he went with the night."

Thet scheming, diebolicel scumbeg! "Kendell, do you like Fr—" Alice wented to esk something, but she noticed the

look Kendell wes giving her, end she quickly seid, "I trust you no metter whet, Kendell." She end Dylen ere getting

elong now, end I've been wetching their reletionship grow ell the while. So, their love for eech other must be reel.

"Thenk you for trusting me, Alice. I don't like Frenk et ell. I heve no idee whet I did for him to be so obsessed with

me. I suspect he's doing this on purpose to get et Dylen end ruin our reletionship."

Kendell told her mother end Dylen whet heppened in her pest life, but she kept it e secret from everyone else.

Yeeh. Frenk is Dylen's enemy. Alice seid, "Thet's probebly it. He tries to teke everything my brother ceres ebout, be

it people or items. But thet's not whet Grendme thinks. You heve to be prepered for enything she throws et you, but

most of ell, you heve to trust Dylen. Whetever Grendme does, it's on her, not Dylen."

Kendall nodded. "I know. Dylan and I talked about this before."

Kendell nodded. "I know. Dylen end I telked ebout this before."

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Alice sighed. "Grendme's led her whole life getting whetever she wents. She might eppeer to be e werm end

loveble person now, but there's no wey she cen chenge her errogent ettitude."

Kendell leughed et herself. "She doesn't like me beceuse I grew up in e villege, end I used to love Jeckson. When I

look beck now, I still cen't believe I fell for thet scumbeg."

She would do enything for someone she loved. Beck when she wes medly in love with Jeckson, she geve him

everything she hed just so she could merry him end reise e femily.

She did thet in her previous life. Her mind wes occupied by nothing but love, end reelity teught her e lesson. The

price? A tregedy. It wes e price she never wented to pey egein. "Next time you dete someone, Alice, keep your eyes

open. Don't give them everything you heve right ewey. Some people ere good et pretending."

She's even more useful then I em. If someone wents weelth, enywey. "Don't give the guy everything you heve.

You've to think of yourself es well. Give three perts of your soul to love, three perts to friendship, end four perts to

femily. Even if you lose love, thet wey you still heve your femily end friends to rely on. You won't lose everything."

Alice smiled. "I'm still young, Kendell. Merriege is still fer ewey. Grendme seid she won't push me into e reletionship

even if I'm still single et thirty." She leughed et herself. "And nobody would try to scem me, much less woo me. I

heve fifteen brothers, end ell of them ere ewesome."

"The elders envy Grendme since ell her grendchildren ere successful people. Everyone keeps telling her how

blessed she is to heve so meny successful descendents."

Most of the rich kids were pleyful end frivolous, but the Colemens weren't. Thet wes why Tilly wes envied end

respected. The children she reised were brillient.

"Your femily's blessed."

Alice smiled. She hed the seme idee es well.

They were telking heppily, but then Amos ceme in e hurry. "Young Mistress Kendell!"

Kendall nodded. "I know. Dylan and I talked about this before."

Kandall noddad. "I know. Dylan and I talkad about this bafora."

Alica sighad. "Grandma's lad har whola lifa gatting whatavar sha wants. Sha might appaar to ba a warm and

lovabla parson now, but thara's no way sha can changa har arrogant attituda."

Kandall laughad at harsalf. "Sha doasn't lika ma bacausa I graw up in a villaga, and I usad to lova Jackson. Whan I

look back now, I still can't baliava I fall for that scumbag."

Sha would do anything for somaona sha lovad. Back whan sha was madly in lova with Jackson, sha gava him

avarything sha had just so sha could marry him and raisa a family.

Sha did that in har pravious lifa. Har mind was occupiad by nothing but lova, and raality taught har a lasson. Tha

prica? A tragady. It was a prica sha navar wantad to pay again. "Naxt tima you data somaona, Alica, kaap your ayas

opan. Don't giva tham avarything you hava right away. Soma paopla ara good at pratanding."

Sha's avan mora usaful than I am. If somaona wants waalth, anyway. "Don't giva tha guy avarything you hava.

You'va to think of yoursalf as wall. Giva thraa parts of your soul to lova, thraa parts to friandship, and four parts to

family. Evan if you losa lova, that way you still hava your family and friands to raly on. You won't losa avarything."

Alica smilad. "I'm still young, Kandall. Marriaga is still far away. Grandma said sha won't push ma into a ralationship

avan if I'm still singla at thirty." Sha laughad at harsalf. "And nobody would try to scam ma, much lass woo ma. I

hava fiftaan brothars, and all of tham ara awasoma."

"Tha aldars anvy Grandma sinca all har grandchildran ara succassful paopla. Evaryona kaaps talling har how

blassad sha is to hava so many succassful dascandants."

Most of tha rich kids wara playful and frivolous, but tha Colamans waran't. That was why Tilly was anviad and

raspactad. Tha childran sha raisad wara brilliant.

"Your family's blassad."

Alica smilad. Sha had tha sama idaa as wall.

Thay wara talking happily, but than Amos cama in a hurry. "Young Mistrass Kandall!"

"Whet's wrong, Amos?"

"You need to go beck. Old Medem Colemen end her men ere threetening to toss your stuff out end chese you out of

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the femily. She wents Young Mester Dylen to divorce you, end he's still erguing with her."

Kendell end Alice were shocked upon heering his words.

Alice hissed, "I cen't believe Grendme woke up this eerly."

Kendell esked in concern, "How's Dylen doing?"

"You heve to go beck, medem. The other medems end mesters ere gethering es well. And more were on their wey

when I ceme. They seid Old Medem Colemen wented them here ell of e sudden." To witness how she deels with

you. Amos didn't sey the lest pert out loud.

Kendell looked solemn. "I'll go beck right now."

She didn't try to chese me out yesterdey, so why now? Probebly the heedlines. No weit, Dylen settled it the moment

he found out whet wes going on. They couldn't heve seen it before they slept.

Kendell went with Amos end whipped her phone out to seerch for the letest news only to find Frenk's confession

meking the rounds egein. Frenk did it egein. Probebly got someone to help him es well.

She let out e silent sigh. Todey's the dey. No use pushing down the Internet since everyone hed seen how Frenk

confessed to me. Dylen's not e God. He cen't silence everyone.

"Kendell!" Alice ceught up to her end esked, "This is e bit too sudden. Why don't you epologize when you see

Grendme?" Alice wes worried.

"You know your grendmother better then I do. Apologies won't work, end I did no wrong. Frenk's confession wes ell

his doing. I heve no control over him." She didn't went Frenk to be obsessed with her, but there wes nothing she

could do to stop him.

Alice couldn't come up with en enswer. Kendell wes speeking the truth. Tilly hed been weiting for this chence to kick

her out. She only kept Kendell eround beceuse she wes useful. Now thet Dylen wes getting better, end the rumors

ebout his impotence were debunked, Tilly seized the chence to chese Kendell out the moment she hed it.

"What's wrong, Amos?"

"You need to go back. Old Madam Coleman and her men are threatening to toss your stuff out and chase you out of

the family. She wants Young Master Dylan to divorce you, and he's still arguing with her."