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Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 331
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Chapter 331

"You really are an obnoxious one, Kendall," Yasmine chided.

Kendall forked a piece of the dessert and even brought the entire plate to Yasmine surprisingly, looking at the latter

with a half smile. "Now, this is the real you. Go on and hate me. You'll feel sick pretending to like me and be all

chummy with me. Why do that to yourself, then? Here, try the dessert you ordered."

Yasmine glared at Kendall for quite some time. Instead of taking the plate from the latter, she ate the dessert on

the fork.

At that, Kendall withdrew her hand and grabbed a paper napkin, wiping her hand clean.

"Not even Dylan has had the privilege of being fed by me. You'd better not tell the whole world, or no one will be left

unharmed when that man gets jealous."

While rendered exasperated, Yasmine swallowed the piece of dessert in her mouth. She found it dry, so she took a

sip of her coffee to relieve the dryness. "Are you trying to brag about how well Master Dylan treats you, Kendall?"

At that, Kendall leaned toward Yasmine and thanked her with a smile, "Thank you for your decision to not marry

Dylan, Yasmine."

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Technically speaking, Yasmine had indeed abandoned Dylan, who was a treasure she had stumbled upon.

Surely, Yasmine would rue the day she did so.

Then again, Dylan never made Yasmine any promises, so even if Yasmine regretted her decision, there was no

turning back for her.

She might have courted Dylan for years, but she also abandoned him the second he was met with the accident.

That in itself made her unworthy of having Dylan.

Livid, Yasmine gritted her teeth and wanted to leave at once, but she decided against it when she remembered

what she had asked Jeffrey to do.

With that, she wrapped an arm around Kendall, being all chummy with her. She then said with a smile, "You guys

have to invite me to your wedding; it'd be even better if you ask me to be your bridesmaid."

A glimmer of light flashed across Kendall's eyes as she intentionally pinched Yasmine's face, causing the latter to

nearly flip. Kendall sat straight with a giggle, then grabbed her cup of coffee in one hand while forking a piece of

the dessert, eating and drinking away gracefully.

Two could play the palsy-walsy game.

"Careful not to end up looking like a pig with the way you're eating all these desserts, lest you want Master Dylan to

get sick of you and chuck you away." Yasmine sassed with a smile.

"You really are an obnoxious one, Kendall," Yasmine chided.

"Well, I'll have to disappoint you then. I can eat whatever I want without ever getting fat." In actuality, she worked

out intensely, so all the calories she ate would be burned off. Hence, she wouldn't gain much weight no matter how

she ate.

After successfully gaining Yasmine's envy, Kendall asked gravely, "Yasmine, just what exactly are you planning by

asking me out and pretending to be all chummy with me? You want people to believe that we've made peace so

that you can use this incident to have Dylan call it quits and lessen Zorn Holdings' burden, don't you?"

Stumped, Yasmine wanted to ask how she figured it out, but doing so would imply that it was exactly what she was


"My target now is Frank," she said honestly, leading Kendall to nod. "I know. You're a sensible woman, Miss Zorn. I

have to say that I'm impressed you can even treat your romance sensibly."

The woman abandoned Dylan at once when she found out he might not ever be able to produce a progeny after

the accident. She was so sensible that it was… upsetting!

"That reminds me, I've even helped you to court Frank. Say, did you ever receive Frank's undisclosed information

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from Dylan?"

Her words took Yasmine aback for a moment. "So you're the one. I thought…"

She initially thought Dylan had offered to help. She was quite beside herself with rage when she received it, thinking

Dylan had gone too far. So be it that he felt nothing for her, but he even pushed her to another man, telling her all

about Frank's preferences so that she could pander to them.

"Know thyself, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories. It's a good strategy to use in courting

one's husband, I believe. You'll eventually win his heart after you have a good picture of all his preferences, then

pander to them."

Kendall's love expert behavior made Yasmine want to dump her coffee onto the woman. Nonetheless, she knew she

had to fight back her temper.

Kendall was no longer the country bumpkin she could threaten and blackmail as she pleased. Instead, she was the

young mistress of the Coleman Family!

The identity was one that Yasmine wished to stand in even in her dreams in the past.

For years, she had tried to reach for it but couldn't even touch the edge. On the contrary, Kendall stood firmly as

the young mistress of the Colman Family with ease.

How f*cking maddening!