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Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 320
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Chapter 320

Out of his love for Kendall, Dylan naturally became her prominent support. He prohibited anyone, including his

family members, from bullying Kendall. Moreover, he even declared to his family that Kendall did not need to abide

by the rules set within the Coleman Family. Although Emily did not dare to oppose Dylan's statement, her

dissatisfaction grew. Because of this, she kept thinking of finding fault in Kendall to achieve her goal of forcing

Kendall out of the Coleman Mansion.

"Mrs. Coleman, everything was really fine." Henry remained tight-lipped. Yes, I am afraid of Mrs. Coleman. But

compared to her, I am more terrified of Young Master Dylan. We are not allowed to make irresponsible remarks

about Young Master Dylan's affairs. We cannot reveal anything without his consent, even if Mrs. Coleman keeps

pressing us for answers. If I offend Mrs. Coleman, the most tragic ending for both my wife and me is probably

leaving the Coleman Residence. But—if I offend Young Master Dylan, we will have to leave Orapolis.

"Henry, just tell me the truth. I promise not to let Dylan know and will not seek trouble with Kendall." Emily gentled

her tone, trying to persuade Henry to tell the truth.

"Mrs. Coleman. Everything was really fine. I do not know what I should tell you even if you ask me to." Henry looked


At once, the calm expression on Emily's face turned dark again. She looked at Henry coldly and threatened. "Henry,

believe it or not: I can make you and your wife leave the Coleman Mansion this instance."

"Mrs. Coleman, even if you ask my wife and me to leave immediately, I am still sticking with my earlier reply. Young

Mistress Kendall rushed home after her class, and nothing happened. As for why Young Master Dylan leaves the

mansion in a hurry, I do not work directly under him, so I am not sure why."

Finally, Henry looked up at Emily and added, "Mrs. Coleman, you may ask Ronnie if you want to know what Young

Master Dylan did tonight." Ronnie is the one who constantly stays by Young Master Dylan's side. Although I am a

driver, I seldom drive. I am free most of the time and will take care of Miss Alice's pets with my wife. I only got to be

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busy every day after Young Mistress Kendall moved in and Mr. Miller arranged for me to be her chauffeur.

Emily felt herself almost blowing a fuse when she heard his reply. Of course, I know Ronnie knows everything! But I

do not dare to interrogate him. Yes, he is Dylan's bodyguard, but his family background is quite prominent too. He is

willing to serve as Dylan's bodyguard because, first off, he has the skills to do so, and secondly, Dylan once saved

his life. In order to repay Dylan's life-saving grace, he condescended himself to be his bodyguard. If anyone asks

me who is the most loyal to Dylan, my answer will definitely be Ronnie and Amos. I cannot even get an answer from

Henry—let alone dig some information from Ronnie. It is clear that this is merely wishful thinking!

"Henry. Do not think I—"


Suddenly, a gentle voice calling out Emily's name came from the stairs.

When Emily heard the voice, she knew it was time for her to stop interrogating Henry.

Shortly after, Fergus came downstairs. When he approached them, he first glanced at Henry, and then shifted his

gaze toward his wife, Emily. Then, with a tinge of warmth in his voice, he said, "If you want to find someone to chat

with you when you cannot sleep due to insomnia, you can always wake me up. Henry is pretty tired from having to

send and fetch Kendall to and from work every day."

By saying Emily's interrogation as a chat, not only did Fergus give his wife an out, but it was also equivalent to him

saving Henry and exempting Henry from being held accountable.

Emily inhaled deeply in order to calm herself. Fergus has come downstairs. It will not be good of me to keep

interrogating Henry. When she thought of that, she said flatly, "It is getting very late. Henry, go back and rest."

The moment Henry sensed that he was free from interrogation, he immediately said, "Good night, Mr. and Mrs.


Then, he swiftly left the main house like he was fleeing for his life. He only reached up to wipe the cold sweat from

his forehead after he stepped out of the yard threshold of the main house. That scared the wits out of me! For a

moment, I thought I would get fired.

In the meantime, Fergus, who had rescued Henry, sat down next to his wife. He looked at her in displeasure, poked

her cheek good-naturedly, and said, "What are you doing not sleeping at night and staying up late? It is not good

for your health and not good for your well-maintained skin. It will be a pity if such fair and soft skin becomes

wrinkled because of staying up late."

"Fair and soft? I am an old woman now. If you want someone with fair and soft skin, you can always go out there

and find a young mistress." Emily swatted his finger, which was gently poking her cheek away.

Despite her remarks, Fergus merely smiled. "If I were to go out there and look for a young mistress, I am afraid you

would only turn this house into chaos. So, for the peace and harmony of this house, I would rather protect and keep

guard by your side, my old woman."

"Old woman?! Who is the old woman?! I have no grandchildren yet. I am young!"

"Were you not the one who said you were an old woman? And if you are an old woman, then I am an old man.

Remember our promise when we got married back then? We promised each other that we would grow old


As he spoke, he deliberately looked at Emily's hair. "Let me check if you have gray hair. When I looked in the mirror

yesterday, I saw I had gray hair."

Fergus was seven years older than Emily, so it was normal for him to have gray hair earlier than her. Also, perhaps

he was several years older than Emily; he always treated his wife like a child after their marriage.

"I don't have any gray hair." Emily also looked at her husband's hair and said, "Inform Dylan and ask him to call

Terence to come over to dye your hair for you. I have yet to have gray hair, so you are not allowed to have gray

hair first. We have agreed to grow old together, so you cannot grow old before me."

"Okay," Fergus responded gently. Then, he held his wife's hand and said, "It is very late, so let us go inside and rest.

Tomorrow, we will prepare some gifts and make a trip to the Parker Residence." No matter how dissatisfied

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everyone is with Kendall, she is still Dylan's legitimate wife.

From Fergus' perspective, he felt that they had been delaying the matter of visiting the in-laws for too long. If we

delay it any further, it will only make us, the Coleman Family, seem uncivilized.

"I am not going," Emily said in a sulk. "If you want to arrange for a meet-up, just call them and ask them to make a

trip over.

Fergus sighed when he saw Emily's reaction and said, "Honey. I am worried about Ally."

"What is wrong with Ally?"

For Emily, her daughter, Alice, was her most precious darling. Hence, when she heard Fergus mention Alice, she

would feel uneasy, thinking that something had happened to Alice that she, as her mother, was not aware of.

"I heard that some karma will fall on our children and grandchildren instead of falling on us," Fergus said worriedly,

"If you treat our daughter-in-law like this now, I am worried that Ally will meet a mother-in-law like you, who

neglected her and looked down upon us when she gets married in the future."

Instantly, Emily's face turned sullen. "It is a blessing for our future son-in-law to marry Alice, a member of a

prestigious family like the Coleman Family. Who dares to despise and neglect my daughter?! How dare our in-laws

dare to ignore us?! I will teach them how to behave! Fergus, Alice is your biological daughter, the precious baby the

Coleman Family has longed for five generations! A bumpkin like Kendall is not on the same pedestal as her, so stop

making assumptions about Ally's future marriage life based on her."

Fergus still retained his good temperament despite facing the full force of Emily's rage. He replied, "It is exactly

because Ally is the baby that the Coleman Family has been looking forward to for five generations that I am so

concerned about this matter. We, as parents, should do more good deeds and accumulate more virtue for her so

that karma will not fall on her and she could live as happy as she is now for the rest of her life."

Lastly, he said a few very realistic words, "Ally is twenty-three years old, yet no man pursues her. Why? That is

because she has fifteen older brothers before her. The large group of brothers and uncles has scared away

countless men. So, whoever that can and would dare to marry Ally will definitely be someone from a family with the

same social standing as the Coleman Family."

At once, Emily became tongue-tied by his logical analysis.