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Is that a Wisp?

Chapter 712: Dark Water Globe
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Krune and the others retreated as the cubes approached. Finally, what was supporting the cubes in the air disappeared, and they fell to the ground. It was only possible to hear metallic sounds as they hit each other.

However, Krune's group didn't pay attention to it at all. What mattered was the thing in front of them at the moment. It was a giant globe of... dark water? At least, that's what it looked like. It floated there instead of falling or changing location. Still, it was possible to see the ripples on the water due to the movement outside.



Vorin darted out of the Dark Globe in his Karanun Python form. Lila immediately grabbed him with her Godly Energy, afraid that something was wrong with him. However, he quickly started to change back into his human form before putting his clothes on again.

"Seems like you are fine."

Vorin quickly bowed.

"Yes, Sect Master, Ancestor."

Lila checked him with her Divine Sense for a moment and then nodded. She then released him and asked the question in everyone's minds.

"So, what did you find inside?"

Vorin scratched the back of his head while showing an awkward expression.

"In fact, the space inside is very small, no more than a kilometer or so. I was able to reach the other side in just a few moments. If I moved at full speed, I wouldn't need even a second. Anyway, I couldn't find anything inside. It's empty and dark. If not for the darkness, I would really think that I fell inside a lake."

Zuitou couldn't help but ask.

"But why did the chamber open, then? Did you do anything inside?"

Vorin seemed as puzzled as everyone else.

"I don't really know. Other than using my Godly Energy to move around, I don't think I did anything at all."

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Lila and the others became puzzled. How come there is nothing at all? Then what is keeping this globe of water afloat? Also, what exactly did those formations around the chamber use to keep working? There was supposed to be Godly Energy inside to feed them, after all.

Krune, of course, immediately thought about Mental Energy. But can Mental Energy be used in place of Godly Energy to feed formations? Krune wasn't sure. Also, he wasn't sure if this globe of water had Mental Energy to start with. All that happened was that it 'ate' his Mental Energy as soon as it touched the water.

"Should we take a look inside as well?"

Seeing how Vorin seemed to be completely fine, they decided that they might as well do it. With that, Lila, Zuitou, Krune, and Iem jumped inside the globe together with Vorin once more.

Sure enough, everything was dark inside. Their Divine Senses were also useless since it made it look like they fell into a bottomless abyss. Still, other than that, they couldn't feel anything. First, they moved forward to see if they could really reach the other side. In the end, Vorin was right. Around a kilometer ahead, they popped their heads out of the Globe of Dark Water.

They looked at each other again and turned around once more. This time, they 'swam' everywhere inside the globe, trying to see if they could find anything. Nonetheless, there wasn't a single item in there. Krune tried to spread his Mental Energy once more. However, the same thing happened again. His Mental Energy was consumed by the water inside straight away. Finally, everyone gave up and stepped out of the water once more.

One thing interesting about this water was the fact that it didn't wet their bodies. As soon as they stepped outside, every single drop on their bodies would float back to that globe, leaving them as dry as they could be.

"So... did anyone find anything?"

Krune and the others shook their heads. There wasn't anything at all.

"Well, then we know what the content of the chamber was. It was obviously this Dark Water. It's just that we have no idea what it can be used for. Divine Senses disappear as if the space inside is infinite. However, it only has a kilometer if we try to pass through it. Perhaps its uses are related to Divine Sense itself."

Zuitou pondered a bit before saying.

"Let's have someone drink it. No one tried to see the effects it could have once it was absorbed by the body yet."

Lila nodded.

"Alright. But don't bring anyone yet. Instead, get some demon beasts without sentience first. It will be safer."

Zuitou nodded as he disappeared from the area. A few minutes later, he was already back with a few mammals and birds. None of them had cultivations higher than Core Formation Realm. In the Godly Path Realm, that was far from enough to achieve sentience.

Zuitou then tried to use Godly Energy to grab some of the Dark Water, but it proved useless. The Dark Water also seemed immune to Godly Energy. Without another choice, he could only force those demon beasts to drink the water themselves.

Unfortunately, nothing happened again. No, to be more specific, nothing could happen at all. That's because the Demon Beasts' bodies couldn't absorb the dark water. It stayed independently inside their stomachs, showing no reaction what so ever. Well, something did happen. The water inside the demon beasts' stomachs floated in the direction of the giant globe of dark water. It's just that it couldn't leave since it was trapped inside. Still, that information was of no use for anyone there.

"Is it possible to bring the water away?"

The one who asked was Krune. After all, the deal they made was still valid. If this water could be separated, then they could take some for themselves.

Lila pondered a little before saying.

"I can try. Let me see."

She then grabbed a small recipient and put some of the Dark Water inside. After that, she opened a Spatial Gate to somewhere else and entered it. The Spatial Gate quickly closed behind her as she arrived in outer space. She then looked at the Dark Water that was still inside the small recipient. Although most of it gathered in the direction of the main Globe of Water, it didn't show too much resistance when she tried to bring it out. She then opened another spatial gate, this time moving several Solar Systems away. At her level, using a Spatial Gate to move out of the galaxy wasn't anything hard at all.

Nonetheless, the recipient's dark water still seemed to know the rest of the dark water's direction back in the Kalame Sect. Soon after, Lila opened another Spatial Gate and moved straight back.

"It can be brought away. However, it seems like this water has some kind of connection. I tried to go somewhere far away, but it still knew the direction of this main body of dark water."

Krune nodded, satisfied.

"Let me try."

He also took a recipient out of his Spatial Ring and collected some water. After that, he sent it straight back into the Spatial Ring.

"At least, the Spatial Laws of the Spatial Rings still works. Well, there is only one thing remaining now."

Lila and the others looked at Krune, puzzled.

"What is it?"

Krune then pointed at the cubes that were used to keep the chamber whole.

"The materials of these cubes seem to be extremely rare. As a blacksmith myself, I can tell that they are of very high quality. I would like to bring some of them with me."

Lila and Zuitou nodded. The chamber was quite big, so there were a lot of those cubes around now. Although they lost most of their protective effects now that the formations disappeared, there is no doubt that they were outstanding.

"By the way, what kind of metal is it?"

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Krune shook his head.

"That I don't know. It has a golden color, but it is definitely not gold. First of all, gold is a terrible material to forge pieces of equipment like weapons and armor. However, these guys are totally different. I will need to see if I can work with them now that the formations disappeared, but I'm very excited to try."

Iem then asked something else.

"Can you at least tell what level these materials are? Nascent Stars Level? Maybe higher?"

Krune pondered a bit about that question.

"Hum... I would say that it is definitely above the Nascent Stars level. However, I'm far from being able to work with this level of material, so I can't be 100% sure. The weird thing is that I think I can work with this one."

"Why so?"

Krune then lifted one of the cubes and poured his Godly Energy and Purple Lightning inside. Surprisingly, it moved very smoothly without any resistance whatsoever.

"You see? It can keep its resistance but still circulate one's Godly Energy and abilities this easy. Even my Divinity Realm cultivation can flow through it without a problem. Perhaps the greatest treasure we found in this chamber were the building blocks that made it."

Lila and Zuitou also took a cube each and used their Godly Energy and Laws. Sure enough, it was as Krune said.

"Good stuff!"

Even Lila had to admit that she felt much more comfortable using this golden metal cube than using one of her equipment.

"Alright. The deal is for you to have the second and third picks, so what do you want?"

Krune and Iem discussed through a Divine Sense message before reaching a decision.

"We will use our picks to get some of these cubes and the Dark Water. Will that be a problem?"

Lila smiled and shook her head. She still wanted to build a good relationship with the gods' disciples.

"As long as you don't reveal where you got them, I don't mind it. What about 5% of both things. It should be quite a big amount for the two of you alone."

Krune and Iem were also satisfied with that offer. As mentioned before, the chamber was vast, so 5% of the cubes and the water was indeed a considerable amount.

"Thank you very much, Senior Lila."