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Is that a Wisp?

Chapter 640: Boring...
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Still, Krune quickly calmed down and focused on his own breakthrough this time. Just like Iem, he accumulated the energy of the Top Quality Godly Stones and attacked the bottleneck of his cultivation. Krune's talent isn't any worse than Iem, not to mention that he has his Godly Meridians. That being said, the barrier between realms broke just as easily.

Krune's cultivation then began to increase at high speeds, quickly reaching a whole new level. His control over Godly Energy improved as his Wisp Core became able to hold even more Godly Energy than before. Finally, another burst of Godly Energy came out of Krune's wisp core, which proved that he went through his Realm bottleneck.

Just like Harold and Iem's breakthrough, Luvile also benefited a lot from this increase of Godly Energy in Krune's foundation. After all, Purple Tribulation Lightning was created with Godly Energy in mind. His Tribulation Lightning Source became able to absorb more of it, which in turn increased his own soul rate of recovery.

After the breakthrough, Krune quickly controlled his foundation to calm down the chaotic energy inside. His process took more or less the same time as Iem, around thirty minutes. In the end, nothing strange happened during it. Of course, Krune kept looking everywhere to see if a 'one in a million times something' that shouldn't happen happened.

Seeing that everything seemed normal, Krune let out a sigh of relief.

"Se-see?! Nothing happened! Hahaha!"

Luvile, on the other hand, just said.

"Indeed, so boring..."

Krune's mouth twitched.

"Boring your head! In fact, let it be boring! Boring is good! Boring is great! I love boring! I live for the sake of the word boring! May all my breakthroughs be boring from now and ever on!"

Luvile couldn't help but laugh after hearing that.

"Hahaha! As if such a thing would be possible with you. Perhaps it's because you are inside this higher realm being's body that you escaped your usual calamity."

Krune didn't mind, though.

"Great! Then I'll come here next time I need to enter the Divinity Realm."

After a few more minutes of getting used to his breakthrough, Krune left the Energy Gathering and Concealing Formations. With that, both Krune and Iem were now in the Semi-Divinity Realm. At the same time, Krune couldn't help but remember something else.

'Considering my actual combat power, I guess I can already beat my Master black and blue! Master, you just wait! I'm definitely coming back for you. Hahaha!'

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Back in the Luvile Universe, Lucio suddenly felt a chill on his back. He quickly looked around, but there was nothing in the area.

'Was it my imagination?'

He then closed his eyes and began to cultivate once more.

After Krune stepped out of the formations, Foltan and the others immediately checked him. Sure enough, they noticed that Krune also made a breakthrough, just like Iem.

'Were those two really hiding their cultivation? How come it looks like they just entered the Semi-Divinity Realm?'

However, he quickly shook his head. He still doesn't believe that Iem and Krune were really just in the 1st Stage of the Semi-Divinity Realm.

Jimage, on the other hand, was happy to see that. Those two were already as strong as Semi-Divinity Realm geniuses of their sects before, let alone now that they advanced.

"Congratulations, you two. It seems like you were already at the very peak of the Divine View Realm for your breakthrough to go this smoothly."

Krune and Iem smiled but refrained from commenting about Jimage's words.

"Oh! I can see that Seniors Rui, Liu, Glorin, and Sisan are also here."

Rui nodded.

"That's true. Unfortunately, it seems that this is it for us. We can't feel any other Vibrant Beads other than the seven in this place at the moment. Most likely, they were destroyed. Otherwise, we would have been able to feel them as long as they were inside the same space."

Krune couldn't help but sigh.

"That means Senior Xanala and Ramona probably died. Kalen is still outside, guarding the teleport formation, so we obviously can't feel his presence."

Jimage confirmed Krune's words.

"Indeed. However, there is no need to feel sorry for them. Everyone joined this exploration mission being well aware of the risks. On the other hand, Foltan also seems to have reached the limit of his group members. At the very least, no other member of his group appeared for hours."

Krune looked at Foltan and could see that his group had a total of six members now. However, they had one more Divinity Realm than his group. Of course, Krune and Iem didn't mind it. Either of them can definitely take that 3rd Stage Divinity Realm guy on their own. In a certain way, Jimage's group held the absolute advantage in power. It's just that no one other the Iem, Krune, and Bianka knew about it.

The rest of the day quickly passed, but no one else appeared in the end. That being said, Foltan and Jimage gathered once more to discuss the next step.

"Alright, seems like this is it for both of us? Shall we send our group members to check the insides of the Demon Core?"

Jimage nodded.

"That's was the agreement, after all. How will it be? Are we only sending the Semi-Divinity Realm ones, or will we send everyone other than the two of us?"

Foltan immediately answered.

"You have more Semi-Divinity Realm members than me, so we would definitely be at a disadvantage here. If we are really sending only the Semi-Divinity Realms, I want the numbers to be identical."

Jimage shook his head, though.

"Two of our Semi-Divinity Realm members had just made a breakthrough. That means we only have two Semi-Divinity Realm at the peak of that Realm. The other two are only at the 1st stage."

Foltan snorted after hearing that.

"Do you think I'm an idiot? I already heard from Pharan how strong these two members of yours are. Besides, did you forget their special skills that opened a passage back in the God Crystal Room? Those Black Flames and Purple Lightning were really frightening. In fact, I don't believe that they are just 1st Stage Divinity Realm cultivators at all!"

Krune then sent Jimage a Divine Sense message.

'Senior Jimage, accept his conditions. Iem and I can definitely deal with any of their Semi-Divinity Realm members.'

Iem decided to accepted Krune's words. After all, he knows Krune and Iem's real powers. With their last breakthrough, they are definitely even stronger now. Of course, he pretended to be having a hard time making that decision. In the end, he 'sighed' and looked at Krune and Iem with a 'dejected' expression.

"I can only count on your special abilities. Otherwise, there will be no end to this argument."

Iem played along.

"Don't worry, Senior Jimage. No one knows what will happen inside the Demon Core. In the end, we might not even see each other. Even if we do, Krune and I are very confident in our combat power. At the very least, we can guarantee that we are strong enough to escape."

Jimage smiled and nodded. After finishing the 'play,' he turned back in Foltan's direction.

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"Very well. You have three Semi-Divinity Realm members, so I will send three from my side as well. They are Krune, Iem, and Sisan"

Foltan was taken aback.

"Are you not sending the other Peak Semi-Divinity Realm of your group?"

Foltan was obviously talking about Glorin, who was there as well. In theory, Jimage should have selected the two peak Semi-Divinity Realm members, Sisan and Glorin. After that, the last slot should have gone to either Krune or Iem.

Jimage didn't give an answer, though.

"Whoever I select is my problem. Or could it be that you have an issue with those two?"

Foltan smiled and shook his head. Although he believes that Krune and Iem are hiding their cultivation, he is at least sure that they are not in the Divinity Realm. That's because Krune and Iem had entered the chaotic space where they battled the Flower River Sect members. One must remember that that chaotic space couldn't hold Divinity Realm cultivators and Demon beasts. That being said, there is no way that either Krune or Iem were at the Divinity Realm Level.

"Not at all. Then these six members it shall be. By the way, what about this Flower River Sect member that had been with you so far?"

Jimage shrugged his shoulders.

"She was just unlucky to have been injured by the Space Creatures when we fled from that God Crystal Room. Krune and Iem found her later. Because she didn't have the power to retaliate, she agreed to have a restriction put on her Soul. Anyway, I know that you had figured this much already. At the very least, you definitely thought about something similar. Or could it be that you think our Sky Shifting Sect joined forces with the Flower River?"

Foltan shrugged his shoulders.

"Who knows? There is nothing wrong with confirming it. However, if you had really joined forces, I believe you wouldn't have shown this girl to us. That being said, the restriction story is a lot more plausible. Anyway, let's not waste any more time and have them enter the Demon Core.

However, Jimage shook his head.

"Before that, let's take the Top Quality Godly Stones. After all, we don't know when the situation might change."

Foltan pondered a bit and agreed with Jimage.

"Very well, let's do it."

Obviously, Jimage had Krune be the one to take their half since it was a lot easier for him. As for Foltan and his companions, they had to spend quite some time gathering it. Only several hours later did Foltan's group finish getting their own share.

With that out of the way, both groups prepared to enter the Demon Core.