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Is that a Wisp?

Chapter 524: Preparations
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Next, it came to the discussion about who would go there to test Krune. After all, each Universe that isn't part of the ones managing Dalin can only send one protector for their Heavenly Competition participant. This would be the same guy that will stay with Krune until the end of the competition too.

Obviously, all three Sacred Lands wanted to have their one going there. In the past, it would depend on which Sacred Land had the Heavenly Divine Soul owner. However, neither of them had it now. In the end, it was decided that a member of the Extreme Yin Yang Palace would be going. The reason turned out to be quite simple, they were the only ones who didn't have a Heavenly Fragment Owner under their command anymore.

The guy was called Erzato Brangen. Obviously, a Peak Divinity Realm cultivator. All the other Universes would only have their strongest members accompanying their Heavenly Divine Soul Owner. After discussing a method of communication back to Luvile Universe, Erzato left for the Dalin Universe.

Several weeks passed by. Krune was still in his Blacksmith workshop, practicing his forging while Cinty and Heaven were doing their own things. Krune had taken the hardest requests, but in the end, there weren't many of them. That being said, he had to contact the Blacksmith Organization once more to describe the types of requests he would take from now on.

When the Blacksmith Organization received Krune's call, they were overjoyed. That's because the Heavenly Competition is close by, so thousands of Universes that are taking part in it kept bugging them. They all wanted the Purple Flame Equipment, which could increase their competitors' combat power more than any other blacksmith weapon.

Of course, there was a problem with these requests. All of them were asking not for the Diamond Stars Equipments, but for Stars Path Level ones. However, Krune wasn't at that level yet back then. Without another choice, they could only tell the truth.

But now, Krune began to make requests far above the previous level. So the Blacksmith Organization thought that perhaps, he was now at the Stars Path Level or close to it. The levels requested were Six Diamond Stars or higher, so they sent Krune the list and the materials for weapons that go all the way to the One Star Path Level equipment. Hopping that they would get that Stars Path equipment finished as well.

When Krune received the requests, he was quite impressed by the numbers of high-level ones. He also wanted to reach the Stars Path Level before the Heavenly Competition, so it was quite good that they did it for him.

'Still, I might not have enough time to reach the necessary level to use the Diamond Golem's body. It seems like I will need to do that in the end.'

Suddenly, Krune noticed that someone had arrived outside his courtyard protection formation.

"Oh, he's here."

When he went outside, he noticed that there was an old man in white robes waiting for him. Krune quickly opened the Formation and let him in.

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"Thank you for coming, senior. My name is Krune. I believe you were already told about what I need, right?"

The old man nodded.

"Hello there, you can call me Wellink Zuto. I'm here on behalf of the Formations Master Organization Branch. They said that you needed a Time Control Formation, is that correct?"

Krune nodded.

"Yes. But it doesn't have to be anything grand. I only need it to move three times faster than usual."

The man nodded once more.

"Then that's okay. The problem would be if you needed something ten times faster or higher. In that case, you would need someone more qualified than me. If it is just three times, then it will be easy. I already received the payment as well, so where do you want it?"

Just as Krune was about to tell, Heavin came flying in his direction.

"Oh, the guy is here, yea? Great, I will need a time formation as well. The same speed as his one is good enough for me."

The man looked at the Parrot Puppet and thought that its real owner was controlling it from somewhere else.

Krune then guided the man to his Blacksmith workshop, and Heavin's Puppet's one.

Krune's issue at the moment was time, so he decided to use a Time Control Formation to have more time to practice before the Heavenly Competition. However, Krune is already 36 years old. As mentioned before, the Heavenly Competition is realized fifth years later after a Heavenly Fragment is found out anywhere in any universe. Together with that, an age requirement is also set. Otherwise, things would go out of control due to the existence of Time Formations.

The age rule was quite simple but different from the usual one. It didn't check the Heavenly Fragment or Divine Soul owner's total age. Instead, it checked how long it has been since he or she achieved the Foundation Establishment Realm. After all, that is the moment everyone receives their Heavenly Fragments. That being said, no one could be above 50 years of 'Foundation Establishment.' Krune achieved his Foundation Establishment when he was close to 4, so he is already 32 'Foundation Establishment' years old.

Obviously, Krune couldn't become too old. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to take part in the Heavenly Competition. Also, a formation that accelerates time makes using the laws harder than normal. If he accelerates too much, he won't be able to use them.

To make an analogy, it is the same as driving a car while looking at the scenery just a few meters around it. If you drive slowly, you can make out the details without a problem, but if you are too fast, that obviously becomes much harder to do. Everything is bound by time, even laws.

Heavin also asked for the same thing for the same reason.

It took the Formation's Master three days to finish both formations. After Krune and Heavin confirmed the efficiency, they quickly thanked the man.

"Good. I made it automatic. As long as Spirit Stones are inserted in the Formation's core, it will activate straight away. If you wish to stop it, just remove the spirit stones."

Krune and Heavin nodded.

"Thank you, Senior."

The man smiled and then bid his farewell. He was quite satisfied since he was paid a lot more just to come as fast as possible. He made a good profit this time around.

"Alright, Heavin, let's go back. Make sure to keep your communicator synched to the network so that you won't lose track of time."

Heavin agreed with Krune.

"Don't worry. Anyway, now we have 12 years instead of 4 to practice. Although the laws will be a little more annoying to use, the extra time more than make up to it."

"Yes. With this, we can both finish our preparations for when the time comes. Tell me if you need any part forged with Purple Flames later."

Heavin nodded and went back to his Puppets. Krune then looked in the direction that the Elemental Path was located. His face showed determination as he turned around and entered his Blacksmith workshop once more.

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Around a month later (three in the Time Formation), Krune received a message in his communicator. It seemed like someone called Erzato was requesting entrance to the Wisp Main World. Krune then exited the time formation and called the guy directly.

"Hello there. Does this senior has something to talk to me?"

Erzato nodded.

"I'm the protector assigned by the three Sacred Lands to come this time around for the Heavenly Competition. I'm also here on their behalf to check whether you really have the strength you mentioned before or not. We will only accept you as the representative of the Luvile Universe if you really can show what you said."

Krune wasn't surprised by that. In fact, he thought that they took quite some time to arrive.

"I was waiting for you, senior. Place move to the teleport formation. It will teleport you directly inside the Wisp Main World."

Erzato nodded and did as Krune asked.

Once inside the Wisp Main World, Erzato felt the same thing that everyone who wasn't from the Wisp Race did. I kind of pressure that went beyond his power as a Peak Divinity Realm cultivator. His entire body told him that whatever it was, it could crush him like an ant in the very next second.

'Seems like the information isn't false. There is a supreme being protecting the Wisp Worlds. Still, why would this be the case?'

Erzato then put those thoughts behind his mind. Whether there is someone or not matters little. The only thing that he cares about is Krune's real strength.

It didn't take long before he reached Krune's courtyard. The Formation outside opened, and he quickly came in.

It was then that he noticed that youth with rainbow hair. Sure enough, Krune looked just like the descriptions he received before.

"So you are the wisp that Wamie talked about. As I can see, you are at the 5th Stage of the Divine Path Realm. However, Heavenly Divine Soul owners would be able to fight Peak Divine Path Realm with the same cultivation as yours. In fact, they would most likely crush them. In that case, I will reduce my strength to the Peak of the Divine Path Realm. As long as you can defeat me, I will take it that your words were not a lie."

Krune smiled as a Spatial Gate appeared beside him.

"That's fine by me."

Heavin came flying and landed on Krune's shoulder before they all entered the Spatial Gate.