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Is that a Wisp?

Chapter 484: Frunkan Clan
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As the rank appeared, Krune was able to find the names he could recognize. Surprisingly, he even saw Liriu's name, which Liriu didn't change to start with. However, Fie's name was still not present. Krune began to think that perhaps, Fie hid in the second level and didn't leave anymore.

As for his own position, he was able to verify straight away. In the end, Krune took 5 minutes and 23 seconds to make his way to the light pillar, which gave him the 8th position.

"Good, those are another 10 Godly Stones."

Heavin nodded on his side.

"Even better. Since you weren't sent to the next level right away, you can take the Godly Stones right now."

Krune's eyes lit up, and he immediately selected his reward.

"Wait! I would need to wait 3 days for my position to be consolidated, no?"


Only now did Heavin remember that such a rule did exist indeed.

Krune tried to take the reward nonetheless. However, he just received a notice that he couldn't take it away at the moment. Sighing, Krune looked around and could see that the other participants were making their way to the Light Pillar. Although some died, it looked like quite a few would make it through.

Krune, of course, wouldn't wait for them to arrive. Especially since there was even a Divine path Realm in the middle of those guys going through the test. After sending his Spiritual Energy into the Light Pillar, Krune was teleported to the 7th level straight away.

As Krune entered the 7th level, those with high talent and cultivation finally started to appear in the 10th level. At this same place, there was a concealment formation that has just been recently built. Inside, a small group of Divine Path Realm cultivators and demon beasts awaited.

Time passed, and a few days went by when suddenly, a new cultivator entered the Concealment Formation. The others inside looked at the newcomer and immediately greeted him.

"Welcome, Senior Brother."

They were all part of the Frunkan Clan, a Clan that exists in another Universe called Zaral. This Universe had ties with one of the Universes controlling Dalin, and they used this connection to send all these members inside.

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In total, there were five members present: two demon beasts and three cultivators. The Strongest one was their Senior Brother, Hanan Frunkan. He was in the 7th Stage of the Divine Path Realm cultivator and a Heavenly Divine Soul Owner on top of that.

The other two cultivators were also at the Divine Path Realm. One of them was Tannin Frunkan, a 9th Stage Divine Path Realm. The third one was Julie Frunkan, also a 9th Stage Divine Path Realm female cultivator.

As for the two Demon Beasts, one of them was called Sark, a Zukan at the 8th Stage Divine Path Realm. Zukan is a type of demon beast that looks like an eagle but has a horn and an extra pair of wings. At first, this race only existed in the Dalin Universe. But after countless years, this race spread through other Universes as well. It's a very strong one, almost on par with Divine Beasts like Dragons and Phoenixes. Not surprisingly, Zukans had a strong affinity with Wind Element and Laws.

The Last one was also a Demon Beast that only existed in the Dalin Universe in the past, a Flegen. This Demon Beast looked like a mix of buffalo and rhinoceros, known by its strong defense and high aptitude for Earth Element and Laws. His name was Morjin, and he was in the 8th Stage of the Divine Path Realm.

Hanan looked at Julie before asking.

"Start it."

Julie took a deep breath before taking out a piece of equipment that looked like an Orb. She sat down on the floor and used her Spiritual Energy to activate it. At first, the Orb looked transparent, but a white fog started to form after a few minutes. Finally, the white fog took the form of an old man's face. That old man looked at every around before nodding.

"It seems like the prophecy was correct. As you can see, the Seal that locks down the Holy Land was lifted. Otherwise, it would be impossible for me to talk with all of you. Even until now, we don't know what caused the Seal to be lifted, but it matters little at the moment."

Everyone's eyes immediately lit up after hearing that.

"Our time has finally come. This imprisonment that has lasted thousands of Chaos Cycles is finally about to be over. However, for that, we will need the Core Artifact of the Holy Land. Only with that will we be able to drive away all the resistance."

The old man looked at the five juniors before saying.

"Such a chance won't appear again. It doesn't matter what happens, you must reach the Origin Dimensional Realm and retrieve the Artifact. This is our only chance!"

Everyone had resolute expressions on their faces.

"Don't worry, Clan Head, we will not fail. Even if it cost our lives, we will retrieve the Artifact."

The man inside the Orb nodded, satisfied.

"The only way to enter the Origin Dimensional Realm is through the 50th floor. Usually, it would be impossible to even go that high. However, now that the Seal has been lifted, the flow of Godly Energy from the 10th floor onwards will decrease by a lot. There will be little difference between each of them now."

"You have a little less than nine years to reach that place. It won't be easy, and the tests' difficulty probably won't be affected. Still, we prepared the five of you just for this moment. If you can't do that, no one can."

The man then looked at Hanan.

"The Artifact Spirit will most likely try to protect itself from being taken. At that moment, use the item that I gave you. It should be able to subdue him. Remember, this is a secret mission. If anyone finds out, kill them immediately. If this information escapes outside, everything will be for nothing."

"Yes, Clan Head!"

The man acknowledged.

"Good! For the Liberation of Dalin!"

"For the Liberation of Dalin!"

The white fog inside the Orb then disappeared, finishing their connection to the outside.

"Let's go, we are running against the time."

The concealment formation that this group was using was different. It created a pseudo dimension, separating them from the area of the Holy Land temporarily. They weren't afraid of the other participants hearing them, but the Artifact Spirit instead.

After taking the formation down, the group immediately departed.

The Artifact Spirit might not know about that groups' plans, but it had noticed the Godly Energy problem on the 10th floor and the next ones straight away.

"What is happening here? Why is the Godly Energy flow gone down so much?"

The Artifact Spirit then checked the connection with the higher realms, but couldn't see any problem with that.

"The Godly Energy coming in is still at normal levels. However, it seems like it is leaking outside for some reason."

Little Arty was intrigued by this issue. First, someone was teleported inside the Origin Dimensional Realm. That had never happened before. Now, there is a problem with the Godly Energy Flow. He couldn't help but think if it was Fie's fault or if she was also affected by whatever the problem is.

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However, after spending more than one year with her, he highly doubts that Fie has anything to do with it. At most, she was also caught in the middle.

"Unfortunately, I won't be able to check what is happening now since the Holy Land opening is still ongoing. Only when it closes will I be able to check all the formations. Wait, could it be..."

Little Arty focused his mind on the Seal that held the Holy Land and was taken aback!

"This... the Seal is gone? How? Only Master should be able to lift the Seal. However, Master has been gone for too long. I can't feel his presence either."

Little Arty kept thinking, but couldn't find an answer.

"How did it happen? Could it be because of someone who is in the Holy Land this time? No! Even a Divinity Realm cultivator or demon beast wouldn't be able to lift the Seal. The highest cultivation between the participants at the moment is the 9th Stage of the Divine Path Realm, so it is impossible for them."

"With the Seal lifted, anyone can take me away. I've been the Core of the Holy Land during all this time. Still, I can't even imagine what would happen if I disappeared."

As Little Arty looked where the Seal problem was, something unexpected happened.

"Hum?! What is this?"

When the creator of the Holy Land returned to the Higher Realms, he left his hut behind. At the moment, Fie was the one using it. Still, Little Arty knew this hut from top to bottom. With his level, even if an extra spec of dust appeared, he would know.

But out of nowhere, an emblem appeared on one of the hut's walls. Little Arty was sure that it wasn't there. Also, he always took care of Fie, so he knew that she didn't draw it.

At the moment, Fie was outside practicing according to his orders. So she didn't know anything about that either.

Little Arty's projection then appeared inside the hut.

"It's Master's emblem!"

Little Arty then touched that emblem with his energy. Right after, the wall revealed a secret compartment. Inside, there was a letter. On top of that, it was addressed to him. Controlling his Energy, Little Arty grabbed the letter and opened it.



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