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Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance-Novel

Chapter 830 Prime Disciple Competition: Close Battle
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Chapter 830 Prime Disciple Competition: Close Battle

As the dust settled and the aftershocks from the explosive battle faded, the victor stood tall while her opponent lay on the ground, gasping for breath. The audience, which had been caught up in the whirlwind of emotions, rose to their feet to cheer and clap, expressing their admiration for Seraphina's prowess.

However, as the applause echoed around, there was a somber mood amidst certain factions of the spectators. 

Many were core disciples and direct disciples who realized the vast difference in strength between themselves and the top contenders. The previous match with Mira and Talina had already shaken their morale, and Seraphina's powerful display added another layer of unease.

Beside the arena, Asami and Celaine exchanged glances. The two had grown closer ever since they arrived at the Battle Maiden Sect, and without words, they communicated a shared sense of resolve. Their upcoming matches would be against opponents of considerable strength, but neither was willing to be outdone by the displays they had just witnessed.

Seraphina, meanwhile, offered Tessa a hand, helping her up. "You put up a good fight," she commended with a warm smile.

Tessa nodded, catching her breath. "You too. I wasn't expecting that shield construct. I'll be ready next time," she replied with a playful wink.

As the two walked off the arena, another pair was called forward: "Nova versus Rhea! Approach the arena!"

The arena had reformed back to its original state before they could approach.

As Tessa and Seraphina departed from the arena, a tense atmosphere settled. Nova's previous battles had already established her as a force to be reckoned with, but not much was known about Rhea aside from her affinity for the Earth element.

Rhea stepped forward, her tall, muscular physique a stark contrast to Nova's sleek and agile form. Her skin bore a rich bronze tone reminiscent of baked earth. Her deep green eyes sparkled with a challenging glint, and her brown hair was pulled back into a tight braid.

In her hand, she held a massive Warhammer, its head engraved with ancient runes. Rumors had it that Rhea was related to the spirits of the Earth, giving her the unique ability to harness not just Earth but also the 4 basic elements(fire, water, wind, earth) to a lesser degree.

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However, the Secret Realm should've transformed her into something greater, so everyone was looking forward to seeing her full power. They were both at the 7th Stage of the Soul Transformation Realm, making this one of the more equal battles so far.

The protective barrier rose once again, and as it did, the ground beneath Rhea began to tremble, emanating ripples of energy.

The initial trembles evolved into thunderous quakes as Rhea started channeling her power. Earth spires rose from the ground, each pulsating with elemental energy. But what truly captivated the audience was the flickering flame at the tip of one spire, the whirlwind around another, and the cascade of water flowing down a third. 

Rhea's deep connection to Earth, bolstered by her experiences in the Secret Realm, had allowed her to meld the primary elements seamlessly.

Nova took a deep breath, her black flames swirling around her, ready to devour everything in their path. She struck first, lunging at Rhea with an [Eclipsed Spear Surge]. But Rhea, channeling the Wind affinity, dodged the strike with surprising agility for someone of her stature.

In response, Rhea swung her massive warhammer, aiming directly for Nova. The air thickened, forming a dense wall of combined elemental energy. As Nova deflected the warhammer, the shockwave created sent gusts of wind, which then ignited, creating rings of fire that expanded outwards.

Rhea's Earth affinity allowed her to shape the battlefield at will. Nova found herself leaping and dodging fissures and elemental traps that sprung up unexpectedly. At one point, she narrowly avoided being encased in a water sphere that sought to drown her.

However, Nova's [Ouroboros Bloodline] and her newfound techniques were nothing short of formidable. 

With a swift movement, she unleashed the [Ouroboros Blaze], a tempest of black flames that sought to consume everything. Rhea's elemental defenses crumbled against it, but she held her ground, her warhammer glowing brighter.

Rhea, realizing she needed a new approach, channeled all four elements into her weapon. With a deafening roar, she unleashed the [Elemental Cataclysm]—a radiant burst of combined elemental energy. 

The arena turned chaotic: water torrents, raging firestorms, sweeping gusts, and shifting grounds all merged into one catastrophic attack.

But Nova countered with her [Eclipsed Descent]. 

The arena darkened, casting an ominous shadow as a massive black sun emerged, clashing violently against Rhea's elemental onslaught.

The collision was of such magnitude that even the protective barrier shimmered, threatening to break. Flashes of elemental light, combined with the consuming darkness, left spectators shielding their eyes, only able to sense the titanic clash through the deafening roars and ground tremors.

And then, silence.

As the dust settled, both combatants stood mere meters apart, weapons aimed at each other, their breathing heavy. The ground was obliterated, leaving a catastrophic crater where the arena existed.

For a moment, neither moved, the tension palpable.

Finally, Nova lowered her spear, admitting, "Your power... is beyond what I anticipated."

Rhea, smirking with a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction, responded, "You're not too bad yourself."

"However-" Nova raised her hand and shot a vortex of all-consuming black flames at her opponent. "-I hope you have more in store, as I'm just getting started."

Rhea slammed her warhammer into the ground, raising grey, almost metallic stone slabs in front of her, which blocked the flames' path. Then she leaped over them with her weapon raised as she brought it down onto Nova's head. 

The latter raised her spear and blocked it, but the force of the attack shot into the ground, creating a spiderweb of cracks.

"I'd be disappointed if you weren't," Rhea responded with a smile before her expression shifted.

With a growl, Rhea charged forward, warhammer glowing with multicolored light, a combination of all four elements. The runes engraved on it lit up one by one, releasing beams of elemental energy towards Nova. The earth trembled, fires raged, tornadoes formed, and water spiraled, converging on one point.

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However, Nova began to twirl her spear overhead. The rotation was so swift it seemed to create a protective dome around her, repelling the elemental onslaught. The black flames wrapped around the spear began to coil, forming an intricate serpentine pattern in the air.

"Time to end this," Nova whispered, her voice echoing with a transcendental quality.

In response, Rhea shouted, "[Elemental Heartbeat]!" The warhammer's head pounded like a beating heart, resonating with the very essence of the elements, sending rhythmic shockwaves that disrupted Nova's protective dome, cracking it at various points.

Nova, eyes narrowing, launched her most potent attack. "[Ouroboros Ascension]!" Her spear and its accompanying black flames soared, tearing through the arena's atmosphere and even the barrier, reformed as a gargantuan serpent in the sky, its maw open, ready to devour.

Aelina and the Elders all scurried over to protect the audience. Luckily, this only lasted a fraction of a second, so nobody was seriously injured.

Rhea, sensing the overwhelming threat, embedded her warhammer into the ground, the ancient runes glowing brilliantly. "[Elemental Sanctuary]!" she cried. From her warhammer, an enormous dome made of the merged elements emerged, protecting her and causing the serpent's descent to be met with fierce resistance.

The two techniques clashed with a fury that defied description. Nova's serpent sought to consume, its flames burning brighter and hotter as it met Rhea's sanctuary. On the other hand, Rhea's protective barrier, while initially resilient, began to show cracks as the serpent's heat and force bore down on it.

Both fighters were at their limits, pouring every ounce of their soul power into their respective techniques. The collision between the Ouroboros Ascension and the Elemental Sanctuary sent ripples of energy outwards, distorting the very fabric of space around them.

With one final, ear-splitting roar, the serpent broke through the sanctuary, its flames enveloping Rhea. Yet, the earth maiden didn't scream or shout; she faced the onslaught with her head held high, her silhouette visible amidst the dark flames.

As the smoke cleared and the energies dissipated, Rhea was on her knees, her warhammer beside her, her clothes singed, and her body bearing nasty 3rd-degree burn marks. 

Nova, though victorious, wasn't unscathed. She panted heavily, her spear back in hand but her stance showed fatigue.

Rhea managed a weak smile, "Incredible power, Nova."

Nova offered her hand to Rhea, just as Seraphina had done for Tessa earlier. "The honor was mine. That was the most challenging battle I've ever faced."

The audience, who had been holding their breath for what seemed like an eternity, erupted in thunderous applause.

"Winner – Nova!" Aelina announced, and the cheers only grew louder.

Mira also nodded as a budding battle intent surged in her heart. She wished she could jump up onto the arena and take them both on, but she forcefully calmed down and went back to her meditation.