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I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 570: Not A Problem
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Chapter 570: Not A Problem

“Hey, didn’t I tell you to call me brother when we’re in private.”

I subconsciously lowered my voice, but then I felt there was no need to hide it from Xiao Qin, since she already knew almost everything.

I didn’t expect Ai Mi to immediately hang up the phone.

Huh, did she get angry? Was it that hard for her to call me brother?

“Knock knock knock.”

A knocking sound came from the door… no, it was more like someone was kicking the door.

I went to open the door with a bad feeling. As expected, the one who was violently assaulting my front door was Ai Mi.

You called me when you already came over… that’s not called coming over, that’s called already arrived…

Both you and Xiao Qin like to act first and report later. Why is this the only aspect where the two of you are synchronized?

Ai Mi was dressed much more casually than usual.

The biggest change was she was wearing more clothes on her upper body. She had a pink sweater that was too large for her. Not only could her body not fill in the sweater, her two small hands were also trapped in the sleeves.

But to be honest, I rather like her dressed like this. This was the proper dress attire for my 12-year-old sister, tight fitting tank tops were too revealing.

But Ai Mi didn’t wear sweatpants, the standard match for a sweater.

Underneath her loose sweater was a short black princess skirt. It was really short, just slightly longer than Ai Mi’s arms when they hanged on the side of her body.

As for below the skirt, she had on a pair of zebra knee-high socks. Because the skirt was too short, there was a dazzling section of absolute territory under the skirt but above the socks.

Damn it, stop showing off your absolute territory in front of your brother! The top was hidden away, but the bottom was really revealing. For an average person, it would be considered as mismatched clothing, but it had an unsymmetrical beauty on Ai Mi.

I guess it’s true that it does not matter what you wear, the important thing is to look good.

Ai Mi was holding her phone in her left hand with her right hand placed on her hip. Because she had just raised her leg to kick the door, the edges of her skirt slowly slipped back to its original position.

“Why are you here, are you not busy today?”

Ai Mi ignored my question and looked inside. Through the gaps between my limbs, she saw Xiao Qin sitting behind the dining table.

“Hmph, I knew the violent girl was here. The damn manservant actually went behind my back and brought her home?”

So it sounds like one of Ai Mi’s bodyguards found out that Xiao Qin came to my house.

I looked down outside from the window and I could see Ai Mi’s Batmobile parked in the neighborhood. Peng TouSi must have driven her here.

Why does it feel like I was being caught in the act of cheating and the previous phone call was a test? Wait, even if I was cheating, I don’t think it’s right for my sister to come catch me in the act.

“Ah, sis Ai Mi is here~~~” Xiao Qin cordially greeted her with a smile.

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Ai Mi quickly barged into the living room.

And she asked with a superior attitude:

“Who said you could get close to my manservant? I was too busy the other day you seduced him at the amusement park, but you won’t be that lucky today.”

“The manservant is my private property. No one is allowed to touch him without my permission.”

Then she turned to face me, who was standing by, not knowing what to say.

“Am I right, manservant?”

That’s enough, stop keep calling me manservant, did you come here just to call me that?

Since there is a third party, Xiao Qin, present, it means we’re not in private and you don’t have to call me brother, so congratulations.

Hmph, I’ll let you be happy for a while, but Xiao Qin is one of the few who knows about our relationship. The more you emphasize that I’m a “manservant”, the more she’s snickering inside.

Actually, the smile is showing on her face. If I look closely, Xiao Qin’s cordial smile looks like she’s laughing at Ai Mi.

“Sis Ai Mi, come eat chicken rolls, I made a lot of them.”

Xiao Qin enthusiastically pushed Ai Mi towards the table.

It could be because Xiao Qin took my dad into account, so she made enough for three people.

Hearing Xiao Qin’s words, Ai Mi sniffed the air, then after realizing her actions was discovered by us, she turned her head and said with contempt:

“It smells like pig food, it stinks. It’s far worse than my French chef’s cooking.”

Although that’s what she said, her tiny body gladly walked to the table, and at the same time she asked me quietly:

“There’s still cola in the fridge, right?”

The important thing is the cola, right? Even if Xiao Qin actually made pig food, you can still eat several troughs full as long as there’s cola, right?

I took a bottle of cola from the fridge and gave it to Ai Mi. The chicken rolls was very close to KFC fast food in both appearance and ingredients, so it was a perfect match with cola.

Xiao Qin added a bowl and a pair of chopsticks for Ai Mi, who frowned while pouring cola in her mouth.

“I don’t like to use chopsticks. Damn manservant, get me a fork instead.”

What do you mean you don’t like it, you just don’t know how to use chopsticks.

Without waiting for me to move, Xiao Qin quickly switched the chopsticks to forks.

“It’s awful.” Ai Mi picked up a chicken roll and took a small bite, almost burning her tongue from the steam inside.

“If it wasn’t because I needed to eat something with the cola, I wouldn’t eat something so awful.”

Hey hey, if it really tastes that bad, don’t reach for a second one. Because the last process of making the chicken rolls was to deep fry them, it fits your definition of junk food and is right up your alley, right?

Seeing that Ai Mi was happily eating it, I picked up the chicken roll that Xiao Qin had put in my bowl and took a bite.

The outside was crispy while the inside was soft. The combination of chicken, glutinous rice, and carrots complemented each other well. Other than the fact there was a bit too much starch, I would give the dish over 70 points.

“Ha, Xiao Qin, you can open a fast food restaurant in the future.” I complimented her with sincerity.

The food she cooks has a fast-food style that is perfect for take-out, so maybe she can show off her cooking skills on this field trip

“Hmph, if she opened a store, it would shut down in a couple of days.”

Ai Mi said without any conscience while eating her food.

Xiao Qin was not affected at all by Ai Mi’s comments, she only cared whether I found it delicious or not.

“Ye Lin classmate, how is it, is it better than the class leader’s cooking?”

Xiao Qin put her elbows on the table, and asked me while holding her chin.

“There’s too big of a difference.” I said truthfully, “Compared to the class leader, you are still an elementary school student.”

“No way…” Xiao Qin lowered her head in disappointment.

“Don’t be discouraged.” I comforted, “Compared to Ai Mi or Xiong YaoYue, you would be a master.”

“Thank you.” Xiao Qin who received the compliment immediately smiled, “I will continue to work hard and in the future I will definitely become a cook that satisfies Ye Lin classmate, meow.”

Now, Ai Mi wasn’t happy.

“What do you mean she’s a master compared to me? Even my assistant, Winnie, is a great cook.”

You call that cooking? The green lobster, the slimy crab, and the fried dogtail grass? The fake homeless people in Dong Shan city still have lingering fears over your food.

“Americans caught Chinese beggars for genetically modified food experiments.”, those kinds of scary rumors are still floating around the city.

“Be honest.” I taught my sister, “When you eat something delicious, even if it’s out of politeness, you have to say it’s delicious.”

“The damn manservant actually dares to lecture me…” Ai Mi still didn’t accept it until I kept staring at her, so she was pressured to say “it’s not too bad”.

Ai Mi, who was the smallest among us in both size and age, quickly ate her fill. She then sat cross-legged on the only sofa in the living room, and used the remote control to turn on our old TV.

“Why can’t I get the TV shows I want to watch.”

After roughly using the remote control to scroll through the channels, Ai Mi turned to me and asked.

“We don’t have satellite TV, so you just have to put up with it. Wait a little longer and you can watch a super-long series that probably runs until the end of time.”

“There should still be some chips, right?” Ai Mi followed up immediately.

After I offered up our potato chip reserves, Ai Mi proudly changed her position on the sofa. Looking at her happy expression, I think even if the news broadcast said “America has been occupied by aliens”, she would still happily chew on the chips while watching.

Although Xiao Qin only made one dish, it was enough to fill our stomachs.

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While Ai Mi crunched on her chip, I began to clean up the dishes with Xiao Qin. Although Xiao Qin said to leave it to her, but only Shu Zhe would eat without doing any work.

Especially when I was in front of Ai Mi, I can’t set a bad example.

So, in the end, it turned into Xiao Qin and I washing the dishes together in the kitchen.

The sound of the TV came from the living room and I suddenly felt like we were a family.

“Ye Lin classmate…” Xiao Qin said to me with red cheeks, “When we have kids in the future, it will also be like today, right?”

Who would have children with you? When I felt like family, I was referring to having two sisters.

“My shoulder hurts~~ my neck hurts~~~”

Ai Mi, who obviously did not do any work, screamed in pain from the sofa, clearly trying to get my attention.

“From eating potato chips?”

I walked behind Ai Mi as I handed the last clean bowl to Xiao Qin.

“Give me a massage.” Ai Mi commanded, “I blame the poor quality of your couch, my neck is going to break.”

I stood behind the sofa and reached out to massage Ai Mi’s neck and shoulders.

Although Ai Mi desperately ordered me around in front of Xiao Qin to show her absolute ownership of me, I just treated her as an unruly sister in my mind.

Ai Mi, who was gently massaged by my pair of large hands, squinted her eyes and had a cat-like expression of enjoyment.

Ai Mi’s neck was very thin, not much thicker than her ponytail at the back of the head. I massaged her carefully, afraid that a careless slip will break her.

At this time, Xiao Qin also finished cleaning up the kitchen and came back into the living room.

Seeing me massaging Ai Mi’s shoulders, Xiao Qin was still smiling without showing a hint of jealousy or dissatisfaction.

“Does sis Ai Mi still want to eat other snacks. You can tell me and I will go downstairs to buy some for you.”

After Ai Mi realized her unreasonable requests towards me didn’t make Xiao Qin mad, she puffed her cheeks and sat up on the sofa.

“Violent girl, why aren’t you angry.”

“Eh, why would I be angry.”

Xiao Qin had a kind face which made Ai Mi not be able to hold it in anymore.

“Hmph, didn’t you think you’re the manservant’s girlfriend. You even told him to accompany you to the amusement park on your birthday…”

Ai Mi’s tone was clearly full of jealousy. Is it because her own birthday was April 1st and she was too embarrassed to ask me to spend it with her?

What’s embarrassing about it? On the next April 1st, I will definitely celebrate your birthday and will make you the happiest person on April Fool’s Day.

“Ah, you also know I went to the amusement park with Ye Lin classmate…” Xiao Qin covered her cheeks and pretended she was embarrassed about getting caught.

What a faker. Xiong YaoYue took a video of our date, it was clearly your suggestion to let Xiong YaoYue take it back to Ai Mi.

“I’m asking you.” Ai Mi shouted, “I said your boyfriend belongs to me, and also ordered him around, so why are you not angry.”

“It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter.” Xiao Qin waved her hand, “I’m pretty generous. Sis Ai Mi can use Ye Lin classmate however you want, since you’re… Ai Mi…”

“What do you mean?” Ai Mi heard the subtleties in her voice and asked relentlessly.