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I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 549: A Brother Who Needs to be Monitored
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Chapter 549: A Brother Who Needs to be Monitored

I never even forced her to jump, I only wanted to ask her why she was filming us.

“You can’t swim in the river.”

Then, two amusement park employees with red sashes around their arms appeared.

“I’m not swimming, I’m taking a bath.”

Xiong YaoYue who was holed up in the costume for a while, finally found a cool spot, so she didn’t plan on obeying and coming out.

“You can’t bath in it either. Besides, you should be naked when bathing, right?”

The younger one of the two staff members ridiculed.

“What?” Xiong YaoYue’s face changed, “Are you guys trying to trick me into taking my clothes off? I’m not that stupid.”

Immediately afterwards, she succumbed to the comfort of the water and asked quietly, “Even if I swim naked you guys will still kick me out, right?”

The two staff members were both fairly young men who had just entered the working class. When they heard Xiong YaoYue, they almost couldn’t hold back their nosebleeds.

“Skinny dipping isn’t prohibited.”

“Skinny dipping is strictly prohibited.”

The two people shouted out conflicting statements simultaneously.

“Xiao Ming, you’re an idiot.” The staff member who said skinny dipping was not a violation scolded his colleague, “Why do you have to be so stubborn when we had a good chance?”

The one called Xiao Ming scratched the back of his head and explained, “But rules are the rules, she might not strip even if you said it was fine.”

“Idiot, it doesn’t hurt to try.”

While the staff was bickering, Xiong YaoYue sighed and came ashore.

After being baptized by the river, Xiao Qin’s small tank top and shorts had shrunken a bit and looked closer to a two piece swimsuit.

Even though there were a lot of men gazing at her, Xiong YaoYue didn’t feel conscious at all. She wringed out the water from a corner of a shirt as if no one was around and revealed more of her tanned skin.

“I’m hungry after running so long.” Xiong YaoYue walked towards me and patted my shoulder while she was still soaking wet, “Ye Lin, buy me lunch.”

“You were filming us in secret and you still want me to buy you lunch?” I said angrily.

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“Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that.” Xiong YaoYue bent down and picked up the video camera from the ground and then showed me a “thank you for reminding me” expression.

“Secretly filming us?” Xiao Qin walked down the slope and saw a freeze frame of our date on the camera’s LCD screen and suddenly became very happy.

“It’s a video worth remembering. Winnie, please give me a copy no matter what, I want to save a copy on my computer and watch it every day.”

“Sure.” Xiong YaoYue graciously agreed.

“No way.” I snatched the video camera, “I’m going to delete all these humiliating videos.”

“Humiliating videos?” Xiao Qin was shocked, “Does Ye Lin think it’s embarrassing to date me?”

“No, no.” I was afraid of making her cry again on her birthday, so I hurriedly waved my hands, “I wasn’t prepared to be filmed, so I don’t think I will look good on film and others will laugh when they see it.”

Xiao Qin pouted, “When did Ye Lin classmate care about his own image.”

“Alright.” Xiong YaoYue tried to dry herself by bouncing up and down, then she urged, “The most important thing now is treating me to a meal. Let’s talk about it when we’re eating.”

Xiong YaoYue wiped herself dry with her costume, then held it in her hand and left the river with me and Xiao Qin.

The two staff members were still arguing when we left, the topic was: the next time a beautiful girl goes into the water, should we tell her that everything was forbidden except for skinny dipping.

“The fried chicken isn’t as good as the ones in the commercial district.”

Xiong YaoYue complained as she took a big bite of her fried chicken cutlet.

“Stop complaining.” I stared at her dripping wet hair and said, “Hurry up and explain why you were filming us.”

I glanced at the video camera on the table and said and it didn’t look cheap based on its quality and workmanship, so I don’t think Xiong YaoYue bought it herself.

“It’s not anything serious… it’s just Ai Mi was worried, so she told me to get everything in film and then bring the video back to her for analysis…”

“Ai Mi sent you? How did she know Xiao Qin and I would be at the amusement park today?”

“Last time at Gong CaiCai’s birthday, Xiao Qin mentioned her birthday, so Ai Mi probably remembered it. As for how she knew you would come here today, I assumed she told one of her subordinates to investigate.”

“Right, Ye Lin, get me another order of chicken wings, I’m still hungry.”

I frowned, “I am on a… I’m with Xiao Qin today at the amusement park for her birthday, but why is Ai Mi so interested?”

“How would I know?” Xiong YaoYue chewed on a leaf that she got from who knows where, then propped both her feet on the table and tilted back with her chair, “It’s probably because Ai Mi is concerned about her brother, so she wants to personally check your girlfriend.”

“Xiao Qin, she…” I wanted to deny that Xiao Qin was my girlfriend, but felt it was too cruel to do so on her special day.

Xiao Qin, however, caught onto something important from Xiong YaoYue’s words, and she asked as if those words had a deeper meaning.

“Is Ai Mi very concerned about her brother’s life?”

Xiong YaoYue only thought of Ai Mi as my cousin, so she didn’t understand why Xiao Qin put heavy emphasis on the word “brother”.

“I guess.” I felt no need to conceal from Xiao Qin that Ai Mi and I had already reconciled as brother and sister, so I admitted implicitly, “Although there were some difficulties, Ai Mi still cares deeply for me and was willing to call me brother.”

Xiao Qin’s eyes seemed to suddenly say “victory” as if she had finally been rewarded for all the humiliation she had to endure from Ai Mi.

I don’t think there’s anything to be particularly happy about. Ai Mi is my biological sister and couldn’t have become your love rival.

But wait a moment… telling Xiong YaoYue to film my date with Xiao Qin might be slightly beyond the boundaries of concern between a brother and sister, right, but more like surveillance between love rivals.

“Xiao Qin, have you hit Ai Mi before?”

Xiong YaoYue suddenly asked.

“No.” Xiao Qin shook her head.

“That’s strange, Ai Mi has always called you ‘violent girl’ as if she has a bad impression of you… she also told me to intervene if you tried to push Ye Lin down… hahahahaha, how is that possible.”

“So that little girl already calculated to that step.” Xiao Qin shifted her gaze away pensively.

What do you mean, were you actually planning on pushing me down? So you’re the same type as your mother?

Seeing Xiong YaoYue’s costume on the chair next to her, I could not help but ask.

“Even if you were filming us, why did you have to dress up in a costume?”

“Wouldn’t I be very suspicious if I was holding a video camera alone while everyone else was a couple?”

“So it’s not suspicious to dress up as Pleasant Goat? I think it’s a thousand times more suspicious.”

“Just two days ago, I was worried about how to secretly film you guys without getting caught. I was then given a revelation when I was surfing the web.”

“A revelation?”

“Yeah, that’s right. It must be because I’m a good person and accumulated a lot of good karma, so I immediately got a revelation.”

“What was the revelation?” Xiao Qin also became interested.

“Mm-hmm.” Xiong YaoYue enjoyed the feeling of being the center of attention, she pretentiously brushed her hair back before saying, “When I typed the initials of my name into a search engine, so ‘xyy’, the word that immediately followed was ‘Pleasant Goat (Xi Yang Yang)’!”

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“So I immediately went shopping on Taobao. I used the funds Ai Mi gave me for monitoring purposes and bought a Pleasant Goat costume. I was even able to put it to good use today, perfect!”

Does that even count as a revelation? Even Xiao Qin’s face darkened.

“So Ai Mi didn’t tell you to work for free, you were paid to film us.”

“Yeah.” The Pleasant sheep… no, Xiong YaoYue replied.

I slapped the table, “Then why did you still make me buy food for you? Don’t you know that I’m poor?”

Xiong YaoYue curled her lips and continued to wring out water from the edges of her wet shorts, “I came out in a hurry today and forgot to bring my wallet. I only had enough spare change to buy bus tickets, so what choice did I have? Plus the food in the amusement park is crazy expensive…”

So you knew the food in the amusement park is expensive, that’s why you had me pay for it.

“That said…” Xiong YaoYue’s lips curled up into a large smile, “Ye Lin, you really surprised me. So, you’re really not gay and even got together with your childhood friend…”

“That’s right, this childhood friend was indeed obtained by Ye Lin classmate.”

Xiao Qin admitting quickly. Then she linked arms with me in order to declare her sovereignty.

Um… I only intended for you to stay as a secret girlfriend. Now that it was exposed in front of Xiong YaoYue, it’s only a matter of time before it becomes known throughout class 2-3.

I should immediately deny it since there’s still time, but why did today have to be Xiao Qin’s birthday?

Seeing Xiao Qin and I become intimate, Xiong YaoYue chuckled a couple times and looked at us both with interest.

“I can’t believe you guys hid it for this long, this is big news, if I tell Loud Mouth…”

“Do not tell Loud Mouth, don’t tell anyone.” I quickly stopped her, “I… Xiao Qin and I still want to keep it a secret for the time being.”


“Because… the school rules explicitly prohibit early love.”

“Oh that, I didn’t expect Ye Lin to be afraid of school rules.” Xiong YaoYue made a gesture as if to say don’t worry about it, “I won’t tell the teacher.”

“You can’t tell anyone else either.” I got serious, “because…”

I had to really rack my brain to think of a reason for Xiong YaoYue to keep the secret, but it wasn’t easy for me since I was a bad liar.

“Because my mom doesn’t allow me and Ye Lin classmate to be together.”

Xiao Qin suddenly interjected.

“If my mom finds out about me and Ye Lin classmate, then I might… I might be forced to change schools, so please don’t tell anyone about our relationship, okay?”

Xiao Qin solemnly pleaded to Xiong YaoYue with a very convincing reason.

As if to repay me for not denying she was my girlfriend.

“So that’s how it is.” Xiong YaoYue scratched her head in embarrassment, “If the consequences will be that severe, then I will keep it a secret.”