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I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 499 – Hell’s Kitchen
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Chapter 499 – Hell’s Kitchen

After scaring away the beggar, right when I wanted to console Gong CaiCai, I was caught off guard and took a punch on the back.

I thought it was the beggar’s accomplice looking for trouble, but when I took a look, it was Xiong YaoYue who ran over still carrying her backpack.

“Hey, you beat me to it.” Xiong YaoYue laughed and scolded me, “I saw someone bullying Cai Cai, so I wanted to come over and show off.”

But Gong CaiCai was wary towards Xiong YaoYue’s “good intentions”, after all, she had been bullied too much in the past.

“Ye Lin classmate, and Xiao Xiong, thank you...”

Gong CaiCai politely thanked us.

“Call me Winnie.” Xiong YaoYue corrected.

“Okay, Winnie the Pooh...” Gong CaiCai was so scared she stuttered.

Bus 19, the one Gong CaiCai was waiting for finally came. She bowed down to thank us again, then she followed the queue and got on the bus.

“The daughter of a rich family has to squeeze on the bus every day.” Xiong YaoYue ridiculed as she watched the bus drive away, “What are her parents doing? if I only had one precious daughter, I would want a car to pick up and drop her off every day, plus two beefy bodyguards to accompany her.”

Every family has different ways of education. I also heard about a couple who had tens of millions of dollars, but they still rented a place to live in a more rural area in order to create an illusion for their son that their family was poor. The son didn’t find out the truth until he went to college, at least Gong CaiCai knows her family isn’t poor.

“Plus, there are more and more beggars in Dong Shan city now. In the subways, on pedestrian bridges, and also at the bus stops... and more than 80% are scammers.” Xiong YaoYue said indignantly, “They ask for money so they could eat, but they don’t come when you offer to take them to a restaurant. And they love to pester single women, the police should really arrest all of them”

It seems that other than Gong CaiCai, there are other girls from class 2-3 who encountered these beggars, so Xiong YaoYue was full of righteous indignation.

I asked Xiong YaoYue what she was doing here instead of going home, and she said that she agreed to go to the zoo to see the pandas tomorrow with Ai Mi, so she came to check which bus to take.

Eh, only the downtown zoo in Dong Shan city has pandas, and they are temporary rentals from Beijing zoo. That means Ai Mi and Xiong YaoYue would be going to the zoo tomorrow at the same time as me and Xiao Qin.

“I took a look at the schedule and there’s no direct bus from my house to the zoo.” Xiong YaoYue fretted, “It would be the best if I stay overnight at Ai Mi’s place, then head to the zoo along with her. But unfortunately my parents aren’t easy to deal with...”

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“By the way, Ye Lin, do me a favor.” Xiong YaoYue massaged my shoulder with her fists, “I’ll call my parents and tell them I’m doing homework with a classmate and I’m not going home tonight. Just tell them I’m staying over at your place.”

“Hey, if I say that, your parents will come knocking on my door.”


“You’re still asking me why? I’m a boy, and you’re going to stay out all night at a boy’s home? Do you want your parents to explode with rage?”

“Ah shoot.” Xiong YaoYue clapped her forehead, “I forgot again that you aren’t gay. It’s all Little Smart’s fault because she told me you were weeping at the farewell dinner for captain Guo SongTao and unwilling to part ways, so I got a little confused about your sexual orientation...”

Where did she even get that info, she’s spreading false rumors! Who was even crying?

“Then, Ye Lin, can you help me out and ask Xiao Qin to be my proof~” Xiong YaoYue hands together to beg me, “Xiao Qin seems to listen to you, so if you ask her to trick my parents, I’ll definitely treat you well in the future.”

After thinking about it for a while, I thought it wasn’t a big deal, so I called Xiao Qin for Xiong YaoYue, who readily agreed.

But she wanted Xiong YaoYue to speak to her on the phone.

“Winnie, I can definitely help you, and we both had a great time on Wednesday’s volleyball game... but can you stop asking me why I was able to get the other team’s tricky serves? I said it was just luck~~~~”

“Okay, I won’t ask anymore.” Xiong YaoYue said quickly, “It’s normal for girls to have their own secrets. Anyway, if my parents ask, you have to help me.”

After a brief period of “collusion” with Xiao Qin, Xiong YaoYue gave me back my phone.

“I could hear static when I was on the call.” Xiong YaoYue pointed out to me.

Indeed, since it had the charging failure, the battery can never be charged to full anymore. Recently there’s also been weird static during calls, so I think it’s an indication its going to turn into a brick. Domestic counterfeits have really poor quality and stability is its biggest weakness.

The psycho called Fang Xin said the phone would save my life. Now it’s almost broken, it can barely save itself. Do I have to spend the rest of my life with a broken phone?

Xiong YaoYue seems to have just remembered the time when she stuffed my phone into her panties in an emergency, then when she got up to answer a question, it shook her to her core.

She couldn’t help but blush, wave goodbye to me, then she ran off in the direction of Qing Zi Academy.

To be honest, I also kind of wanted to see Ai Mi. Plus, I was salivating every time I thought of the French chef’s cooking.

But fortunately, I didn’t go with Xiong YaoYue that day, because something tragic happened in the VIP building.

The two of them cooked together.

Ai Mi and Xiong YaoYue together.

The so-called dark cuisine, is referring to them.

The name of the show “Hell’s Kitchen” is like it was made for the two of them.

It began when a talk show in the US, invited who the lolicons consider as Ai Mi’s successor, the “Pisces Sisters” as guests. Those evil shows always like to instigate drama, so the host asked the sisters, what do you think of their senior Ai Mi.

They ridiculed Ai Mi’s weak constitution and said it was hilarious how she was allergic to everything. They also said it was a waste for such an outstanding French chef to be Ai Mi’s personal chef. According to reliable sources, Ai Mi’s cooking skills were atrocious and one of Ai ShuQiao’s villas was burned down because Ai Mi tried to cook a fried egg.

Ai Mi was very angry after watching the show, and she was particularly concerned about how they criticized her cooking skills.

“The villa only burned down because the gas stove was too primitive. I’m obviously very talented in cooking.”

So you really burned down a villa? Although people say no progress can be made without paying the price, but I think that’s too big of a price to pay for a fried egg?

Xiong YaoYue, who heard about the incident, immediately sided with Ai Mi and said:

“It must be because they envy you. I remember Loud Mouth also laughed at me for not being able to cook. I even made her fried rice once out of the goodness of my heart, but I accidentally added too much salt. I even gave her water to drink with the rice, but she refused to eat it.”

Those two terrible cooks hit it off and planned to cook a sumptuous dinner for the bodyguards and other servants.

Even Peng TouSi, who’s went through fire and water, sweated profusely and advised:

“Kitchen work is dirty and tiring, it’s better to leave it to the staff.. we can’t let the two of you cook for us...”

Obama, on the other hand, was much more honest than Peng TouSi. Once he saw it was Ai Mi and Xiong YaoYue hogging the kitchen, he immediately let out a long howl and went to eat the grass outside the VIP building with a sad and bitter expression.

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Ai Mi, who doesn’t listen to people’s words, was obstinate in her ways. I don’t know where she heard that “Only experts can create delicious dishes with the simplest of ingredients”, so on a whim, she went to where Obama was eating grass and pulled out a handful of... dogstail grass.

Where in the world is that considered a simple ingredient? She dipped it in flour, fried it in oil and turned it into deep fried dogstail grass.

Ai Mi and Xiong YaoYue didn’t eat it themselves, but forced Obama to eat it. Obama would rather die than eat it, so they turned their attention to Peng TouSi.

Peng TouSi forehead was covered in sweat. He clutched his stomach and said, “My acute gastroenteritis is acting up, sp you should let 004 and 005 eat it.”

004 and 005 were forced to eat “dogstail grass”, and then they also immediately got acute gastroenteritis.

Ai Mi refused to admit her faults, “It’s not my cooking skills, it must be because of the serious pollution in China, that’s why the dogstail grass is poisonous.”

Xiong YaoYue, seeing Peng TouSi’s bitter face and him begging her with his eyes, softened slightly and said:

“It’s not easy for the bodyguards, if the ingredients are contaminated, let’s not make them eat it anymore...”

“That won’t work.” Ai Mi said angrily, “Next I will use high class ingredients, to make food that would convince everyone that I can cook.”

Xiong YaoYue suddenly had a bright idea, “It’s not good to let the bodyguards test for poison... no, I mean test the food, I have a better way. There are a ton of fake beggars in Dong Shan city right now. Let’s tell Peng TouSi to go out and catch a few of them. The ones who have all their limbs and curse at you when you give them 50 cents are fake beggars. They always say they are too poor to eat, so let’s let them have their fill.”

Ai Mi immediately looked at Xiong YaoYue with admiration for her great plan.

Peng TouSi and the bodyguards immediately acted when they learned they could catch some scapegoats. They were highly efficient and caught twenty beggars in an hour. The beggars were all people with good physiques and claimed they didn’t have enough to eat.

It was unavoidable to be seen in public when they went on the streets to catch people. But not a single person called the police, they only began to discuss among themselves:

“What’s going on? Isn’t it kind of wasteful to drive such a good car to force these beggars to go to a shelter?”

Coincidentally, when Xiong YaoYue went to “lecture” the group of beggars, then one who harassed Gong CaiCai was also among them.

Xiong YaoYue, who got a pair of sunglasses from Peng TouSi, looked like the leader of the criminal organization. She cleared her throat then said to the frightened beggars:

“Don’t be afraid, we’re a charity from America. We invited you here today to eat dinner, made with imported ingredients from the US. We have steak, lamb chops, imported lobster, tuna, and crabs. As long as you behave and eat the meal, you will allowed to leave safe and sound.”

The problem is that it’s impossible to be safe and sound after they eat your cooking.