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I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 61: Unscathed
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Chapter 61: Unscathed

"Vergil, I think you need to explain something" said the person behind Vergil.

"Errr… E-Evening, Aunt Hersha." replied Vergil nervously.

"Oh... so you know what time is now. Tell me my dear nephew, Why did you come back this late?!!" said Aunt Hersha chillingly.

"Hiii… I am sorry, Aunt Hersha. B-But… It's Angus's fault that he is…" as Vergil tried to explain.

*Bang* Before he could explain, he was already getting knocked out by his aunt's fist and flying seeing the star.

"Now, where is my baby boy Angus? Yuhu..? Come over here to your lovely aunt." as Aunt Hersha tries to catch up with Angus.

During the time her aunt got preoccupied with Vergil, Agnus took some food from the dining table and sneaked around to the basement of the townhouse.

The basement area is the same area where he sparred with his father before. This room is heavily enchanted so Angus decides to hide in this place for the time being. Even his aunt will hardly perceive him inside this room.

Eating his dinner at the training area alone, Angus feels now is the time to open the mysterious box. As he is alone and nothing to do for the time being.

Then, he took out the mysterious box from his wristwatch storage. Looking at it, he takes out his swirl patterned bracelet from his left hand. Agnus put it near it. Soon, he feels that the mana aura around the box fluctuates a little bit.

Still, it didn't change anything even after Angus tried to put them together. After a series of tries, he couldn't get any reaction from the box.

Leaving with no choice, he decided to forcefully open the box. Taking a deep breath and calming his mind, Angus pulls out his mana restricting bracelet and takes out his weighted clothes.

Judging by the hardness of the unknown material it's made, Angus feels he needs to use all his strength to open this box. Controlling his mana and his breathing rhythm, he focuses all his mana on his fist [Iron Fist].

Making a strong martial art stance, Angus punched the box at once [Dynamic Punch]. *Bam* *Bam* *Bam* He may seem to launch one punch but the moment it almost touches the box it turns into many fists and hits various locations on the box.

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After a while, he found that all his punches leave no harm to the mysterious box, not even a scratch. The box is still like before unscathed.

However, under Angus's [Mana Eye] he found that the box absorbed all his mana that concentrated in his fist. Intriguing by this discovery, he tried to send mana towards the box.

On the contrary to his expectation, the box didn't absorb and respond to the mana he sent. Testing more about the box, he found that only by using a highly concentrated mana skill that the box absorbs it. Otherwise, it will stay still.

Then, Angus keeps hitting the box continuously using many high mana consumption skills. But, the box keeps absorbing it like a bottomless hole. Besides absorbing his mana, it didn't have any change.

"Haaa… Ha… what a mysterious box." said Angus as he recovered his mana.

Suddenly, Angus felt a presence behind him.

"Catch you. My baby boy." said Aunt Hersha while hugging Angus's body.

After almost dying from the strong grip and hug by his aunt, Angus finally could take a breath and back to talk with a huge struggle.

"Aunt Hersha, let me go." said Angus with struggle.

"Ohh… it seems my baby boy is stronger now. But there is nothing that could separate you from my love." said Aunt Hersha while hugging Angus at her big 'mountain'.

'Stupid cow woman, you are going kill me.' curses Angus inwardly while keeping struggle from her aunt's grip.

On the other hand, Aunt Hersha keeps her grip strong and makes Angus feel like a plushy toy. After a while, her aunt reluctantly releases her strong grip but still makes Angus sit on her lap while hugging him.

"Ha… Ha… You almost killed me!!" grumbled Angus while finally breathing normally again.

"B-But, that's your fault. You are touring with Vergil and leave me behind to do your father's paperwork." said Aunt Hersha while hugging Angus.

Finally, Aunt Hersha noticed the strange box that emits mana aura in front of them. "Angus, what is this box?" asked her Aunt seriously.

"Ah.. this box is the one I bought from the auction this afternoon." replied Angus.

"Ohh… So, this is that box. Did you need my help to open it?" asked the woman.

"Yeah, I already tried…" as Angus explained all he had done to it.

Angus didn't bother to hide his strength since her aunt must know his real strength from hugging him to almost death before. In those desperate times, Angus unconsciously fights back with all his strength.

But, Aunt Hersha herself is kind of a monster with six grade strength and could restrain Angus easily. Looking at his aunt's nonchalant attitude towards his strength, he knows that his aunt must also know about his real strength from his father a long time ago.

After explaining about the box and what he found about it. His Aunt is also interested in the mysterious box.

Inspecting the box for a moment, "Hmm… Interesting. Now, why don't you show me how you punched the box before."

"Okay." replied Angus shortly before taking a position to punch the box.

Gathering mana in his hand, [Dynamic Punch] *Bam* *Bam* *Bam* series of hitting sound heard after Angus first reached the box.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap* "That's such a strong skill and power. I bet no ordinary first-grade combatant could survive that attack. Huhuhu… To think my baby boy will grow up this fast" as Aunt Hersha faking her sadness.

Ignoring her aunt's sadness, "So, what did you find out?" replied Angus coldly.

"Ehh… did my baby boy angry? Fufufu… Anyway, you are right about before. It seems it absorbs high concentration mana attacks like bottomless holes. Now, let your aunt try something." as her Aunt took her great axe from her space storage.

Without wasting any moment, Aunt Hersha cleaves the box [Axe Art - Splitting Blast]. *Boom* A huge shockwave from the clash between the box and the great axe.

After a moment the box still left unscathed. This surprised both Angus and his aunt.

"Hee… I believe I put an attack that is enough to kill any grade five people. This box may be a real deal and contain some sort of treasure. You said it also reacts to a bracelet?" asked Aunt Hersha seriously.

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"Yes, its aura seems to flicker a little bit the moment it senses the bracelet." said Angus while showing the bracelet.

Then, his aunt immediately took the bracelet away. After inspecting for a while, "Interesting…" said Aunt Hersha before trying to cleave the bracelet in the air with her great axe. *Boom*

Angus didn't expect sudden movement and was surprised by it. But, the bracelet also left unscathed despite getting hit by the great axe.

Looking at this, "H-How??" surprised Angus.

"As I guess, both of them absorb high concentration mana but at a different rate. The bracelet seems to also absorb high concentration mana but at a smaller scale than the box. It's like comparing a big hole and a small hole."

"Also from what I perceive, it seems the bracelet transfers the mana to the box after absorbing it. Besides that, I don't know the use or how to open the box since even my attack left it unscathed."

"Probably only the seven grade people could open it. But I am also not too sure about it." explain Aunt Hersha to Angus while giving back his bracelet.

Angus put back on the bracelet on his left wrist. Suddenly, he felt his mana absorbed at a minuscule rate. If not because of his high perception and absolute control over his mana, he may not discover this.

Since he didn't feel this way before, then it means the bracelet changed after interacting with the box or it because of his aunt's attack.

Whatever it is, he feels that it is connected to the mysterious box. After thinking for a while, Angus decides to let it be since the consumption rate is not bothering him at all. His breathing technique could regenerate mana more than what it consumes.

After Angus got dressed, both of them went back to the manor upstairs while Angus kept getting harassed by his aunt. Arriving at the manor, Angus could see the mummy version of Vergil.

It seems he got some punishment from his aunt. Fortunately, his aunt is spoiling Angus a lot and didn't give any punishment to him.

There are also still a few days before it's time to go back to the academy. Otherwise, Vergil will miss the start of the new term like Angus did during the last break.

For a person like Vergil who is in the first ranking in his year, it is important to become a role model for the other student. Unlike Angus who always does what he wants, Vergil needs to pay attention to his behaviour as the first rank and high noble.

After chatting for a while, Angus went back to his room while preventing his aunt from sleeping with him. He didn't hate his aunt, especially a beautiful woman like Aunt Hersha thought her age is questionable.

However, he also didn't want to die early while being suffocated by two huge mountains.