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I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 417 Question Master (2)
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"What's going on outside?" Juno asked another member of Ashton's faction.

"It's nothing important. Just the servants have gone mad, and they think we're behind the strange disappearance of their people and causing a fuss about it." The guard replied, "I don't think it's anything requiring our attention."

Jeno shared different views than the guard. Unlike them, Ashton had already informed him about the significant threat they'd have to face.

Ever since Jeno got to know the Phantom was their target, he had extensively studied every piece of information regarding the silent assassin he could his hands on.

The disappearance of the servants did not seem a coincidence to him. It was possible that the Phantom had killed them and used it as an excuse to lit a fire of resistance among the servants.

"I didn't think the servants have the guts to pull off something like this," Jeno mumbled while scratching his chin, "Consequential or not, ask someone to keep an eye on the entrance of the mansion. No one except our faction members should be allowed to enter or exit the mansion."

"On it."

Upon being selected, they were assigned one job: To protect Eula and keep an eye on her at all times. So far, they have accomplished their task without problems, but now the peaceful period they had come to cherish was over.

"Sir, the comms are offline!" One of the guards reported, "We can't connect with anyone outside the mansion!"

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"Tsk, this is bad." Jeno clicked his tongue as the reality of the situation dawned on him, "Send someone and call Commander Reaper right now! It can't be a coincidence. Also, inform everyone else to assemble in front of Lady Eula's room. Our worst fears might have come true... The silent assassin is here."

"Fuck!" The guard yelled and rushed towards the gates, "Seal the gates! No one enters the mansion!"

At the moment, there was no one within the mansion apart from Eula, her mother, and the guards. Most guards and mercenaries were preoccupied with handling the protest led by the servants, and it was the perfect opportunity for someone to strike them right now.

'I should have known. The servants didn't act out without reason. Someone must have instigated them. Just when we thought things were going smoothly.'

While Jeno was busy thinking about the events of the day, from the corner of his eyes, he saw a maid enter the mansion.

'What's a maid doing here? I told them not to let... Wait... What is that lady dragging behind her?'

It was too late when Jeno realised what was going on. The maid crushed the guard's head before chowing down on it. A moment later, the maid's form changed. Within moments the innocent-looking maid turned into a guard.


The sight made Jeno empty his bowels. But it turned out to be a mistake. The Phantom had not noticed the needless spectator gawking at him; sadly, that wasn't the case anymore.

"Damn it!"

Jeno realised his mistake and made a break for it. But he had severely misjudged Phantom's strength. All it took was a leap for Phantom to catch up to Jeno. However, instead of attacking him, Phantom locked his gaze on him as if he was looking for something deep within Jeno.

"Hey, are you okay?" The murderer asked in the most caring tone Jeno had ever heard.

For a moment, Jeno couldn't help but wonder whether his eyes had deceived him. How can someone with such a calm and caring voice kill someone else? There's no way this would be possible... right?

"I-I'm fine," Jeno replied in his trance-like state.

Sadly, the moment he answered Phantom's question, the calm and caring expression on his face that Jeno had grown fond of disappeared instantly.

Instead, it was replaced by a disgusting look. Phantom was staring at Jeno as if he wasn't any different from a pile of repulsive smelling garbage.

But that wasn't all; Jeno could sense the aura around Phantom had gotten stronger the moment he answered his question.

"Could it be-"

"It's already too late, even if you have figured it out." Phantom smiled while carefully running his fingers through Jeno's hair, "Huhu, I was going to kill you either way, but your panic-stricken face made my resolve waver. Maybe I should play with you for a while instead, don't you think?"

"Your powers-"

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Jeno tried to push Phantom away, but suddenly, he had no strength in any part of his body. His entire body felt as if it was made out of jelly. A moment later, he collapsed on the floor, unable to lift a finger.

"Aren't you curious?" Phantom sniggered, before grabbing Jeno's chin at a speed that couldn't be seen, "Should I tell you? Hmm... Should I? Haha!"

'The touch!'

Jeno's body was paralysed, but his mind was in overdrive. It only took him a couple of seconds to realise what had happened. The bastard must have injected some poison while playing with his hair.

'Damn it! Is this the end?'

"On second thought, playing with you will be a waste of time." Phantom removed his hand from Jeno's chin and curled up to launch a punch, "May you have a terrible journey to the afterlife."

A blue light erupted out of thin air and concealed Phantom's fist in its entirety. Jeno knew it was time for him to kick the bucket, but he couldn't bare to see the light that would inevitably end life.

Phantom released his attack, and the flames surrounded Jeno. Slowly eating away at his life force. At least that's what he thought, but strangely enough, the fire didn't hurt him... Not even a little bit.

In Jeno's religion, it was rude for someone to see their death, or to be more accurate, it was forbidden to see the Grim Reaper as he did his job. It was the reason why Jeno had closed his eyes in the first place.

But since it didn't feel like he was 'dying', Jeon defied the rule and opened his eyes. He saw a reaper in front of him, but not the one he was expecting.


Jeno's eyes widened in shock. Ashton was standing before him, and the flames Phantom had shot his way were circling Ashton like a tornado. It was indeed a magnificent sight.

"Stop bawling and get out of here while you can," Ashton instructed before turning towards Phantom, who was still smiling like the cocky bastard he was, "As for you, this place shall be your grave."

"How touching... This soap opera almost makes me want to puke my guts out." Phantom replied while licking his lips.