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I Am A Notorious Hidden Boss In The Alternate World

Chapter 170 - Stirring The Chaos
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While Albion conversed with Goldfinger in his mind, Little Sally and Little Wuxin watched his face undergo a myriad of changes. 

They became quite concerned—for the both of them as well as for Albion.

"Is this what they call 'mood swings?'" Little Wuxin whispered sneakily.

"I'm not sure. I think so…" Little Sally responded unconfidently.

At the same time, they wondered if they will be okay following such an eccentric person.

Nevertheless, it only lasted a moment before they shoved it to the back of their minds. 

'As long as there's food to eat,' was what they thought. 

Unaware of the little girls' thoughts, Albion continued to interact with Goldfinger in his mind as he began looking into some skill exchange. 


<10 units of Divine Energy has been expended to upgrade Intermediate-level Empyrean's Decree> 

<Intermediate-level Empyrean's Decree → Expert-level Emyrean's Decree>                       

The notification sounded. 

After Albion's short exchange with Goldfinger, he realized he could not continue the way he was living. 

If there was even a remote possibility of the Nine Divine Heavens connecting to the mortal plane, he had to be prepared for the potential threat of higher-level cultivators. 

"Si vis pacem, para bellum. If you want peace, prepare for war, huh?" Albion softly muttered, recalling the Latin adage.

After Little Wuxin overheard, she tilted her head and asked with curiosity, "Boss, what does that mean?"

"It means that a country must always be armed and ready to defend if it wants peace," Albion explained.

"Oh…" Little Wuxin uttered. 

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She heard, but she still did not understand its meaning. However, she was too afraid of annoying the boss to ask any further.

Nevertheless, the adage held a different meaning to Albion.

In his instance, if he wanted to continue living a carefree life, the prerequisite was for him to remain being the strongest in the world—to be invincible, unmatched, unparalleled. 

'The Apocalypse is proving to be bothersome. Old mate just trying to live a simple life,' Albion sighed.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for tonight's most anticipated event! To not waste anyone's time, I won't speak any meaningless words. Let us start the auction off with our first item—a grade-4 weapon, Moonfrost Daggers!" 

The designated spokesperson of the auction, the auctioneer, began speaking on stage, quickly grabbing Albion's attention. 

"Oh? It has already started?" 

Albion glanced over.

"Boss, can we eat now?" 

"We can eat now, right?

Little Wuxin and Little Sally fidgeted while eyeing the popcorn and soft drinks in Albion's hands before he shook his head with a slight laugh.

"So impatient. The real show hasn't even started…alright, alright. Take it," Albion handed the popcorn and soft drinks over. 

However, the two little girls only took a few bites before their excitement died down.

"Hm? What's wrong?" He asked. 

"The popcorns are not as good as the meat skewers…"

"The popcorn isn't that good at all…" 

Little Wuxin and Little Sally gave their answers hesitantly with fear of annoying the boss for their pickiness. 

But rather than that, Albion simply laughed it off, "Hahaha, you think so too?"



'My kindred spirits!' He grinned.

Finally, there were some people who can agree with him. Call him uncultured, but he never understood what was so good about popcorns. 

Its popularity was an exaggeration. 

There were obviously much better snack choices in cinemas that go for the same prices, but it was never allowed because outside food and drinks were prohibited.

Nevertheless, f*ck the rules. 

Recalling his previous life, he had always snuck the food and drinks into the cinemas with his friends back in the days anyways. 

Albion could not help but think about his friends and families from his previous life. He wondered how they were doing. 

If there was even a remote possibility of going back, the 10th Tribulation Lightning was the answer.

"These Grade-4 Moonfrost Daggers have been enchanted with a freezing effect. No words need to be said about its sharpness. It's a grade 4 weapon, after all. The bidding price is $100,000."

The auctioneer spoke. 

In a short moment, the guests and top families in the other VIP booth began voicing their bids for the Moonfrost Daggers. 




The price steadily climbed, but there was no genuine enthusiasm in the bids for the grade-4 weapon—the Moonfrost Daggers in only an appetizer.

While Albion diverted some attention to the auction stage, he was surprised that a grade-4 weapon would sell for so much money. 

'If a grade-4 weapon is already worth this much, then how much would a weapon made from Grade-7 Bluefire Crystals be? Should I pick up the artificer profession?' Albion seriously considered. 

Nevertheless, he shook his head in the next moment. 

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'Enough distracting thoughts.' 

Albion frowned. 

He continued to observe the movements in VIP booth no.2, the underground floor, and the surrounding buildings outside the auction house before he wore a contemplating look. 

'The Abestel family obviously wants to milk these wealthy families before killing them, so they wouldn't blow up the place so soon… But I'm afraid that these people will act before letting it reach that point.' 

Albion glanced at the Bloodmoon Gang stationed on three separate rooftops outside the auction house with his [Eyes of Ashura].

[Goldfinger would like to remind the host that the main quest to eliminate the Bloodmoon Gang is still incomplete.]

Goldfinger reminded. 

'I know.' Albion nodded.

Shortly after, he rubbed his chin and pondered, 'How should I involve all related parties to maximize the chaos without revealing myself?'

'Well, let's just expose the parties and let them fend for themselves.' 

Albion leaned back on his seat comfortably before he gazed up at the chandeliers hanging on the ceiling with narrowed eyes. 

Empyrean's Decree! 

An invisible form of mental power immediately made the chandeliers twist into drills while the lights and glasses shattered.

Ka-cha, ka-cha, ka-cha!

"Huh? What's wrong with the chandeliers?!"

"The chandeliers are turning into… spears!?" 

The guests of the lower floor were immediately alarmed by the sudden change. The auctioneer was forced to stop before gazing up at the ceiling like everyone else. 

'Down!' Albion willed.

The spear-shaped chandeliers quickly plunge straight down from the ceilings, causing people's hair to stand on end.

"Watch out!" 

The guests immediately cried.

However, the spear-shaped chandeliers did not target them and drilled straight into the ground, attacking the floor with a bombardment!