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How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 248: Book 19 (3)
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Even though Marie was right beside, Cecily showed her greed, so Marie naturally got upset. I thought the situation might become noisy again, but fortunately, Cecily apologized first, saying it was just a joke.

When Cecily stuck her tongue out like a prankster, Marie reluctantly let it go, but I know. I know she was sincere.

Whether it’s because the evil cycle is approaching or because of the 19th volume that was recently published and Arwen’s statement, I’m not sure, but it seems like Cecily is eagerly waiting for an opportunity.

Considering the nature of the demon race, getting pregnant easily might be unlikely, but recalling her appearance during the demonic possession, it’s not entirely impossible.

Although Marie, like a huge barrier, stood in the way, Cecily was subtly expressing her desires. Just by observing the increased physical contact, it was evident.

Marie seems to have noticed this, as there has been an increase in efforts to restrain Cecily, who has always been a powerful rival. After all Marie always emphasized that she is first, and even with having a child, she insisted on being the first.

But whenever Cecily and Marie talk about it, I try to smoothly move on and return to the peaceful situation.

It’s just speculation, but Cecily might be trying to provoke Marie in this way to instill anxiety. It’s not entirely impossible, as there have been students who got pregnant and married while attending the academy. However, both Marie and I are being cautious.

Even though I’m Xenon, everyone has their dreams and things they want to do. In my case, it’s becoming a historian, and for Marie, it’s studying political science for her benefit.

There’s no need to rush into engagement. Cecily expressed her feelings, but I didn’t feel any pressure. Above all, we need to think about what’s happening at the Michelle territory and the upcoming exhibition.

As mentioned before, Leona and Cherry will also attend this exhibition. Cherry can stay at the mansion with the permission of my parents as a guest, but Leona is a bit of a problem. Leona isn’t just a friend; she’s my future wife. Though the customs of the beastmen culture led to a speedy process, it’s still a bit ambiguous.

I haven’t revealed to her that I am Xenon yet, and there’s also Adelia. For Adelia’s sake, the first night with Leona should be postponed.

However, this is also a matter of etiquette(?), but it bothers me. For now, I’ll stay at the mansion.

“Ah, that? It’s okay. I can stay with my mother.”

“Your mother?”

“Yeah. She said she’d come to the academy the day before the break. I don’t care, so we can decide our matchmaking later. Just find a decent inn for now.”

Leona was momentarily forgetting that she was a filial daughter. When I briefly met her at the cafe and informed her of this fact, she cheerfully brushed it off. Instead, she asked if I could lend her some money to enjoy the festival with her mother, and I agreed, as I was willing to help.

“Oh, by the way, I heard that temples for Luminous and Mora will be built on your territory?”

“You heard about it too?”

“Of course. I read the newspaper every day. But isn’t it a bit unfair to leave out Lord Harte?”

“I am considering inviting a sorcerer as well.”

As mentioned before, Harte is the goddess of life and nature. Unlike the twin siblings, she doesn’t grant divine powers and simply represents nature itself, exerting the greatest influence on humanity. Through rituals, she can easily bring rain to drought-stricken lands or unleash storms causing significant damage to others.

However, as a part of nature herself, these actions have a deep connection to ‘natural disasters.’ According to some texts, rain and snow represent Harte’s sorrow, volcanoes and earthquakes express her anger, and thunder and lightning indicate surprise.

Sometimes, uncontrollable events occur during her manifestations, causing significant harm. Yet, 3000 years ago, during the Devil War, it was Harte who gave the elves the seed of the World Tree.

There will never be a time when humanity loses its awe for nature, and Harte’s sanctity will never disappear. Above all, Harte does not desire to cause natural disasters. Just as we occasionally get angry or shed tears, Harte is a transcendent being with emotions.

Moreover, controlling nature itself is challenging. If we were to liken it to humanity, it’s like not being able to control one’s digestion or circulatory system as desired.

“I heard that if a sorcerer performs a ritual, Harte will watch over it. Is that right?”

“Yes, that’s correct. You don’t need anything extravagant; offering a suitable sacrifice to Harte is enough. Since Harte is nature itself, there’s no need to build a temple. I can do it if you want.”

Come to think of it, I heard about this when I visited Mora last time. Leona can use magic and communicate with Hirt through ‘possession.’ Although a significant price is needed for possession, I have the divine power to cover it.

Considering when it would be appropriate to talk to Harte had to be considered, so I decided to postpone it for later. It might be better to conduct the ceremony at an exhibition rather than in a cafe. I’ll ask Leona for help with the ritual.

“Then I’ll ask for your help at that time. Before that, Father might invite a sorcerer, but if not, we can do it then.”

“I understand. Take care from now on. Hubby?”

“You too.”

The meeting with Leona ended here. Next, it’s the encounter with Cherry.

First of all, the invitation to the exhibition was over, but I had to ask her what they would wear there and how she would live there.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

And what happened?

“Cherry. So…”

“I’ll do it.”

“I haven’t said anything yet?”

“Whatever the senior says, I’ll do it.”

“··· ···”

The conversation proceeded like that. When I asked what clothes she would wear at the exhibition, Cherry said she would wear whatever I wanted.

In a teasing manner, I asked if, in that case,she could even come naked if I wanted. Cherry, without a change in her expression, looked straight at me and answered.


“··· ···”

“If you want, I can take it off right now.”

Cherry’s attitude towards me became increasingly strange as time went on. While she used to show a tendency to depend on me before, after publishing her work, it became almost blind obedience.

It created an uneasy atmosphere, similar yet different from Kate in various ways. Considering her family background, it might be understandable, but at some point, it became odd.

It seemed like I controlled everything as if I were manipulating a marionette. It’s not just a simple metaphor, I genuinely felt Cherry will do anything I order.

The situation was almost indistinguishable from that of a master and a slave. I pondered deeply on how Cherry came to this point, but I couldn’t find a satisfactory answer. Perhaps because last time, she even gifted me cherry tree sap. Just seeing that, she certainly had a certain degree of autonomy.

‘Where did things go wrong?’

After concluding a simple yet complicated conversation with Cherry, I stepped outside. My last task was to meet Adelia, and during that time, I thought about Cherry.

Cherry’s attitude is clearly far from normal. To put it plainly, she’s like an animated doll with a personality.

A doll that has a definite owner but, if no specific commands are given, it does its own tasks. It perfectly matches Cherry’s current situation.

Since I’m not a psychology expert and can’t offer counseling, my plan for now is to observe as much as possible. Leaving her in that state might lead to some unexpected results.

‘I hope she doesn’t do anything strange during the exhibition.’

As long as she doesn’t go around completely naked, I don’t care if she even chews on my hair.

Suppressing that anxiety deep within my chest, I headed towards Adelia’s lodgings.



The voice, strangely familiar, dug into my ears. The low, seasoned, yet pleasant tone of a woman. Just hearing the voice was pleasant, but the owner of that voice happened to be someone I really didn’t want to meet.

Wondering, I turned my head in the direction of the voice. To my surprise, there stood Hiriya.

“…Princess Hiriya?”

She was the royal family member I considered an enemy, and I didn’t even want to be associated with her. She was dressed in a school uniform, likely attending a theory class just now. Despite my dislike for her, her figure and face carried an elegance even in the school uniform.

However, her character inside was inversely proportional. While pondering this, Hiriya, staring directly at my face, opened her mouth with her distinctive seasoned voice.

“Where were you going?”

“I was on my way to meet an acquaintance.”

If I said I was going to meet Adelia, it would undoubtedly lead to an unfavorable situation. Despite my displeasure with her, I am still the ordinary son of a baron.

I may be far from the level of someone like Princess Hiriya, but I have to keep my identity hidden, especially from the Ters royal family. Revealing my true identity would only complicate matters.

“An acquaintance… Could it be you’re not referring to that troublemaker, are you?”

I responded as bluntly as possible, but it was clear that Hiriya noticed. At the same time, her gaze sharpened.

I don’t understand why this woman keeps bothering me when she should just focus on her own work. Could it be because of the humiliation she suffered in the last sparring session? Honestly, if that’s the case, the word ‘pathetic’ suits her well. Even Adelia, a bastard child, has a correct and upright character. Maybe it’s a problem with her upbringing.

I blinked without any response to her question. It’s better to appear dull and stupid than to let the situation turn into a mess.

Fortunately, it seems like that thought got through. Hiriya chuckled and, with a sly grin, said.

“Seems like being dense is a common trait for both you and your bodyguard. It’s written all over your face.”

Caught red-handed. I felt a bit awkward.

I avoided eye contact, scratching my head as I replied.

“I apologize. If the princess is uncomfortable with her presence as my bodyguard, I will apologize if it upset you.”


Hiriya mumbled something and slowly approached me. With each step she took, an indescribable atmosphere began to emerge.

I wanted to take a step back, but Hiriya’s momentum held my ankles like an invisible force. It felt like she was silently warning me not to think about escaping. As she got closer, Hiriya came right up to my face.

After confidently wearing a smile that seemed both self-assured and sinister, Hiriya extended her hand slowly toward my face.


Because she wasn’t someone close to me and due to my unfavorable impression of her, I grabbed her wrist to stop her.

Upon my intervention, Hiriya’s smile vanished instantly, and her expression hardened. While such behavior might be considered rude when interacting with a princess from another country, I am unequivocally Marie’s boyfriend and fiancé.

Unlike Cecily, who I am secretly dating, the fact that I am involved with her is widely known within the academy, so I need to be cautious about public displays of affection. Moreover, Hiriya is the princess of the Ters Kingdom, a rival to the Minerva Empire. Carelessness could lead to diplomatic disputes.

Therefore, I flashed the most gentle smile possible and rejected her advances with a polite remark.

“I apologize for the rudeness, Your Highness. However, I am engaged to someone else.”

“What if I can treat you better than your betrothed? What would you do then?”

Why is this woman suddenly acting like this? Did she lose her mind after being defeated by Adelia?

For a moment, I wore a bewildered expression upon hearing her proposal, then slowly released her hand that I had been holding. Stepping back a couple of steps, I maintained a perplexed expression.

“Apologies. Considering the distinguished lady I am already involved with, this is more than enough.”

“You don’t have any ambitions as a man? A wife from a royal family would be better than a noble’s, wouldn’t it?”

Ambition, was it? Right now, the world is clamoring that I am a saint and a prophet, but it’s all nonsense. I never had such intentions from the beginning.

I responded with a warm smile, suppressing my true feelings.

“Princess, caterpillars should eat pine needles, not oak leaves, or they will die.”

(TL: A proverb meaning that one must know one’s purpose, position, and role.)

This statement is not directed at me but at Hiriya. Although she doesn’t know my true identity, she seems to have some idea of why I am behaving this way.

Perhaps having tasted a lifetime of humiliation from Adelia, she is trying to repay that in some way. If she takes away my position as Marie’s fiance, naturally, I will be separated from Adelia. In that case, Adelia will taste a terrible sense of despair.

Hiriya, after hearing my remark, widened her eyes and once again arrogantly clenched her fist.

“Caterpillars should eat pine needles; that’s a pleasing phrase.”

“I’m glad you liked it.”

“You, too, have the same sentiment.”


No, I have no interest in you, even in the slightest. Regardless, Hiriya continued to lick her lips with her tongue, looking at me with desire. The sky-blue eyes filled with lust were truly dull compared to Adelia’s pure ones, making the contrast staggering.

“Let’s give up this time. Instead, I will appoint you as the guide for the exhibition. Can you manage that much?”

“As I mentioned earlier, I…”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“The second princess of the Ters Kingdom, Hiriya Duked von Coutres, will ‘officially’ request it.”


As soon as I heard those words, my eyelids twitched. Officially requesting means it’s not a personal-to-personal request but a request to the empire from the kingdom. In other words, if they order me from above, I have no choice but to obey. It’s just as awkward for the Minerva Empire. If I accept, it will be displeasing to me, and if I refuse, the Ters Kingdom will harbor suspicions. It’s a kind of dilemma.

First, I’ll defend myself with the date with Marie, but the chances of success are low. I sighed deeply, feeling a profound frustration inside.

“···Understood. I’ll accept it as it comes from above.”

“You thought well. Then, let’s meet at the exhibition. Isaac Ducker Michelle.”

Hiriya approached me, patted my shoulder, and then left. Her ponytail swayed as she walked away.

I quietly looked at her back and then looked at my shoulder. It was the place where Hiriya had just touched with her hand.

Pat Pat

I casually brushed off the area around my shoulder with my hand and walked away. I want to quickly meet Adelia and relieve this feeling.

Recently, as mentioned by Marie before, Adelia was receiving maid training. She doesn’t have a separate instructor and is learning only through books. I heard that it’s books Marie recommended. Although my mother will personally teach her when she goes to the mansion, she was preparing in advance.

Knock knock––

“Who is it… Oh! Cutie!”

“Hello, Noona.”

As the door opened, Adelia greeted me with a joyful face. The memories of meeting Hiriya just now seemed to have completely vanished, as my mood lightened to the point where it felt like nothing happened.

Following her guidance, I entered the lodging. While the scattered exercise equipment is still present, there were some noticeable changes.

That’s the books. From the familiar Xenon series to educational books here and there.

It seems to be the maid training books that Marie mentioned.

“Studying hard?”

“Yeah. I’ll learn properly at the mansion, but I have to study hard.”

In response to my question, Adelia nodded vigorously and answered energetically. Even though she exuded reliability and dignity as usual, she’s putting in even more effort to be helpful to me.

Thanks to that, her face, smiling happily and radiating warmth, appeared even more lovely. Why does she choose to do only beautiful things like this? I’m truly a fortunate man.

I picked up a book, likely the one she was studying until a while ago. I flipped through the pages and asked her.

“Can you show me the most important thing you’ve learned so far?”

“That’s easy. Sit here first.”

Adelia listened to my question and tapped her bed with her hands. What on earth was she telling me to sit on the bed for? I briefly entertained such a question and sat on the bed as she demanded. Once I did, Adelia cleared her throat and stood in front of me after coughing softly.

After neatly folding her hands, she opened her mouth with a gentle tone, as I had learned from the book.

“Hello, young master. Has today been a comfortable day for you?”

Her husky voice and gentle tone synergized, creating a peculiar charm. I admired her silently and watched for her next move.

“You must have had a difficult and tiring day today. Easing that fatigue is the duty of an exclusive maid.”


Something seemed odd. I blinked and looked at Adelia.

Meanwhile, Adelia had been smiling gently, looking down at me with her sky-blue eyes.

Eventually, her sweet and utterly charming voice, unique to Adelia, penetrated my ears.

“Tonight, I will personally attend to your bedtime routine.”

“··· ···”

“How is it? Wasn’t that good? There was nothing more after that, so I don’t know what it means, but wouldn’t just a massage be enough?”

What kind of book did she read?

Translators note: