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His Lordship Alexander Kane by Useless Caesar

Chapter 593
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a Te ie Ei : ~ world! lik As time passed, the Lord of War carrier sailed through the waves, rapidly approaching the territorial waters of Umbracia. On the satellite maps of all the major powers, a huge red arrow appeared, clearly indicating an aggressive stance.

The great battle was about to begin! Inside the hexagonal tower of ~ Umbracia's military core, dozens of military experts were sweating if . 1H Ln fil profusely. Their fi ngers were rae Sa.

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typing on keyboards, engag nanan unprecedented electronic LE UlNpIiciLcuciitcu Tit ul Jl le HE i Hi

ile Yvan idil AnCauy UCSuyuilil EE hd ™ las th wT f War aor AI" ~ "Has the Temple of War gone mad?" J He Le i In front of the control console of the in i hexagonal tower, an old man with hed | » pi i B gray hair and a suit stood with his hands behind his back, staring intently at the screen above him. His teeth i | i " ~ were clenched as he shouted, "Can Ha ; 1! Le anyone tell me why Alexander is . di ph Invading our waters n | Slt And... what about the missile attack over Coconut Wind Island? Who gave the order without informing the Hexagonal Tower? Why? i | lie Hh L | HHH | : hy - 1Q LE Hi ad [| here were no answers! a uw ni | i Le EE Ee Hi Cl Cle EL : Lol at Re ee bik RETR di fi a rein: hal ll LE | la 6 This towering figure in the world, th Be nn a d LL LL Ji top person of the umpbracia Ir

ARTY I NUL vwina isiar a. KEY Cd EER a a ine BT Ci a CT .

HERE RE EERE Te Co TE SO RE : il Bade sudden attack by the Temple of War.

E Hi fn Ls Le = BG 1 1 1 Ll i ~The master of the Temple of War, ii LL Ro Le il Alexander, seemed to have truly gone | ~~ mad! | UE I ln No, he's not crazy! Wilton leaned on his electronic cane J watching the military experts working hard to counter the electronic attacks.

» | | Ll | n I His aged body shook slightly. "The electronic information department of the Temple of War is trying to hack . | I - r: I into our electronic systems! If I'm not : N / 4 ro. in Pil ly mistaken... they want to find out the | li lil i 1 Hl d ore -~ i : E source of the missile ana the real a i : DEE LL i He isha Sn RH | HI i A attacker! | GE ll ee ia (is) ! el EEE SE EL i CE Ee a Ee PES EL aa

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i Tae JEREES ound, he would hy JERR with by the Umbracia 58 ~ themselves. The Temple of War could never take over the legal prosecution, i as itis a matter of the dignity of the ~ Umbracia military! "The Temple of War refuses to engage in pre-war talks. All we can do now is... contact Wyverna and communicate directly with the ruler of Wyverna to strongly condemn the Temple of War!’ ~The number one man in charge of ~ Umbracia's military, Jameson, i Jl adjusted his appearance slightly. The | ! LL J cen stars ois si Si EF A hd Hla int the consle in font of him, bt Stlaeges

mmand Center quickly changed, a : an CE Le La ‘ Vi : Fo ~ and the holographic projection of a ~ dignified old man with a walking stick appeared on the screen.

~The 3D holographic projection was vivid and lifelike, representing the supreme figure of the current ruler of Wyverna! "Mister Windsur!" Jameson suppressed his anger and looked at the ruler of Wyverna through the projection. The muscles at the corners of his eyes twitched slightly. * i ~The Master of the Temple of War, Alexander, has launched a military attack on Umbracia from Wa A.

d Templeof War a I ard atal nr fanashs | i HHH Explanation? Consequences hi] HE a eo Ln il ~The ruler of Wyverna stood in the LL AIL | : center of the Wyverna Hall, looking indifferently at the holographic . le \ I ‘ I projection of Uattbdan His voice was old, but powerful, with an undisguised le Hi | | Ril Hil aura of hostility. "You want me to HE HH Hl lj fi | i explain? Then I'll tl anil il a nn ih ih nt 0 ii a Ll Mt il "The Master of the Temple of War, . Hn DR LL : Ll ed CL LL re ir in ~ Alexader Kane, ii his wife, Amber, i i Hil {ill HRD | Ll and two of the four Duke of War of i ER lH il | Ly \ SL ~ the Temple of War, Maxine and White ET Dai Tiger, as well a s the entire crew of the, CE bE . al i e . m oi | filet | a AMAavirr a i mR iin LL Hm Ll Maxima fig hter jet. nn Ce BE ie iL Hi i Hi Ea RR tl [EE oY nev were a | killa in PURE PRET EL nt Ww ere all killec ina missile He dreamt !

Ji Ah jit Hill i hw on cong RINE Attack prev I TT | I hn dE en TT .

CLE RR Le | Co diy WR HL "Not to mention Alexander Kane, even | es a Hn i [can barely contain my anger. The We | LH 0 | ~ Temple of War is retaliating, and | iin i LL si Lo! . . a 4 ~ fully support it. Even if it leads to a | | Hi war between our two countries, even if it leads to a diplomatic conflict, | will spare no effort!" Spare no effort, spare no effort, spare io effort... || | Regulus’ voice echoed in the hexagonal tower like the sound of a bell, lingering for a long time! | HI JE ~ "Alexander has gone mad, and the . HH Dali a ruler of Wyverna is fol lowing suit. De CE A | | il il i JE Ihe comm unicati oll i he EL Ne lame: ols 0 hi 1cia mt scles 'witched ESE | ete i

I i gy i Eo pr n addition, order the carriers ‘Giant no ~ Whale' and 'Wild Wave' to join forces ~ to intercept the Temple of War. This is about the dignity of Umbracia. We can only win this, we will never be defeated!" Hi | "Set out!" | Ii | ll | ii |