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His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 96 - So Feisty!
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Tiana wrapped her hands around his neck, and pulled him towards her, biting him on the shoulders, her teeth digging into his skin.

''Ah, Ah, Beautiful, I didn't know you were so feisty! Ah, wait, wait, I'm sorry, ah! ''

Nicklaus pleaded, his whole face turning red and the smirk on his face nowhere to be found.

Tiana held his skin in her mouth for a moment before she released him, sending him scampering backwards.

''Aish, beautiful! Your teeth are so sharp!'' Nicklaus exclaimed, his face scrunched up in pain as he stared at Tiana, who was now sitting with a wide grin on her lips.

''I never lose, 'Daddy'! '' She laughed victoriously. Nicklaus stared at her; he wasn't even a bit angry. Contrary to what he had told her, the bite was rather pleasing, in fact, it tickled him, but he wanted her to feel victorious.

 He was so happy that her lips had touched another part of his body, right now; his shoulders had become his most favorite part of his body.

Scrunching up his face as though in pain, he walked to the large golden mirror by the window side to examine the bite; Tiana watched him for a few seconds and she felt that she might have taken it a bit far. Quickly, she stood up from the bed and scampered over to where he stood;

''Does it hurt? '' her voice was sober as she stood beside him peeking at his chest,

''yeah, it hurts. '' Nicklaus feigned a sad frown and Tiana couldn't help but feel guilty.

''I'm sorry, let me see. '' His heart fluttered but he forced himself to keep up with the act, shifting a little, he let he stand in front of him, such that she was standing in between him and the glass windows.

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Tiana was busy scrutinizing the bite that she didn't even notice how intimate their position were.

The spot was a little red and just a few bite marks could be seen, but it didn't look like what would cause so much pain. Tiana raised her eyes at him, but when she saw that he was still feigning to be in pain, she sighed;

''I'm sorry, '' 

She apologized but Nicklaus face was still squeezed. Watching him, she hesitated a little before raising her hand to rub him on the bite spot.

''Does it still hurt now? ''

Okay, that was the last straw, he couldn't pretend anymore. The second her fingers rubbed his skin and her puppy eyes stared at him, his cheeks reddened and he shook his head.

''Not anymore '' He replied with a grin and Tiana felt her lips slant with a smile.

Why did she like that he was being too cute for her?

Coughing a little she stepped out from in between him and the mirror and walked towards the bathroom. 

''I'll shower first. ''

Tiana sat on a couch near the glass wall as she watched the workers load the wine cartons into the van. Their function was the easiest, after this, they won't even bother about any other thing. And she didn't even get to raise a finger; Nicklaus practically did all the work.

She raised her wine glass to her lips as she watched them from the wide glass wall. After a few minutes, her eyes shifted from the workers to Nicklaus, who was standing in a shade.

His expression was mild, not frosted, but not smiling either. Now she thought about it, these days he had been with her, he rarely got mad like he used to.

He was really changing…

She felt a tug on her heart as she gazed at him, admiring his handsomeness,

As she stared at him, her mind started imagining strange things;

What if he asked her out?

She swallowed hard as she thought about it, her heart beat increasing;

She wasn't sure if she was in love with him now, but gracious god, if he asked her out, she won't even think twice. He was visibly too handsome to resist. Maybe she would force herself to tell him the normal;

'Uhm, let me think about it' but the next day she would fly into his arms, it didn't matter if she loved him or not, he pampered her now and he was very sweet, she would eventually grow to love him.

A smile washed her cheeks as she thought of the couple tees they would wear and the couple dates they would go to and …

Tiana's cheeks tainted red as her mind drifted over to dirty thoughts, and that instant Nicklaus turned to look at her.

Her eyes widened as Nicklaus piercing gaze met hers, and as though struck by electricity, she looked away from him, butterflies squirming in her tummy when she remembered the dirty little things she was thinking about.

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''Let's get grandpa some birthday gifts? ''

After the van had driven away, Nicklaus waved at her to come out and she stepped out.

''Isn't he too old for that? ''

Nicklaus asked as they walked to their car;

Tiana turned to him, a shocked expression on her face.

''Huh? No one is too old for birthday gifts. So you're saying that your parents don't give you any now? ''

She asked absentmindedly, not thinking. At that instant, Nicklaus froze at a spot, his feet refusing to move. Tiana laughed as she walked a few steps only to notice that he was not walking with her anymore.

Her brows creased and she turned around, and her lips fell when she saw his expression. He looked like he had just been brought out of a freezer; his face was so pale that Tiana thought he was reacting to an allergy. She was scared at first, but she summoned courage and spoke;

''Nicklaus… what…what happened? ''

Tiana didn't know of his past, she only knew that his father was dead because Michelle had mentioned it, but with his expression like that, she realized that they were both dead and she had touched on a sensitive subject. She really didn't intend to, she didn't even remember that his father was dead, if she did, she wouldn't have said that.

Tiana gulped, her eyes falling to her toes; 

''I'm very sorry, I didn't know that… ''

''What? '' Nicklaus asked with a slight chuckle, Tiana looked up at him with creased brows only to realize that his expression was back to normal.