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His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 188 - Sketching Her
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Tiana stirred on the bed, her eyes fluttered open, the sun was already up and the rays hit on her face, she turned to the other side and she realized that Nicklaus was no longer on the bed; her brows creased and she sat up on the bed, sending the duvet falling down to her waist, exposing her perky breasts;

''Morning, beautiful '' she turned to the window side and she smiled when she saw him sitting there with some brushes and pencils; there were other containers on the table but she could not see the contents;

''Morning baby, what are you doing? '' she asked as she came down from the bed and  held the duvet over her breasts, walking lazily to where he sat;

''I'm drawing you… '' her lips fell open when she saw the masterpiece on the drawing board;

''Oh my god… '' Her hands covered her lips in shock; ''wow, it's so pretty.'' Nicklaus had drawn her while she was sleeping, she had one of her legs out of the duvet and the other one in, her long hair cascaded down her back as she faced the sun; Nicklaus has sketched her so perfectly that she thought it was a photo shoot.

''DO you like it? '' He asked and she turned to him, staring at him unbelievably; ''Are you even asking me that? I love it! Wow, this is so pretty, thank you. '' She laughed excitedly, falling into his arms and hugging him around the neck, that was when she saw the foreign thing on her finger.

Tiana's eyes widened as her gaze fell on the ring on her left hand; ''Oh my god… '' this morning was so full of surprises; she pulled out of his embrace and stared at the ring on her hand, her gaze turning to him;

''When… when did you get this? '' she asked, her eyes wide with shock. Last night, when he  proposed to her, she had thought that he had said that in the spur of the moment, but if there was a ring on her hand that means he had thought about it for a while. Tiana could not help but feel so special, her eyes watered; 

''I have been thinking about it for a while, even before you told me that we aren't officially dating, do you like it? '' Tiana's hands flew over her lips, and she became emotional.

''I love you, I love you so much. '' she cried, hugging him tightly; Nicklaus patted on her back;

''I love you too, so much more. '' Tiana held him tight, her body shaking lightly.

''Hey, don't cry okay, don't cry, I don't want you getting wrinkles. '' He kissed her neck, standing up from the chair and pulling her close to him.

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''It's so pretty! '' She exclaimed, still holding him tight. The previous month, she was bemoaning herself and crying so much, never did she in her wildest dreams think that she would be getting a ring today and from the man she had fallen deeply in love with.

''You're so pretty. '' Nicklaus whispered back, making her cry aloud. This man, how could he be so perfect?

''When did you start drawing? '' Tiana asked, sketching took a while, she wondered if he had stayed up for most of the night sketching her. Nicklaus had indeed woken up a little early to draw but he didn't want her to continue being sober.

''Just an hour ago, '' Tiana smiled; ''you must be a pro, to draw me so perfectly in an hour. '' 

''I'm taking a day off from work, we don't have anything much to do today; I'll go with you to the company. '' she said confidently as though her life depended on it.

Nicklaus smiled; ''you want to be clingy uh? '' He pinched her cheeks and she nodded; ''I wish I can be more than that. Wait for me, let me take a shower. '' 

His hair looked well-kept and he was dressed so she figured he must have taken a shower. Tiana hurried up into the bathroom, once she was out of his sight, a broad smile broke out on her lips and she lifted her hands in the air; the ring fit her fingers so perfectly, she wondered how he knew her perfect size. 

It was a diamond ring and Tiana knew it must have cost a lot, and knowing who he was, she knew he must have spent a lot to get it; she exhaled, not wanting to think of how much the ring was.

Her eyes glanced at her reflection on the mirror and she smiled; Nicklaus had marked her a lot on her chest and neck, but surprisingly she was glad about it. In fact, she wished it wouldn't even go away; as long as it was from him, she didn't want it to fade. 

When she stepped out of the room, her clothes were already set, and she smiled at Nicklaus who was getting dressed now; 

 A blush formed on her cheeks as she walked to the vanity to apply her lotion;

''we'll go to the civil affairs today, okay? '' Nicklaus came to stand beside her, picking the hair dryer and blowing on her hair;

Tiana blushed; hearing him wanting to get married to her as quickly as possible made her feel like a queen.

''Okay, but if you're very busy today, we could go tomorrow. ''

'I'mthe CEO of my company; I'm only busy when I say so. '' Tiana laughed at his words, her eyes curving into crescents;

''Okay. So are we going for a honey moon? Um, not really a honey moon, but you know, out of the house, alone, together? '' She peeked at him in the mirror and he smirked;

''don't worry, I got everything planned; '' He leaned and kissed her neck, making Tiana squeal. 

She was so excited, dressing up quickly and helping him with his tie; she smiled at him as they walked out to have breakfast. 

In the car, Tiana kept peeking at her hand, which didn't go unnoticed by Nicklaus, it made him glad. Seeing her this happy made him want to do more as long as she would smile so beautifully.

"Should we let your family know about us?" Tiana asked as they drove out of the civil affairs.

When they got to the company earlier, he just spoke with his secretary, and in less than thirty minutes, he was walking back to his car, holding her hands as though she could disappear any moment. His excitement surprised her.

Registering their marriage took a while but in a few hours they were done.

Tiana held their marriage certificates in her hands and she smiled excitedly, her joy knew no bounds, Nicklaus Howells is her husband! What could beat that! She screamed inside of her, not wanting him to see how excited she was;

Given the issues at hand, it would not be safe to tell his family about them yet, but she had asked him to know his opinion on it;

"Let's keep it calm for now, okay? We'll tell them after everything is settled, and then we'll have a grand wedding and start making babies.'' His hand caressed her laps lightly, and she beamed unable to hide her blush.

Suddenly her eyes shot open, 

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''Talking of making babies, we've never used protection!!'' Her eyes widened drastically as she turned to him with a terrified look. They had sex a couple of times and she never used protection, what ... what if she was pregnant? 

Tiana gulped as she stared at him, Nicklaus hit his hand against the steering, "fuck! How could I forget!!" He scolded himself, his face looking scared.

Something bad happening to her was his greatest fear, not to talk of harm coming to her and their unborn child, it was going to break him. At that moment, even though he wanted to have a baby with her, he prayed that she was not pregnant. If anything happened to their unborn child, it was going to shatter him, and he didn't want to imagine how it would break her. 

Nicklaus slowed down and took her hand in his, kissing it; 

"We'll be fine... I promise.'' that was the best he could do at that moment, he had been so fuckin' careless and he wasn't going to forgive himself if something should happen to her.

Tiana gulped, her palms fisted on her laps, she prayed to the high heavens that she was not pregnant, he was already very worried thinking about keeping her safe, not to talk of when there was a baby growing inside of her, it was going to wreck him. 

"Symptoms would show after two weeks, but I don't think I'm pregnant, our baby wouldn't want to come now, trust me.'' Tiana comforted him holding his hand tightly. She said that to comfort him but in her mind, she was terribly scared.

Throughout the trip, the car was eerily quiet, she knew he would blame himself on the inside, she wanted to comfort him but there was nothing more she could do. Suddenly her eyes widened,

"Baby, there are pills to take after sex, the morning after pills, oh, how did I forget?" Tiana beamsd in excitement, a tinge of hope flashing through her eyes, "we should stop at a pharmacy. ''

"Really? Morning after pills? Didn't know about that, but we had sex a few days ago,would it be able to work?.''

Nicklaus turned to her and she was glad when she saw a little relief in his eyes; 

"It works for sex not upto five days, It's not been up to five days, right?" Her heart slammed against her chest as she quickly calculated the number of days; "It was on Saturday and this is Tuesday, oh thank God, it's been four days", she exclaimed in relief.

 Nicklaus sighed lightly; he would never put her in such danger ever again. 

A smile washed through Tiana's face and the tensed mood in the car eased, it was quickly replaced by the former joyful mood.