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His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 180 - Can’t Bear The Thought Of Losing You
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''When did you arrive? '' Tiana asked, caressing his shoulders as she stared at him with dreamy eyes, her lips still swollen from the kiss.

''Not too long ago, finished in the office and decided to stop by and pick you up. '' Tiana arranged his hair locks, seeing him right now had made her a little relieved.

''What did you say to Claire? ''

Nicklaus rubbed her cheeks; ''Nothing other than what happened; she was hurt but she was not very angry, so I think she'll come around very soon. ''

Tiana sighed; ''I hope so. ''

''Have you had anything yet? '' Tiana shook her head, ''alright, let's go grab something to eat. ''

After having lunch; Nicklaus held Tiana's hand in his as they drove back home;

''I'll meet with grandpa tomorrow; I think he knows we're together now.''

Tiana shrugged; ''I'll give back the money and the house, I'll write a check but I don't want to meet with him.''

She felt his grip her hand tighter; ''I won't even let him see you; you're not going back to that house until everything is settled. ''

Tiana caught the painful glint that passed through his eyes before it disappeared;

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''Beautiful, I have something to tell you. ''

Her brows creased and she held his hand tighter, his expression was dark and she knew anything he was going to say was not going to be good.

'' Liam is Catherine's son. ''

Tiana's eyes widened with shock, as all color drained from her face.

''Wh… what? '' She asked, her breath hitched;

''How? No… oh my god! '' Her hands flew over her mouth as she remembered telling him that she was back with Nicklaus now, which indirectly meant that she had just tabled Nicklaus's weakness in front of him.

Her eyes blurred instantly as she trembled; '' what… what have I done? I told him we were back together! What have I done! ''

Nicklaus, who was driving, slowed down a bit so he could comfort her;

''Beautiful, it's not your fault. He would have found out sooner or later anyway, don't be too hard on yourself. I always knew a day like this would come. ''

He swallowed hard and his throat stung from dryness. From the very beginning, he knew falling for her was dangerous. He knew she would never be safe with him, but he couldn't help it, he couldn't help falling in love with her. Nicklaus ran his hand through his hair in frustration. He wished he could just keep her locked up in a golden box away from the troubles of his world, but sadly it was not possible. She was a human being, not a pet.

 ''Beautiful, you'll be heavily guarded, from now onwards; you might be seeing a lot of guards following you about, please bear with it, I just don't want anything to happen to you. I don't think I can bear the thought of something happening to you.''

Tiana watched his panicked expression and she took his hand and kissed it;

''baby, nothing will happen to me, I promise you, you don't have to worry too much, I'll make sure I keep myself safe, safe for you, okay? ''

She knew her words weren't going to let him worry any less, but she still had to say them. Things were very rough for them now, but they were going to pull through this.

''I love you; '' Nicklaus said, his tone heavy with pain and frustration, at that moment that was the only thing he was sure of, his love for her; Tiana's lips slanted painfully;

''I love you too, baby. We'll be alright okay? ''

''Yeah, we'll be alright, I promise.''

Diana gave a last look at the room before Michael shut it. They walked side by side, not saying a word until they got outside the hotel.

''I don't still know your name?'' Michael turned to her with a smile;

''I'm Michael. ''

''Michael… '' Diana breathed his name as though imprinting it in her head, then she smiled;

''Thank you for everything, Michael, I don't know if I would be able to repay you for your kindness. Maybe I could buy you dinner some other time? '' she stretched her phone to him as though telling him to put in his digits.

Michael scratched his head as though in thought; ''Alright, some other time then if we ever meet again.''

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Diana smiled, from the little time she had spent with him; she knew he was not one that liked his favors being repaid, so she was sure he wasn't going to let her have his number.

''Is that a promise? I f we cross paths again, I owe you a meal? ''

Michael smirked; the possibility of meeting her again was slim so he nodded;

''Yeah, I promise. ''

Diana smiled, she was about to say something when she saw a familiar car parked not very far from them;

''My chauffeur is here, so we part ways here. Thanks once again Michael, have a wonderful life. '’’ She smiled and stretched her hand for a handshake;

Michael's eyes fell on her outstretched hand and he shook it; it felt strangely warm, so warm that he wondered what hugging her would feel like.

''Yeah… you too ''

Diana never thought a simple handshake would be that comforting, but strangely it was, sadly it ended sooner than she thought.

''Goodbye,'' she waved at him and walked away.

''Yeah, goodbye ''

Michael buried his hand in his pockets as he watched her car drive out of the complex. He had had multiple girlfriends but he had never felt so comfortable with anyone, and to think he just met her hours ago. He watched her car disappear into the traffic and suddenly he started regretting his decision of not taking her number.

Michael entered his car and zoomed off, after some minutes, his expression darkened. For a brief moment, he had forgotten all his problems. Listening to that woman rant her troubles made him forget his, but now she was gone, everything came flooding back.