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His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 177 - You Took Too Long, Son
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Nicklaus groaned in his sleep, he was feeling an ecstasy twirling in his stomach, although he had dreamt about Tiana a couple of times, this time it felt too real.

Slowly consciousness began to seep in and his eyes fluttered open; his brows creased when he saw something moving on top of him and then he became fully awake.

She was sucking him off!

A grin washed his lips as his hand tugged on her hair and he directed her movements. Her eyes peeked at him and although he was inside her mouth, he could feel her smiling; soon he was hitting climax and panting heavily. Tiana released him with a pop and she licked her lips;

''Good morning baby, how was your night? ''

Nicklaus was still intoxicated to even reply; he wished she was not on her period, he would have definitely pinned her under him and pleasure her in ways she cannot imagine.

''You are going to kill me beautiful… '' he smirked as he wiped his face with his hands; waking up like this was heaven.

Tiana stuck out her tongue; ''what do I do, I like the taste of it. ''

She chuckled as she stepped down from the bed and turned to Nicklaus;

''It's past eight and you have a lot to do today, so rise up! ''

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''I wish we could stay in bed all day; '' Nicklaus stood up from the bed and walked to her, kissing her lips and neck;

''Hmm, me too, thank God it's weekend tomorrow. ''

''I'm going to talk to Claire today, hope you'll be alright? ''

''Yeah, I will, I just need it off my chest. ''

Nicklaus nodded and gave her a lasting kiss.

… …

Douglas stepped down from the car as his eyes glanced at the ancestral home; he stood still for a while before walking towards the house.

The workers greeted him as he walked past them, everyone becoming silent; he normally gave off a strange cold aura. An aura depicting a strange evil, or wickedness, one that was hard to ascertain; and coupled with how quiet his demeanor was, it was hard to determine what was going on in his mind. He was a strange human being.

''Douglas? What a surprising visit. '' Grandma, who just came back from her run creased her brows when she saw her second son. It was 9 am in the morning and Douglas, who wasn't a frequent visitor was here, she could not but be surprised.

''Mom, you look very pretty this morning. Where is father? ''

Grandma's breath hitched; her grandson had come to look for her husband and now her son; this type of visit never ends well.

''He's taking a walk outside, ''

''Okay, I'll join him then. '' Douglas let out a slight smile and he walked past grandma to the east wing, where grandpa normally took his walk.

He hadn't walked for long when he saw grandpa standing and admiring a garden of flowers, his steps faltered as he approached him, and then stood beside him.

Grandpa didn't turn to look at him, but he smiled; as though he had been expecting him;

''You took too long, son. ''

Douglas smiled; ''Never knew you were expecting me. ''

Silence ensued between them as they stared at the garden as though there was something exceptional on it.

''Why are you here, son. ''

Grandpa finally broke the silence between them, but still did not turn to look at him. Douglas was silent for a while, as though in deep thought;

''I'm not a man of many words father, so I want to ask you for the last time; '' he paused;

''Transfer Howells Corporation to me, I can let Nicklaus be the CEO, but I want you to make me the chairman in your stead. ''

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Grandpa smiled; Douglas was really forward this time. This was the first time he was asking to be made chairman, what an interesting move.

''Why do you think I didn't let you have the company, son? ''

Grandpa asked, ''because I don't love you? '' he answered his question himself;

''Far from that son, far from that; I didn't let you have the company because that was the only thing left of your brother. If I let you have it, Jeffery would have nothing to his name. You have your own company and it is doing very well, and I made sure to pay you for every single day spent overseeing the company, I don't know why you are still greedy. I know the lengths you have gone to get the company for yourself, don't think I'm a fool for keeping mute. I decided to let it go because it was my fault from the very beginning.

But I think we've settled our scores, so I plead with you, let go. ''

Douglas listened to every word his father had said, and then he smiled;

''Do you know what makes the rose stay beautiful, father? ''

He asked, but his father did not speak; ''because they have prickles, thorns to keep out predators.''

He paused as though wanting his words to sink in; ''I'll think about your request dear father, have a good day.''

He bowed a little and turned around, walking back into the house.

He had always restrained himself from hurting Nicklaus, waiting for his father to change his mind, but it seems that was not going to happen anytime soon. He had been pushed to the end of the cliff, it was time to strike back.

Nicklaus was not even a competition to him, but because of the blood they shared he had held back, but his father had taken his silence for weakness, so he was going to show him the other side of him.

The only person who could stop him from hurting Nicklaus was his father, so he was going to take him out first. He gave him a chance to choose but he had made the wrong choice.

 As Douglas approached the door, a guard walked to him, he spoke to him in hushed tones before he nodded and walked out of the mansion and to his car.

 Too bad, this was the last time he would see his father's face.