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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 224
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S21 54. New Terms

Morris nodded. He raised his hand pointing to the empty seat. “Could you please sit

quietly, Ma’am? I can’t focus on reading if you’re standing all the time.”

Melanie quickly took her position. With her hands on her lap, she put on a smile that

looked scary. “Please continue, Sir.”

“As we know, the late Rowan Harper had many assets, including


Frank’s brow furrowed. “Sorry, Mr. Morris. Hadn’t my grandfather sold all his property last

year? As far as I know, Grandpa switched it to


Louis’ mouth suddenly rounded. “No wonder Mommy has a lot of

shares. It turns out Grandpa bought it from the sale of all his


Morris smiled at Louis’s chatter. “Not all. There are two left. In N City and K City.”

Melanie’s eyes suddenly lit up. As far as she could remember, th apartment his father-in-

law owned was never small. “Are those apartments for me?”

“Based on this will, Melanie Harris is entitled to the apartment in N City with one

condition.” Morris emphasized his tone, “She must live there.”

The curve of Melanie’s lips shrunk. “I have to live there?” Her eyes widened.

Morris pointed his finger, indicating that he was not finished with the sentence just now.


“And manage it. If within three months there is a consecutive decline in price or quality,

the asset will be withdrawn and handed over to the next party. And if Melanie Harris

leaves the apartment for more than a week or even moves elsewhere, the asset is also

transferred to that


“Who else is the next party?” Louis tilted his head.

“Sorry, Young Master. I can’t answer that now.”

Suddenly, Melanie waved her hand. ‘There won’t be the next one! The apartment was

right in my hands.”

Morris nodded. In his heart, he was grateful that Melanie accepted that decision. However,

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when he was about to take a breath to sp

speak again, the woman interrupted him. “What about the apartment in K City? Why

doesn’t it become mine?”

Blinking casually, Morris moved his gaze to Philip. The others also looked at the young


“What is it, Mr. Morris? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Nothing. It’s just that I didn’t expect that you would be full of surprises.”

The twins’ mouths rounded. “Is that apartment for Philip?” Their fingers pointed at the


Barbara’s eyebrows rose high, just like her mother’s. “Who is Philip to this family?” the girl

sighed, suddenly tense.

Barbara knew that everyone had once been shocked about Jeremy’s true identity. She

didn’t want that to happen to Philip either. It would be complicated if the man turned out

to be her brother even though they weren’t blood related.

Suddenly, Melanie laughed and waved her hands. “Impossible. On


what basis does my father-in-law set aside an inheritance for a

t basis does my father-in law set a

stranger? That’s not possible.”

Morris cleared his throat. “Because Melanie Harris could not claim.

Rowan Harper’s gold, the asset fell into the hands of Diana Johnson.”

“Diana Johnson? Who’s that?” Melanie’s eyes narrowed.

While the others were silently waiting for an explanation from the notary, Philip was wide-

eyed. His open mouth had difficulty forming

words. “Diana Johnson?”

Frank glanced. “You know her?”

“She was the woman who took care of our orphanage, the person who sent me to school

and sent my job application to Savior.”

Barbara secretly breathed a sigh of relief. However, before she confirmed her suspicion

was wrong, Morris said, “Diana Johnson is the ex-wife of the late Rowan Harper. It was not

without reason that

she sent you here.”

Philip’s furrowed brows deepened. “What’s reason?”

“I don’t know the details either, but what is clear is that the late Rowan wanted you to

take his grandchildren and great-grandch to meet Diana Johnson. They will read the will

and hand over the inheritance. In return, you deserve an apartment in K City.”

“Does it mean we and Uncle Jeremy have to come too?” Emily’s eye

lit up.

Morris sighed in exasperation. “Yes, Young Lady.”

“Woohoo!” Louis raised his fists as high as he could. “That would be so exciting! Next

holiday, let’s not go to Bali. Let’s meet Grandma Diana.”

“You don’t know where Grandma Diana is, Louis.” Emily narrowed her


eyes. “She could be in this city. That’s not a holiday.”

Louis’ lips pursed. “Philip, where does she live?”

Philip formed a smile. “In K City.”

“Is it the place where the apartment located?” Louis’ shoulders. dropped.

“Yeah, right there.”

Emily immediately pouted. “Mr. Morris, should Philip also live there and manage it?”

Without anyone knowing, Barbara held her breath. Her hands

clenched into fists gripping her dress. She wasn’t ready to part with

her “new friend”.

Morris chuckled. “No, Young Lady. Philip’s only obligation is to take you to meet Diana

Johnson. After that, the apartment belonged to him and he was free to do whatever he

wanted, including selling it.”

“Wait a minute! This is really unfair. Why are Philip’s responsibilities so much lighter? And

aren’t the apartments in K City bigger? Additionally, he is not part of Harper. Why does he

also get a Those two apartments should be mine, or at least Barbara’s.” M shook her

head, not accepting it.

Hearing those protests, Morris let out a tired sigh. He opened his again and took out a

document with a similar cover.

“A spare will again?” Louis represented everyone’s amazement.

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Morris smiled slightly. “Because Mrs. Melanie doesn’t agree, there is one condition that she

must fulfill if she wants the asset addressed

to Philip.”

Melanie let out a laugh. “I know it. My father-in-law is not someone who carelessly

distributes his wealth.”


The others looked at her while shaking their heads. However, Melanie felt no shame. She

even raised her chin. “Tell me what the term is, Mr. Morris. I can definitely do it.”

“If Melanie Harris insists on claiming both apartments,” Morris suddenly stopped and

examined the writing more closely, “she will. have to admit her crimes in court and accept

the punishment gracefully. Only when she gets out of prison can she claim both.

apartments on the list.”

Everyone was stunned. Morris didn’t even blink at the woman. “What crime have you

committed, Madam?”

Melanie didn’t answer. She was frozen, without daring to blink or


“Mom?” Barbara sighed, breaking the silence. “Why is the condition like that? You didn’t

commit a crime, right?”

Melanie swallowed hard. Cold sweat began to bead on her forehead. I didn’t do anything,”

she answered flatly.

“If your crime is serious, you could be in danger of losing everything, Madam.”

Melanie’s body started to tremble. While holding her neck, she t catch her breath. “That

condition is ridiculous,” she hissed, barely audible. “How could someone like me break the


“Now that I think, Mom had the heart to put chemo drugs in Kara food,” Frank said quietly.

“Have you ever done anything more heinous than that, Mom?”

“Grandma, please tell me it’s not true,” Emily shook her head slowly. Her two hands were

clenched in front of her chest. “I don’t want to have a cruel grandmother.”

Suddenly, Melanie slammed her fist on the table. “Stop it!”


Her eyes started to turn red and wet. “How dare you accuse me of being a criminal? I am

your parent, your grandmother. Are you happy to have a family of criminal?”


The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!