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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 215
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S21 45. Evil Grandma

When they arrived home, Melanie was already waiting. As soon as the twins got out of the

car, she intercepted. “Where have you guys been?”

Louis and Emily looked up. Their eyes flickered, expressionless.

“Hello, Grandma. We just went to the beach.”

“Yeah, we didn’t have time to go to the mall. We didn’t shop. Sorry if we didn’t bring

anything home.”

Melanie’s eyebrows furrowed. Her gaze shifted towards the man who was busy unloading

the items. However, just when she was about to rebuke, the twins exclaimed, “Mommy…!”

A second later, the two toddlers ran. Kara greeted them with a light laugh. “Little Angels,

how was the picnic? You guys having fun?”

Emily pouted. “At first, we were having fun. We ate together, talked and laughed, then

built sand castles.”

“Unfortunately,” Louis continued with furrowed brows, “a car came to pick up Auntie. After

Auntie left, we went home. It’s not fun to play.

without Auntie.”

Melanie startled. With a pale face, she walked quickly looking for hist daughter. “Barbara?

Barbara …?”

When she found the front passenger seat empty, she sighed in disbelief. “Where’s

Barbara?” She looked at Philip and the twins alternately.

“Auntie went with her father,” Louis answered with an innocent face.

Melanie sighed again. Her head shook quickly. “Impossible!”

Furiously, she checked through all the windows. “Barbara? Where are


you, Dear? Barbara?”

“Your daughter is not here, Madam. She went home with his father,” Philip emphasized.

“Impossible!” Melanie screamed with her eyes burning red. “She can’t possibly leave here.

It hasn’t been a month yet!”

Desperate, Melanie picked up her phone. She called Barbara, but her

number was not active.

“You…!” Her finger swung at Philip and the twins. “What have your done to my daughter?

Did you guys drop her off on the road? Or did you throw her on the beach?”

Louis and Emily immediately frowned.

“Why did Grandma accuse us of that? We love Auntie. We couldn’t possibly leave her.”

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“Yes! We were sad when she chose to follow her father home. We

hugged her very tightly.”

“Impossible!” Gritting her teeth, Melanie grabbed Philip by the collar. Don’t play with me.

Where did you leave Barbara? Get her now!”

Melanie gave a sudden jerk, but Philip didn’t move at all. Instead he stood firm. His heart

grew hotter.

“Sorry, Ma’am. Your daughter goes home with her father. How many times do we have to

say it for you to believe it?” Philip said, flatly.

Feeling furious, Melanie started hitting Philip on the shoulder. “It’s impossible! My

daughter can’t possibly leave me here alone. She can’t possibly go with her father!”

Philip didn’t fight back. He just raised one hand, shielding his eyes. However, Melanie

acted blind.

Watching Philip being bullied, the twins could not accept it. They


together pulled Melanie’s dress, away from the man.

“Why did Grandma hit Philip? He did nothing wrong!”

“Stop, Grandma! Don’t beat him anymore!”

“Shut up!”

Melanie swung her hand, shooing the twins away. Not having time to dodge, Emily was

pushed backwards. If she hadn’t supported her weight with elbows, her head would have

hit the ground.

“Emily!” Kara rushed over to her daughter.

The little girl whimpered. When she got into Kara’s arms, she immediately cried. “Mommy,

Grandma is bad.”

“Yes! She’s an evil grandma! She has accused us, hit Philip, event pushed Emily!” Louis

pouted too.

Melanie was getting dizzier. She was almost crazy thinking that her pile of gold was in

danger of missing. Now, her grandchildren were adding to the problem.


Melanie burst out angry. However, the pressure in her chest only got bigger. Her hands

gripped Philip’s collar again.

“I don’t care about you guys. I just want my daughter back. Tell me where she is! Tell me!”

“Mom, please stop.” Kara turned to Melanie. One of her hands stroked the head of the

toddler who was still hugging her legs tightly.

“Please have mercy on Emily and Louis. They are still too young to be involved in this

problem. Let’s solve it with a cool head, hmm?”

While patting Emily’s back, Louis noticed Melanie’s expression. He hoped that his

grandmother would stop being angry. But


unexpectedly, Melanie turned around and pushed Kara’s shoulder.

“You dare advise me? Who do you think you are?”

Kara stumbled backwards. Emily, who was still hugging her, was also pushed. Luckily, Kara

was quick enough to hold her with one hand.

“I’m not advising you. I just want you not to use harsh methods. Everything can be

resolved amicably.”

“Amicably, you say? I’ve been asking since earlier, but none of your answered. You’re

happy that my daughter is gone from this house, right? You’re happy that you separated


Kara sighed tiredly. “No, Mom. We never thought of that. Instead of arguing, how about we

call Barbara’s father?”

Suddenly, Melanie’s hand landed perfectly on Kara’s cheek. A reddish color soon appeared

on her skin.


Louis quickly grabbed Kara. He knew her mother was shocked by the attack. She gaped

and blinked in confusion.

“Are you okay, Mom?”

Kara didn’t answer. Her consciousness seemed to be thrown out. Even though Louis was

shaking her hands and Emily’s cries were getting louder, she was having trouble gathering

the words.

“That’s what happens when you become a know-it-all daughter-in-law! You think you’re

more powerful than me after donating half a billion? You’re so wrong! Just see! If Barbara

doesn’t come back today, you won’t be able to live in peace.”

Philip, who witnessed it, sighed in disbelief. If Kara couldn’t face Melanie, then neither

could he. The only person who could was Frank.

Secretly, Philip took out his phone. However, before he had time to


tap the screen, Frank’s voice was heard.

“What happens here?”

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Everyone turned, including Kara who was half conscious. Frank was approaching them

with a firm expression.


After one breath, the twins ran to greet their father. Louis could no longer hold back his

tears. Like Emily, he let his cheeks get wet and then hugged Frank.

“Daddy, Grandma is bad,” Emily reported, looking up. Her face invited pity.

“Yes. Aunt went with her father, but Grandma accused us of leaving

her. Then Grandma hit Philip, pushed Emily, and slapped Mommy. Look!”

Louis’s finger was pointed at Kara. “Mommy’s cheek is getting very red. And this….”

He pointed at his sister’s arm. “Emily’s elbow is bleeding.”

Frank gritted his teeth. His chest burned with anger. However, instead of approaching

Melanie, he bent his knee, wiping away her children’s


“Emily’s elbow is bleeding? Let Daddy see.”

Emily showed her elbow. “It hurts,” she groaned hoarsely.

“The left one too,” Louis pointed out.

Emily twisted her other arm. Seeing a bigger wound, she whined again.

“Don’t worry, Princess. This wound will heal soon and won’t leave a scar. Your elbow will

return to its original beauty.” Frank smiled and kissed Emily’s hand.


“Is it true?” The little girl took a quick breath, sniffing back her snot.

Frank nodded. “Yes.”

A second later, he turned to his son. “Louis, I can count on you, right?”

The toddler bit his lip, choking back a cry. “Yes?”

“Please take your sister inside. Her wound must be treated now.” Frank rubbed Louis’

shoulder. “You can do it, right?”

“Okay, Daddy.” Louis wiped the remaining tears with his sleeve. A second later, he

grabbed his sister’s hand. “Come on, Emily. Let’s treat your wound.”

After the two toddlers entered, Frank stood up again. He walked towards Kara. However,

after only a few steps, Melanie intercepted


“Son, please help me. Your wife conspired with her children. They left Barbara. Now I don’t

know where your sister is.”

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!