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Hero of Darkness-Novel

Chapter 951  Unexpected but Expected
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Chapter 951  Unexpected but Expected

In an instant, the tension that had filled the battlefield dissipated. The towering form of Sylvana, once so formidable, crumpled to the ground, her life extinguished by Atreus's decisive action.

The party members stood in stunned silence, the weight of the moment settling upon them. The first enemy they had faced in the Land of the Gods had fallen, a testament to their resilience, teamwork, and the unwavering determination of the Hero of Darkness.

As the dust settled and the battlefield fell into an eerie calm, the significance of their victory became clear. The challenges of God's Domain were formidable, but with strategic prowess and the strength of their teamwork, they had overcome the first trial that the realm had thrown at them.

The aftermath of the intense battle left the party members collectively exhaling a breath of relief. Even with their heightened status as semi-saints, the sheer numbers of the wood elemental creatures had posed a significant challenge.

However, their joy did not last long...


A massive green aura erupted within the battlefield and everyone was shoved a dozens of meters afar.

Amidst the easing tension, the sudden resurgence of activity caught everyone off guard. The fallen monsters, which had been scattered across the battlefield, began to stir once more.

Their movements were eerie and unnatural, as if they were being guided by an unseen force towards that euption of green aura.

Slowly, almost deliberately, the remnants of the creatures began to crawl and slither toward Sylvana, who was the very source of that aura, as if drawn by some invisible magnetic pull.

Kahn's reaction was one of bemused understanding. Amidst the confusion, his words cut through the unfolding scenario like a blade.

"Tch! Should've been obvious... it went too easy." Kahn's voice held a note of sardonic amusement, his keen perception allowing him to see through the facade of victory.

The plot twist, while unexpected, did not surprise him given his experience in battles.

The realization of what was happening sent a wave of shock and confusion through the party members.


Soon, a towering figure started rising from the green pillar of aura and emanated an intense killing intent.

Sylvana's transformation into a colossal, 200-meter-tall version of herself was an astonishing spectacle, her anger and power radiating from her immense form.

The unexpected turn of events had caught everyone off guard, and the tension on the battlefield was reignited.

As Sylvana's colossal form loomed over the battlefield once more, the party members braced themselves for the challenges that lay ahead.

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The tide of battle had shifted once again, and the true extent of the trials they would face in the Land of the Gods was becoming increasingly apparent.

Sylvana's voice rang out in a thunderous shout, her fury and frustration echoing across the battlefield.

"You mongrels pests! I shall show you what happens when you mess with me."

Maximus, his voice firm and resolute, stepped forward to address the towering figure before them.

"Lady, or tree-lady... It was you who attacked us first. We didn't do anything to earn your wrath. So stop acting like a victim all of a sudden."

Amidst the tense exchange, Conan's voice cut through the air, laden with fear and trepidation.

"She's a witch! Burn her at the stake!" Conan's words were fueled by the shock of witnessing Sylvana's resurrection, an act that defied the boundaries of what he had known.

Sylvana's response was swift, her voice dripping with a mix of authority and indignation.

"You dare undermine me? I guess I was too benevolent to hold back on you lot."

A sense of unease settled over the party members as Sylvana's words reverberated through the air. The power she wielded, coupled with her seemingly unstoppable resurgence, was a force to be reckoned with.

Amidst the tension, Atreus's voice cut through the charged atmosphere with an air of nonchalance.

"Ugh! I guess the 2nd Boss Phase starts now." Atreus's tone carried a hint of boredom, a reflection of his familiarity with the escalating challenges they faced.

The battlefield had transformed into a crucible of trials, and the party members were bracing themselves for whatever awaited them in this relentless gauntlet.

The stakes had been raised once again, and the party members found themselves confronting an adversary whose power seemed boundless.

As the exchange of words and the undercurrent of tension continued, they prepared to face the next stage of the battle, ready to prove their mettle against the formidable forces that sought to test their resolve.

Sylvana's transformation was nothing short of awe-inspiring as she assumed the colossal form of a 200-meter-tall wood elemental creature. Her voice boomed across the battlefield, carrying a mix of fury and determination.

"You all shall pay for that transgression!" Her words reverberated like a dire warning, the sheer force of her presence commanding attention.

But amidst the unfolding spectacle, a surprising twist took the party members by surprise.

"Yes! You all shall pay!" Atreus's voice echoed, mirroring Sylvana's declaration.

Atreus, rather than opposing Sylvana, stood atop her immense form as if he had aligned himself with her cause.

His unexpected show of solidarity with the towering creature raised eyebrows and puzzled expressions among the party members.

Confusion rippled through the ranks, and Maximus, ever the voice of reason, voiced the question that was on everyone's minds.

"But why are you standing on her side?" Maximus's expression mirrored the collective puzzlement of the entire Hero's Party.

Atreus's response was delivered with an air of nonchalance that seemed almost out of place given the gravity of the situation.

"I always pick the side of the strong!"


Before anyone could fully process Atreus's unexpected alliance, Sylvana's towering form surged forward in a relentless attack, her fury channeled into a devastating assault against the very figure who had seemingly aligned himself with her.

"Strategy 13!"

Maximus's decisive call echoed across the chaotic battlefield, his voice cutting through the turmoil with unwavering authority.

This battle strategy was specifically made for instances where they faced a titanic monster out of nowhere.

As if in perfect synchronization, the party members sprang into action, each executing their designated roles with precision. The calculated distance they maintained from the towering titan allowed them a strategic advantage, enabling them to target its vulnerable legs.

Rolakan's role was pivotal as he began casting a series of debuff spells, each carefully chosen to weaken the titan's movements. The arcane energies swirled around him, his focus unyielding as he worked to slow down their colossal adversary.

Vikaat, his form now that of an eerie black raven adorned with luminous yellow tattoos, moved with an ethereal grace. His presence was haunting yet mesmerizing, his aura suffused with an otherworldly power that lent a supernatural edge to his movements.

Speki, too, underwent a transformation, his figure morphing into that of a phoenix wreathed in flames. Though smaller than his previous manifestation, the mere fact that he could summon such a form at this juncture was a testament to his prowess.

The phoenix's fiery onslaught held the potential to decimate thousands, a force that could turn the tide of battle in their favor.

"She feels like she's almost a Saint." said Maximus with an incredulous countenance.

Coordinated attacks unfolded with seamless precision. The assault focused on the titan's massive hands, with the party members converging from both the front and the back. Borat and Xavolees, displaying their martial prowess, targeted the titan's legs with calculated strikes.

Atreus, ever the observant strategist, was quick to analyze the situation and offer his insight.

"Because she is indeed as strong as a 1st-stage saint at the moment.

Although I detect that this transformation won't last for more than half an hour, it's enough to kill us all." he replied.

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Maximus, his gaze unwavering, addressed Atreus with a firm nod. The weight of their predicament hung heavy in the air as they exchanged these crucial words.

"You remember what you have to do, right?" Maximus's query was met with a resolute affirmation from Atreus.


With an air of determination, Maximus began his transformation, his very being undergoing a profound metamorphosis that resonated with his role as the party's leader. The energy that enveloped him was tangible, a manifestation of his unwavering resolve.

"Divine Ability..." he roared.

"Inazami's Champion!" his battlecry echoed like a roar.

As the incantation echoed through the battlefield, Maximus's transformation unfolded before their eyes. His form expanded, elemental energies swirling around him in a mesmerizing display.

In an instant, the Knight Hero's body, along with his weapon, shield, and armor, began to grow exponentially, as multiple elements of reality coalesced and engulfed him. What transpired was an unbelievable transformation.

Within just 15 seconds, the Hero of Nature had become a being equal in height to Sylvana, standing at a towering 200 meters tall.

His eyes were like lightning, his arms and shoulders transformed into the largest tree trunks in the world, and his legs turned into the hardest of metals. His once-golden hair now blazed like the sun.

In his hand, the 150-meter-tall and 30-meter-wide shield turned dark gray, carrying both earth and metal elements, while his 50-meter-long greatsword became a destructive combination of lightning and darkness.

Kahn, his thoughts a whirlwind of observation, couldn't help but interject with a mix of admiration and playful jest.

"Why is his transformation so badass? It always gives me that Pacific Rim vibe."

The tension was momentarily lifted by Kahn's lighthearted comment, a brief respite in the midst of their dire circumstances.

"Go, Gipsy Danger!" cheered Kahn like a fanboy.

With Maximus now in his awe-inspiring titan form, the battlefield was set for an epic clash that would determine the outcome of this monumental confrontation.




The air crackled with anticipation as Maximus charged forward, his shield and sword poised for action.

And all that remained to add to this situation...

Was an epic battle background music.