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Hero of Darkness-Novel

Chapter 624 Real Motive
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Chapter 624 Real Motive

Although the Pope talked big about punishing the guilty party… given the position, influence and power held by the Dwarven Council in their empire… He knew that taking any drastic measures against them would do more harm than good.

But this also meant who could get them out of their predicament and put a leash on them. As for the matter of rigging the duel…

Who the hell cared if one man or an entire human race was conspired against? Their opinion didn't matter to the church or any ruling authority.

But this newfound information also gave him a lot of opportunities.

In reality, Kahn had just presented him with an excuse to suppress the council because after this incident, the High Elders would need a lot of help in correcting their public image.

And who better to help them spread lies and reform a person's image in society and on the common populace other than a religious institution that had great importance in their culture?

[Good. They will have no choice but to side with us soon.] thought Demiurges.

Meanwhile, many people including the famous dwarven blacksmiths and elven artificers felt dread and fear towards Kahn.

Because this man was too exceptional. All of his achievements happened in such a short time and it was simply too stupefying even if he was trained by a saint blacksmith.

If not for the faulty materials… Kahn would've easily won this duel.

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Some people who did not hold anything against the human race as they only valued skills and achievements in their craft openly started praising Kahn for his attainment.

Some said that he was unlucky and would've officially won the duel, etching his name in the history of their empire as he'd be the first human to ever win a blacksmithing duel against a dwarf.

As for the Blacksmithing Duel being forfeited…

It was exactly what Kahn wanted.


While the duel was nulled and many people were greatly disappointed and some even inwardly happy as they feared a human winning the duel… the human challenger was dancing in joy in his head.

Kahn already knew of the rules and the duel getting canceled seemed the best way for him to benefit from all sides.

Because him competing in this duel was due to his intentions to save Throk.

He did it to protect his future prospects in the empire and also not gain unnecessary attention. If Kahn won… there would be too much trouble coming his way instead.

Both Kahn and Throk had no interest in Tawerik's company because his identity as a human would always be a problem even if he won.

Kahn only wanted to protect his assets and that was Throk Oakenshield's weapon forging company where he had a lot of authority and controlled the flow of money.

He wasn't a fool to get mixed into high stakes after several years of experience at this point.

In the Rakos Empire when Kahn won the Emperor's Chosen competition… he risked it all because he was going to get a goddamn fiefdom for himself. A very fitting and tremendously helpful place he needed for the future growth. If the circumstances with the Tablet of Arcana hadn't forced him to flee… he would have had a smooth sail in Rakos Empire till he became a 6th stage saint.

But in the Vulcan empire… the whole battle of skills was only to protect Throk's reputation and his company. Any more than that would become a huge liability.

Nevertheless, screwing over the Dwarven Council and Tawerik was also important at the same time. Because it would deter them from causing trouble for him or Throk later.

And with the duel nulled, the contract would be voided as it could also be considered a draw. Helping Kahn achieve a peaceful life while giving him time to grow quietly. This was the best outcome for Kahn in every way.

As for representing the Human race or improving their position in this empire's social structure…

Kahn couldn't give two shits about it at this point.

Throughout the duel rounds, many humans cursed Kahn and flung up profanities whenever he lost. Many people saying that he would doom whatever reputation they regained after the imperial decree.

Little did they know… that it was this very man whose actions led to Rogis being exposed, the imperial court taking drastic measures and finally, the Emperor being forced to lift the restrictions on the human race to quell protect the image of his reign and the pride of the imperial clan.

If not for Kahn, they'd still be treated like animals in a slaughterhouse before he came to this empire.

But Kahn also didn't want to get into unnecessary trouble.

He was neither a Hero of Justice nor a Revolutionary.

And even if he wasn't a human… It was the same regardless of the species. The sense of popularity and fame worked very similarly to earth.

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You were a Hero when you won the battle or you were a pathetic loser who would be scorned even by your own family when you lost.

Kahn had already experienced that first-hand in his previous life since his parents were the prime example of this mentality. So he was well aware of this nature of people no matter what part of the world they came from or where they stood in society.

So because of this result… Kahn would save his assets, hold even a bigger influence by showcasing his skills as a blacksmith and not piss off the wrong people in order to maintain his background.


After many proclamations by the Pope… the matter was finally settled and this empire-wide event finally ended.

[It's time.] said the Pope as he signaled his allies and vanished from the colosseum.

While people were leaving the colosseum, Kahn was having a chat with Throk in a room as they too prepared to leave.

Just then… a brown bearded dwarf walked through the door, standing in front of him and Throk.


This dwarf suddenly kneeled on the ground. His expression was full of loss and helplessness.

"I'm sorry master… I… I… I failed you."

Spoke the dwarf whose eyes had tears welled up as he spoke in a stuttering tone because his heart was heavy with guilt.

This dwarf with a haggard and miserable face was none other than…
