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Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 281 Cough out everything.
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Chapter 281 Cough out everything.

Of course, Fang Xiumei understood her husband's thoughts, after all the two of them were like a match made in heaven. Both of them were just as greedy and selfish in nature, they liked to leech off others' money but never wanted to take responsibility. Fang Nan was their son and he was really beautiful, even if couldn't afford to offend Grandma Fang, they have to since they couldn't even think about losing Fang Nan, this brat was still a virgin and on top of that exceptionally beautiful, if he got ruined then how will they be able to get their hands on the betrothal price?

The two of them have doted on Fang Nan for so long, that they at least needed to get some benefits in return right?

Thus, Fang Xiumei immediately strode forward and stood between Fang Nan and Zhang Tingyu as she looked at her mother with a flattering smile. " Mother, do you really have to be so quibbling? It was just a feud between two kids and I will admit that Nan took the matter too far but in the end, he is Chi's cousin, he wouldn't do something as stupid as harming Chi, I know that Nan Nan made a grave mistake but I assure you that it was because he was jealous and angry of Chi for always getting your love and affection, he just made an error in his judgment that's it, with his tiny brains do you think that he didn't even come up with this plan. Most likely it was that woman who incited him—— you know how Nan Nan is, he might be competitive and jealous but in the end, he is a mer, no way he can think of something so well detailed."

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Fang Xiumei was eloquent, she not only shifted Fang Nan's responsibilities upon Grandma Fang's shoulder by saying that it was because of her ignorance that Fang Nan grew up to be a jealous and conceited brat but she also made it sound like Fang Nan was just a stupid mer who didn't know the ways of the world and was fooled by Mu Yuxi, thereby shifting the remaining half of his responsibilities on Mu Yuxi.

With this Fang Nan didn't even have to take any responsibility even if Grandma Fang wanted him to, after all, what can she say? Fang Nan wasn't alone in this matter and what was more he was just a mer compared to Mu Yuxi, his responsibilities in this manner were a lot less.

Yu Dong frowned, she thought that everyone in the Fang family were fools but turns out there was indeed a smart person, no wonder Fang Nan was so unruly he knew that even if he made a mess, his mother would still save him. If this went on then Fang Nan might really get out of this matter scout free!

Grandma Fang thought the same, as she grounded her teeth and glared at her eldest daughter, this daughter of her was smart but her brains worked in a different direction, she was lazy and didn't want to work but at the same time, she dreamed of living comfort and riches.

However, before the two of them could say anything, Fang Xiumei smiled and looked at Fang Chi who was calmly sipping on his nerve soothing soup. " Chi, I know that you wouldn't be as petty as trying to settle scores with Nan Nan, after all, he is your younger brother. How about this when you left, you were in such a hurry that you forgot to take the incense burner that your daddy brought for you, why don't I gift it to you? If you forgive, Nan Nan, I would give that incense burner to you—— I remember you used to be very fond of it back when you were a child, of course, you can say no if you think that I am not sincere enough."

And say goodbye to that incense burner that belonged to your daddy.

Fang Chi clenched his fingers around the bowl that he was holding, he still remembered back when he lived at the Fang mansion, his aunt would often bully him by tossing and turning the things that his daddy brought with him, she would threaten to drop and break those things if he didn't listen to her. And she was doing the same now, by indirectly threatening him that she would break or sell the incense burner that belonged to his daddy, this aunt of his has always been———

" Oh, so Father in law only brought an incense burner with him?" said Yu Dong as she clasped Fang Chi's shoulder from behind, Fang Chi who had lowered his head was stunned, he didn't know when Yu Dong arrived because he was too focussed on these blood-sucking relatives of his. Only when he felt her presence behind him, did he realise that she was here——standing right next to him to support him.

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Fang Xiumei who was smiling till now felt her heart twitch she thought that she had everything handled, so who was this woman who suddenly popped out to wreck her plans? Then her gaze fell on the red auspicious clothes that Yu Dong was wearing and her eyes bulged, this woman indeed had a seductive charm. No wonder her son fell for her—— however, right now she didn't have the time to appreciate Yu Dong's good looks. She somehow managed to stop her smile from falling as she said, " What…what do you mean?"

Yu Dong smiled as she tilted her head. " What else, your son ruined our wedding day …don't you think that giving just an incense burner is too insincere? Cough out everything that you have taken from my husband and then we will talk, whether or not we are going to drag your son to Yamen or not" then she paused as her lips curled in a vicious smirk. " Of course, it will depend on your sincerity, if you miss even one thing then you can meet your precious son in Yamen, and oh don't even think about escaping, Mu Yuxi was just taken away, the Yamen officers might still be on the road."

Then ignoring the ugly grimace plastered on Fang Xiumei's face she turned to Grandma Fang. " Do we have a list of father in law's dowry?"

" We do," said Grandma Fang with a smug smile, that's right how can she forget that she now had a granddaughter in law who was so protective of her Chi? Does she still need to worry about her Chi getting worried?

" Excellent," said Yu Dong as she pointed to the sky. " Because of your son, I had to run around this sweltering heat to find my husband, you better start running too and get back in half an hour or else, I would be more than happy to take care of your son."


Yu Dong: hand over your power stones to me or might just---- do something to you, darling ;)

p.s: would you like a detailed wedding night or should I go for soft turn and leave it to you guys to imagine?(mandatory answer)