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Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 237: Jade ring = lovers token
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Chapter 237: Jade ring = lovers tokenFang Nan was unlike Fang Chi who was coarse and unltered because of hisupbringing as a village mer. Unlike Fang Chi, Fang nan was raised as a beautyand thus, when he moved and walked every action of his was full of grace, hewas so elegant that even Mu Yuxi who has seen many mers in the capital take adouble-take. After all, it was not a rare sight to see an elegant mer in the capitalbut it was another thing to see a mer with no training acting with so muchgracefulness.Yu Muxi didn"t realise that she was looking at Fang Nan with rapt attention thathe found quite annoying, he took a glimpse of Mu Yuxi"s enamouredappearance and mentally scoed. How silly, just look at her, she was looking athim like he was some sort of juicy steak unlike Yu Dong who didn"t even take aglance at him, and even when she did it was full of disinterest. To Fang Nan, YuDong was like another conquest that he wanted to win, a woman who was socold towards him yet so caring towards Fang Chi... such a woman was not a badchoice for a partner." Sister Mu, it"s great to see you after so long." ignoring the look that Mu Yuxiwas shooting his way, Fang Nan acted like he couldn"t understand what herattentive looks meant as he innocently smiled and said " I really didn"t want todisturb you but I had no choice, after all, Brother Chi wanted me to-" heabruptly stopped then looked at Yi who was standing next to Mu Yuxi andstopped speaking, seeing his hesitation Mu Yuxi was even more enticed... Chi ...did he just say Fang Chi"s name?" What? What did he ask you to do?" Mu Yuxi eagerly asked but Fang Nan didn"tspeak, instead, he carefully looked at Yi and lowered his head.His actions were clear enough how can Mu Yuxi won"t understand, she knewthat whatever Fang Nan wanted to tell her, he couldn"t do that because of Yi. So,she turned to look at Yi who was standing behind her and ordered " Get out."Yi cupped her sts, " Mistress please think through, you only brought me hereas your guard. If I leave then-"Mu Yuxi caught the thread of hesitation on Yi"s face and her expression turneddark at once "what are you trying to do? Defy me?"" No, there is no way that I will defy the young miss" Yi was most afraid of thedarkly sinister look on her mistress"s face that sometimes morphed her miss"sface into something inhuman. And this was the exact same expression that theyoung miss was wearing right now, how could she not tremble in fear? She wasfully aware of what her mistress was capable of!" then what are you standing here for? Get out."There was nothing Yi could do, in the end, she cupped her hands and bowed toMu Yuxi before leaving the private room, she was afraid that today...might bethe day a great tragedy will begin.Once Yi was gone Mu Yuxi turned to look at Fang Nan with a smile and said "Sorry about this, but please go ahead and nish what you were saying?"Fang Nan who witnessed Mu Yuxi"s cruel side was inwardly shocked but he stillkept a smile on his face as he pulled out an exquisite piece of jade from hissleeves and oered it to Mu Yuxi with his own hands "Sister Mu, this is the ringthat my brother Chi usually wears, when you arrived at the restaurant BrotherChi noticed you at once but he was afraid that his ancée would create a fuss atthe village that"s why he had no choice that"s why he sent me with this ring andtold you that you are still in his heart."Mu Yuxi reached out and took the jade ring in her hand and softly caressed thejade ring and recalled the ring that Fang Chi was wearing it was indeed this one.The quality of this jade ring wasn"t high but it came from Fang Chi, she knew it.. she knew it, there was no way that Fang Chi would forget her like that!He must have done everything on purpose because he was afraid of ruining hisreputation.With a burst of emotions, Mu Yuxi clenched the ring in her hand, a glint passedthrough her eyes as she stood up " Thank you very much for bringing this tokento me, I will denitely repay you someday."As she strode out of the room there was an extra spring in her steps, she knewthat she was the only one t for Fang Chi!——Once she was gone Fang Hao tugged Fang Nan"s sleeves and said " Why did youlie? You picked that ring from the road obviously why did you have to say thatFang Chi gave it to you?"Fang Nan smiled and patted the back of Fang Hao"s hand as he stood up to leavetoo, " You know that I picked it up, I know that I picked it but no one else knowsthat I picked it up, as long as I said that Fang Chi gave it to me, it means that hegave it to me."Fang Hao was stunned by his brother"s sudden action and gaped at him. " butwhy are you doing this to him?"Fang Nan peered through the window of the tea room and watched Fang Chicome out with Yu Dong from the opposite shop with a cheerful grin plasteredon his face and sneered " obviously, because he doesn"t deserve something sogood."————-Fang Chi didn"t know that his carelessness was going to bring him so muchtrouble, he was happy enough to spend his entire day with Yu Dong. He was sofocused on her that he didn"t even notice that the faded jade ring that he oftenwore was missing from his nger, he continued to shop around with Yu Dongand then when the sun started to set, he returned to the village with Yu Dong." Thank you, I had fun today" Yu Dong being the perfect ancée carefullyescorted Fang Chi to his house and even placed every single package that hebrought with him inside the Fang family"s courtyard so that her ancé wasn"ttroubled at all, seeing her show her care Fang Chi felt as if honey was tricklingdown his throat, he really didn"t make a mistake by choosing Yu Dong as hisancée!Yu Dong smiled at him after she nished putting the last of the package inside,she strode toward Fang Chi. " I believe you must be tried don"t work too hardand just eat the dishes that I bought for you and Grandma Fang, there is noneed for you to trouble yourself tonight. Just rest well alright?"When Fang Chi nodded shyly, Yu Dong smiled too. She patted his cheek beforeturning around to leave but then something most importantly someone caughtthe back of her shirt and stopped her. Shocked, she turned around only to ndan extremely red Fang Chi." I...I meant to say.. are you going to leave just like that?" After he nishedspeaking both he and Yu Dong realised what he just said, however, theirreactions were completely dierent while Yu Dong burst out laughing, Fang Chiwaved his hands and stuttered " No, that"s not what I meant, I mean-"But then something soft and eeting touched his cheek and before he knewwhat was going on Yu Dong had already pulled away, she leaned her foreheadagainst him and whispered " I will give you the rest after we get married, tillthen take care of yourself."With that, she really turned around and got into the carriage, as she was afraidthat if she stayed even a second longer she would really end up kissing the heckout of Fang Chi, who looked so adorable with that red face of his.——-Grandma Fang who was pepping through the window ( pumps her st into theair): That"s my boy!