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Gate of Revelation

Chapter 568: She Is In A Bad Mood
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GOR Chapter 568 She Is In A Bad Mood

“How was your sleep?”

After waking up in the back of the vehicle, Lin Leyan saw Tian Lie, who sat in the driver’s seat of the vehicle. He looked at her using the vehicle’s rear-view mirror with a grin on his face.

She subconsciously shrank her neck backward.

The vehicle was an MPV. Tom Huggins and his wife, Jenny sat in the last row of the MPV while Lin Leyan sat in the second row. In the first row, Tian Lie, who was in the driver’s seat, drove while the terrifying woman sat on the front passenger’s seat.

Nicole had not slept throughout the night – for an expert level Awakened such as her, losing one night’s worth of sleep was of no detriment to her body. However, Nicole’s eyes were presently bloodshot.

“We have reached France,” said Tian Lie with a smile. Next, he turned on the vehicle’s music. A cheerful song abruptly echoed through the MPV, waking up everyone inside.

Tom Huggins and his wife Jenny were leaning against each other. Tom had his hands around his wife and there was a look of focus on his face.

“This MPV is running low on gas. The GPS shows there is a gas station not far ahead. We will stop there for a moment to re-fill our gas. By the way… … anyone of you want to buy something to eat?” Tian Lie spoke with the same carefree tone.

Nobody replied him. However, that did not deter Tian Lie from giving out a sigh.

After listening to the French song coming from the radio for about three minutes, Tian Lie began humming and singing along to the French song.

Nicole, who was still in a very bad mood, ignored Tian Lie. She would occasionally pick up a tablet to check something.

On the way, Jenny had performed her duties as an emergency contact person. She gave Nicole a special code, which she transmitted out using the internet.

However, their action of sending the code was like throwing a rock into the sea. They had received no response from it.

One whole day had passed since they sent out the code.

Due to that, Nicole felt increasingly vexed.

Their vehicle sped through the highway for a few more moments before slowing down to turn into a gas station by the highway.

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There were four gas dispensers in the automatic gas station. As Tian Lie was just about to move the MPV into one of the spaces before one of the gas dispensers, a Citroen car suddenly sped past the MPV. Right after doing so, it moved right before the MPV and parked itself upon the space that Tian Lie was going to park at.

Tian Lie was stunned for a moment. Next, he broke into a smile. “They sure got what it takes.”

He did not become infuriated. He simply stepped on the accelerator, moving the MPV to park behind the car. He released a leisurely whistle as he watched two youngsters jump out from the car. They grinned as they went about re-fuelling their car. One of the two youngsters rushed into the convenience store beside the gas station to buy some stuff.

Nicole raised her head and cast a frown at Tian Lie. “What happened?”

“It is nothing. Just some inexperienced children.” Tian Lie turned the volume of the radio louder.

Without saying anything, Nicole put down the tablet, pushed open the door and stepped out.

Nicole was wearing exercise jacket, which revealed her slender legs and well-proportioned body. Additionally, she had a beautiful face and long hair. After she stepped down from the MPV, the youngster who was in charge of re-fuelling the car turned his head around and whistled at Nicole.

“Aiyaya… …” Tian Lie watched as the fellow practically begged for death and was unable to stop himself from giving out a sigh.

This very moment just happened to be the time when Nicole was feeling most unstable, like a powder keg that was on the verge of blowing up. She was in that bad of a mood.

The youngster calmly picked up the fuel nozzle. Instead of putting it into his car’s gas inlet, he turned around to look at Nicole, who was walking toward him. He gave a whistle, pulled off the sunglasses on his face and said something to Nicole.

Nicole remained silent. She kept walking forward until she was standing before the youngster. She regarded him for a moment before extending out her hand.

She grabbed the fuel nozzle away from the fellow’s hand and placed it back into the pump station.

Those actions left the fellow in a daze and he mumbled something in response.

However, Nicole had already moved to stand before the youngster’s car. She sent the fellow a cold glance as she reached out with her hand to touch the hood of the car.

“Hey! What are you doing?”

The youngster who was about to re-fuel the car shouted. At the same time, his companion stepped out from the convenience store. In his hand was a can of carbonated drink – he had just taken a sip from it.

Nicole gave them both an icy glance.

In the very next instant, the fellow who had taken a sip of his carbonated beverage spat them all out. As for the fellow who was standing beside the fuel dispenser, both his legs turned limp and he fell on his buttocks.

The reason for that…

Nicole had grabbed the front part of the car with both her hands to casually lift it up.

A car, which weighed somewhere between two tonnes, became like a cardboard box in Nicole’s hands. She lifted it up and… …


She viciously tossed it aside.

The two fellows were scared stiff.

However, Nicole was not done.

The car, which Nicole had casually slung off, landed somewhere five metres away and shook for a bit. By the time it stabilized, Nicole was already before it. She pulled open the car door and plucked out the car keys from within the car. After weighing the keys in her hand, she abruptly hurled it far away with force.

After this expert Awakened made this hurling action… … the car keys transformed into the wind and disappeared in an instant.

The two fellows were left utterly dumbfounded.

Tian Lie snickered. He drove the MPV into the re-fuelling slot and got off the MPV to re-fuel the MPV. When he was walking past the youngster, he saw that there was a look of stupor on the youngster’s face.

Tian Lie continued whistling as he raised up the fuel nozzle and placed it into the MPV’s gas inlet. After that, he used a credit card to pay for it…

A few minutes later, Tian Lie, who was done re-fuelling the MPV started up the vehicle once more and rolled down the window. Then, he said with a smile to the youngster who remained seated on the ground.

“Observing public order is everyone’s responsibility.”

After saying that, he stepped on the throttle and drove off.

After another full minute had passed, the two youngsters finally came to their senses. They shouted and ran to their car. Circling the car a few times, one of them shouted about while the other screamed, “Call the cops! Call the cops!”

“I know you are in a bad mood.” Tian Lie, who was driving, sighed. “However, doing so will cause problems. You revealed your abilities in a public place. Those two fellows whom you scared off will definitely report the matter to the police… … although we are not afraid of the police, it will still cause problems for us along the way.”

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Nicole did not respond. She silently looked out the windscreen, a dark expression on her face.

Tens of minutes later, a police car with blaring siren quickly chased up to them from behind.

“See? Here comes trouble,” said Tian Lie with a smile.

Nicole suddenly spoke up, “Stop the car.”


Nicole was in no mood to explain further. As their MPV was still barrelling forward, Nicole opened the door and jumped out of the MPV.

Her body flipped in the air three times before landing gently in the middle of the highway.

The police officers in the police car behind were left dumbfounded.

Seeing Nicole standing right before their car, they quickly swerved to the other side and hit the brakes.

The car skidded to a halt less than 10 metres away from Nicole. The two police officers inside the police car hastily took off their safety belts, pulled out their guns and grabbed their walkie-talkie only to find Nicole standing before their car.

Nicole stood before the police car and looked at the two police officers inside it for a moment.

Suddenly, she raised up her right hand. Next, a fist smashed its way down upon the hood of the police car. With a booming sound, the two police officers inside the car could feel their car falling down.

Turning to check what happened, they saw that the hood of the police car had been smashed through. The entire hood had caved in. Her punch had destroyed the engines and everything else underneath the hood.

Smoke wafted out from the hood.

After giving the two police officers another icy stare, Nicole turned around and left.

Tian Lie had already stopped the MPV beside the highway. He waited for Nicole to walk back and get inside the MPV.

“Are you planning to raise a ruckus like this all the way? If that is what you have in mind, you should give me a heads up. We can just do an armed march all the way.” Tian Lie pursed his lips to the side.

“Shut up and drive!”

Behind them, Lin Leyan, who had witnessed everything that just transpired, was left terrified.

“Don’t be scared. She is just in a bad mood.” Tian Lie gave Lin Leyan a wink.