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Gate of Revelation

Chapter 560: Peculiar
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GOR Chapter 560 Peculiar

After Chen Xiaolian had finished checking the terrain and architecture of the hotel, he saw that it was already dark outside. The various night market stalls and barbeque stands had already opened up. They occupied half of the already narrow street. Those who wanted to move across the street such as some goods delivering van had no choice but to slowly wade through the smoke-filled street.

Chen Xiaolian sat himself down on one of the barbeque stand’s table and casually ordered a dish and a bottle of beer. He poured himself a cup of beer and downed it repeatedly to while away the time.

The number of customers increased as business gradually picked up. However, the boss became somewhat displeased with Chen Xiaolian, who was taking one whole table for himself. The boss then moved over and asked Chen Xiaolian if he was all right with sharing the table with the other customers. Chen Xiaolian did not mind it at all and was more than willing to share. Soon, several males and females sat down beside him. Judging by their appearance, Chen Xiaolian could tell that they must be students from some nearby university. Still, he continued dining alone.

Despite not talking with them, after listening to their conversation for tens of minutes, Chen Xiaolian was able to more or less figure out some details.

These young men and women were from a nearby technical college. As they were in their youths, their hormones were surging. These young couples must have run out at night for a date. As they dined, the young couples had intimate skinship and a pinkish atmosphere slowly blossomed. Listening to their topic of conversation, it would appear that they did not intend to return to the dorm this night. Instead, they planned to get a room from this small hotel right beside them.

The technical college’s regulations were never strict to begin with. This small hotel had likely been earning money by catering to the ‘needs’ of these young student couples.

The more these two lovebirds talked, the more passionate they became. In the end, they did not even bother finishing their meal before asking for the bill and leaving. Chen Xiaolian watched as the two couples entered the hotel through the side door.

“Bill please.” Chen Xiaolian had continued sitting on the table for about another 10 minutes. After finishing a cigarette, he slapped the table and shouted at the boss for the bill.

After paying, Chen Xiaolian stood in the street with both hands in his pockets.

After circling the place meticulously just now, Chen Xiaolian was able to confirm one detail. The hotel had no backdoor and no one had left through the main door.

In other words, those who were tracking him should still be inside the hotel.

It was at that moment that Chen Xiaolian received a message through his guild channel.

“Guild Leader, we have arrived.”

Chen Xiaolian looked forward and saw an ordinary looking SUV stopping by the street across from where he was standing. Lun Tai and Bei Tai waved at him from inside the SUV.

Chen Xiaolian nodded in response.

One hour earlier, he had used the guild channel to get Lun Tai and Bei Tai over. He had also informed the rest of the members how he was being tracked.

It was unusual for Awakened ones to be followed in the outside world. Lun Tai had given his opinion on this matter: Generally speaking, something like this must be related to a grudge incurred during an instance dungeon. This means our enemies have come to seek vengeance upon us in this outside world.

Chen Xiaolian gave no comments on that. However, he quickly decided upon a plan and got Lun Tai and Bei Tai to come over.

“Follow the plan. You two, start.”

Lun Tai and Bei Tai got off the SUV and quickly moved across the street in the other direction, moving away from the hotel.

Ten minutes later, Chen Xialian received a response from his personal radar.

After finding a suitable nearby location, both Lun Tai and Bei Tai had entered a state of combat. Following their actions, two targets appeared in Chen Xiaolian’s personal radar.

Chen Xiaolian quickly snuck into a small shop beside the street. Getting himself a can of Coke, he slowly drank as he kept watch while standing behind the door.

Aunt Flame was in the middle of washing her face. Suddenly, her face contorted.

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She quickly walked into the living room and turned to look at Fatty, who was in the middle of taking apart the device on the table.

“What is it, Aunt Flame?”

“There is a situation.” Aunt Flame shook her head. “My personal radar reveals that there are two Awakened ones not far from our location!”

“Mm?” Fatty was surprised. “Are they coming after us?”

“Not necessarily.” Aunt Flame shook her head. “If they are coming for us, they should be more careful in hiding their presence. They would not have entered a state of combat before reaching us, exposing their presence to the personal radar. It is possible that a conflict or fight has erupted between some other Awakened ones in the vicinity.”

“If so, we… …” Fatty hesitated.

Aunt Flame pondered for a few seconds and said, “I will go check it out. Maybe I will be able to find something. Didn’t you say Chen Xiaolian is in this city? Maybe, they are his men.”

“You are going alone?”

“Nonsense. If a fight erupts, you will be of no help.” Aunt Flame shook her head and said, “Besides, you are not an Awakened. Their radar will not be able to find you. Be obedient, stay here and look after your father. It should be safe here. I will be back soon.”

Two minutes later, Chen Xiaolian watched as a woman briskly made her way out from the main door of the hotel.

Clearly, Aunt Flame had not entered a state of combat in order to hide her presence – otherwise, she could have just flown over through the rooftop. By going on foot instead, she was able to hide her presence.

That was exactly what Chen Xiaolian had been counting on.

“Lun Tai, Bei Tai, the target has fallen for the bait. Target is most likely going toward you two. Be careful and conceal your presence in 30 seconds time. Avoid a confrontation with the target.”

After telling them that, Chen Xiaolian walked out of the small shop, crossed the street and entered the hotel through the main door.

As this hotel had been converted from a residential housing, it was only natural for the front desk to be small. The front desk was only one metre in length and a young woman was playing with a mobile phone app behind the desk.

Chen Xiaolian went to stand before the front desk, but the young woman did not raise her head at all. Instead, hearing Chen Xiaolian’s footsteps, she said lazily, “One night is 100, for medium-sized room, its 30 RMB per hour. Student ID is allowed.”

Chen Xiaolian pursed his lips to the side and slapped his hand on the front desk.

“Police! Surprise inspection!”

The woman was shocked and she jerked her head up to see Chen Xiaolian waving a badge in his hand.

It was none other than the Universal Access Badge that Phoenix had given him back then.

The woman’s eyes revealed confusion for a moment before quickly recollecting herself. She ignored Chen Xiaolian’s appearance and simply looked at the badge. “That, you…”

“I have a few questions for you. You must answer carefully.” Chen Xiaolian quickly said, “The car with the plate number XXXX parked in front. Which room is the owner in?”

In just a few seconds’ time, Chen Xiaolian had obtained what he wanted to know. He got up through the stairs. As for the hotel’s female boss, she stood behind the front desk with a look of confusion on her face.

After walking up, Chen Xiaolian entered a passageway and saw a circuit box on the wall. After considering it for a moment, he switched off all of them.

Instantly, the entire floor went dark. Even the lights on the ceiling lost power.

Chen Xiaolian moved before a door and took a deep breath. Next, he reached out with his hand to twist and break the door lock. After that, he forcibly pushed open the door.

The room was dark. Chen Xiaolian heard a whistling sound of wind and he easily dodged the incoming fist. Next, he sent a backhanded fist toward his opponent’s abdomen area. He heard a muffled grunt and a figure fell limply to his knees.

Chen Xiaolian moved forward and followed up with another attack. He struck this opponent on his neck, knocking this person unconscious.

Next, he pulled out a tactical flashlight and shut the door to the room.

At that moment in time, the situation outside had devolved into chaos. Due to the power outage, quite a number of guests had come out from their rooms to complain.

Chen Xiaolian swept the flashlight around the room, illuminating it. Naturally, a hotel room converted from a residential building was not too spacious. It had one washroom, two beds and a sofa – this was clearly the hotel’s biggest ‘suite’. A man was lying on the sofa. Chen Xiaolian was unable to make out his facial features, but it would appear that the man was still asleep. The only other figure now lay on the floor beside Chen Xiaolian’s feet.

Chen Xiaolian kicked the fellow on the floor to turn him around before shining the flashlight onto the fellow’s face.

Seeing the face, Chen Xiaolian was left dumbfounded.

“Eh? You bloody fatso!”

Chen Xiaolian knitted his brows.

He checked the time and quickly called Lun Tai using the guild channel. “I have succeeded. You two get ready to retreat. Be careful! Do not return to the base first. We will make contact again in 10 minutes and find a place to meet up!”

After receiving Lun Tai’s reply, Chen Xiaolian watched as the two dots representing Lun Tai and Bei Tai on his radar disappeared. Clearly, they had adjusted themselves and stopped being in a state of combat; they had hidden their presence.

Chen Xiaolian carried Fatty and the stranger lying on the sofa, one with each hand, and quickly made his way out of the room. He ignored the shouts coming from the corridor as he made his way past the people there. After moving down the hotel, he ran out of the hotel under the cover of darkness. He moved across the street behind the hotel. After walking for 200 metres, he emerged from an alley, arriving near the back entrance of a certain university. It was night and there were not many people walking about. He then reached an open parking lot and pulled out a car from his Storage Watch. Next, he drove off with Fatty and the stranger in tow.

Chen Xiaolian drove the car to a large supermarket located three kilometres away from the hotel. Moving into an underground parking lot, he stopped the car in a corner. After that, he turned around to look at the two figures in the back seat.

Naturally, he knew of Fatty. As for Skyblade… …

Back when he was inside the hotel room, he did not get a good look at the stranger due to how dark it was. Looking at the stranger right now, he got the impression that there was something familiar about the stranger.

Chen Xiaolian did his best to recall the face. Suddenly, his face flickered and his eyebrows jumped up.

He had finally remembered. The stranger was none other than Skyblade.

Although Chen Xiaolian had encountered Skyblade before, he had never actually met Skyblade in the flesh – by the time Chen Xiaolian encountered Skyblade, he had turned into a blade.

However, Chen Xiaolian had entered the old headquarters of Blade Mountain Flame Sea Guild within the hive building before. Within a room there, he had seen a picture of Skyblade.

Thanks to that picture, Chen Xiaolian was able to recognize the stranger.

Additionally, Fatty was there with the stranger. This allowed Chen Xiaolian to immediately determine the stranger’s identity.

“Well played, Fatty. You are definitely not someone to be taken lightly.” Chen Xiaolian sighed. “You actually found your old man. But… … why were you secretly following me? Humph!”

Thinking back to his time in the hive building where this Fatty had given him a good ‘stabbing’, Chen Xiaolian was very tempted to give him a good beating. Not to mention, this fatso actually tried to secretly follow him – considering the relationship between them, Fatty should have just come out openly to contact him.

Additionally, Chen Xiaolian recalled Bluesea saying that he had already sent Fatty out of Zero City.

Chen Xiaolian recalled what happened earlier and his mind went back to the unfamiliar woman… … who is that woman? Men from Blade Mountain Flame Sea Guild had no need to secretly follow him – this was a disagreeable move.

Having reached that line of thought, Chen Xiaolian then looked at the time. A frown quickly appeared on his face.

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The set upon time had arrived. It had been 10 minutes since but Lun Tai had yet to contact him.

Considering Lun Tai’s prudent way of doing things, this was odd.

“Lun Tai, how is the situation on your end?” Chen Xiaolian messaged him using the guild channel.

Ten seconds later, no response.

Thirty seconds later, still no response.

Chen Xiaolian began growing anxious. He sent a message to Bei Tai but received no response from him as well.

This is not right!

Chen Xiaolian became puzzled.

Lun Tai and Bei Tai were only to lure the snake out of its hole without making contact with the other party. Considering Lun Tai and Bei Tai’s abilities, even if the woman who rushed out to find them was very strong, the two of them should have no issues evading the woman.

Even if there were danger, given Lun Tai and Bei Tai’s level of strength and skills, they would not be instantly defeated. At the very least, they should be able to send a message out before that.

If so…

Chen Xiaolian’s heart palpitated and he used the guild channel to contact the others.



“Qimu Xi.”

“Soo Soo.”

No response.

Chen Xiaolian sat at attention within the car.

This is not right!

It may be acceptable to say that Lun Tai and Bei Tai were unable to make contact because someone was restraining them.

However, for even the other guild members to not respond to him… …

If so, there was only one possibility.

The problem was not coming from their end of the guild channel.

Rather, it was from his end.

Chen Xiaolian quickly got off the car and stood still within the underground parking lot.

The underground parking lot was quiet. There were only ten or so cars parked near him.

Above his head were a high number of pipes for the central air-conditioning system. However, there was a slight stuffiness in the air here.

Chen Xiaolian grew vigilant. He quickly summoned the Sword in the Stone and coldly regarded his surroundings.

It was at that moment that a strange voice came from a distance.