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Gate of Revelation

Chapter 551: Coincidence
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GOR Chapter 551 Coincidence

“Damn it! Was no one looking after her?” Chen Xiaolian’s expression was livid.

Qimu Xi’s face was filled with guilt as she replied with a whisper, “I, I entered the training room to train for a bit. I thought that she would stay inside her room… … she had been staying inside her room without coming out for the past few days, so…”

Chen Xiaolian looked at Qimu Xi. Next, he took a deep breath and moved to pat her shoulder. “Sorry, I am being too anxious. This matter is not your fault. I too, had not specifically asked you to look after her.”

Qimu Xi responded in a hushed tone, “Since our two seniors, Lun Tai and Bei Tai are not in base, I, I should have paid more attention to Soo Soo.”

Chen Xiaolian checked the time and frowned before saying, “Where is Xiaolei?”

When he forwarded that question however, Qimu Xi turned silent.

Chen Xiaolian’s heart skipped a beat and he sighed – clearly, there was something odd going on between Qimu Xi and Xia Xiaolei. Since returning from the Jerusalem instance dungeon, their relationship had turned very touchy.

“Base Control! Access the monitors! I want to know when Soo Soo left!” Chen Xiaolian shouted loudly.

The GM like voice of the entity controlling the base quickly responded, “Guild member Soo Soo left around 119 minutes ago.”

“Where did she go?”

“She left through the southeast area of the island by the shuttle boat. As for where she was headed, you know well enough that the base do not possess much in terms of surveillance for our surroundings. Once she got far enough from this base, I was no longer capable of monitoring her movements. However, according to the location of the shuttle boat she used, it would appear that she had landed to the north side of XX Road.”

Chen Xiaolian considered the information and said, “Where does the road lead to?”

“Nanjing City is to the south of the road. To the north is the Northern Jiangsu Expressway. There are too many branching points to consider there. I am unable to analyse further.”

“Nanjing City.” Chen Xiaolian knitted his brows and said, “She must have gone to the city.”

A few seconds later, Base Control suddenly said, “The shuttle boat is moving. According to the surveillance footage, the one on the boat is guild member Soo Soo. The boat is moving toward this island. There is now confirmation that member Soo Soo is in the process of returning.”

The information took Chen Xiaolian by surprise. “She returned?”

“Yes, the return signal for the shuttle boat was received just 18 seconds ago.”

Chen Xiaolian calmed down and sat down. Next, he turned to look at Qimu Xi, who was beside him, and said, “All right now, Qimu Xi, you go attend to your own matters. Just now, I was in a bad mood. I should not have unleashed my temper on you. You are not responsible for this matter.”

“Yes, Guild Leader.” Qimu Xi lowered her head and left.

“Also, don’t go overboard with the training. Improvement of strength cannot be accomplished overnight.” Chen Xiaolian looked at the girl, who had remained silent. He knew that his words would likely be of no effect.

Qimu Xi left without saying anything. She went toward the training room.

Chen Xiaolian sighed.

A few minutes later, Soo Soo returned and entered the base. Chen Xiaolian waited for her in the lobby, his attention upon the door of the base. He watched as Soo Soo walked inside.

There was a calm expression on Soo Soo’s face. Looking at Chen Xiaolian, she slowly said, “Oppa, were you waiting for me?”

“Yes. Can we talk for a bit?” Chen Xiaolian moved over. Then, he reached out with his hand to stroke Soo Soo’s hair.

“Talk about what?” Soo Soo raised her head, looking Chen Xiaolian in the eye. “Talk about sister’s death?”

“… … …” Chen Xiaolian found himself at a loss for words.

“I have already accepted that fact.” Soo Soo shook her head. “So, there is no need for you to comfort me. Besides, didn’t oppa say before that there is a chance to resurrect sister?”

The manner in which Soo Soo was talking was too calm. It was a calmness that would rouse the feelings of worry from others.

Chen Xiaolian crouched down and looked Soo Soo in the eye. “Who is the one talking to me right now? Is it the normal you? Or…”

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“Oppa, in your heart, you already know the answer to that question, don’t you? At a time like this, the normal me should be rushing into your arms and cry her heart out, no?” Soo Soo’s eyes stared right at Chen Xiaolian’s eyes. Her stare was such that Chen Xiaolian found it somewhat unbearably heavy.

“So, does oppa wish the current me to disappear and change back to the normal me?” Soo Soo continued, “Oppa, in your heart, do you prefer the normal me?”

“… … …” Chen Xiaolian was left speechless. He then took a deep breath and said, “Regardless of what state you are in, you are Soo Soo. I will always be concerned for you. However… … this state you are in, would it really, really not bring about any health issues?”

“At least I am not hiding in a corner, feeling heartbroken and crying alone,” Soo Soo said coolly. Then, she stretched out her hand to reveal a plastic bag in her hand. “Here, I went out to buy some food.”


Chen Xiaolian accepted the plastic bag and saw that it contained some delicious looking cakes.

“Chocolate muffin and tiramisu,” said Soo Soo slowly. “Eating sweet foods make people feel better. Although the food inside this base is very nutritious, it tastes horrible. I am still a little girl after all. Little girls like sweet foods, isn’t that right?”

Chen Xiaolian appeared somewhat lost.

Soo Soo then pulled out a piece of tiramisu from the bag and handed it to Chen Xiaolian. “Oppa, you eat some too. The sweet foods that this shop sells are delicious.”

After saying that, Soo Soo walked past Chen Xiaolian, heading back into her own room.

After taking a few step forward, Soo Soo suddenly halted. She turned her head around to look right at Chen Xiaolian. “Oppa cares about me, that makes me very happy. Also, be sure to eat the cake.”

Soo Soo pointed at her own heart and traces of a calm smile appeared on her face.

Next, she slowly walked back to her room.

Chen Xiaolian watched as Soo Soo disappeared into her own room. Next, he lowered his head to look at the piece of tiramisu in his hand. After a moment’s hesitation, he took a bite of it.

Mm, it is quite sweet.

Chen Xiaolian sat in the central resting area alone for a full half hour.

“This will not do. The guild’s morale has fallen extremely low. The negative effect brought upon by the Jerusalem instance dungeon is not limited to Qiao Qiao’s sacrifice, far from it. If I don’t figure out a way to deal with these negative effects, they will become a serious hidden danger for the future of this guild.” Chen Xiaolian had already finished up the tiramisu cake. He sat there and focused hard on pondering the situation.

Other than Soo Soo, there was also the relationship between Qimu Xi and Xia Xiaolei. Some unnatural interactions had also appeared between Lun Tai and Bei Tai – mm, it was mainly on Lun Tai’s part.

And also Roddy.

All these issues needed addressing.

Otherwise… … signs of breaking apart had begun showing within the guild.

If the guild members were unable to trust each other without reservations, what would happen when they were facing danger in instance dungeons? How would they be able to support each other? How would they be willing to trust their backs to their own guild members in the heat of battle?

At night, one by one, the guild members who had gone out of the base returned.

The first to return was Xia Xiaolei. He had gone out to purchase daily necessities and foods. Chen Xiaolian did not say too much to Xia Xiaolei.

Next to return were the two brothers, Lun Tai and Bei Tai.

By the time they returned, it was already midnight. Lun Tai was obviously somewhat exhausted.

“Any harvest?”

Chen Xiaolian moved to sit down together with Lun Tai and Bei Tai in the central resting area.

Lun Tai spoke in a hushed tone, his voice slightly hoarse, “We are unable to get a clear picture. I contacted some of my acquaintances within the Awakened circle. Contact with Zero City has been severed. This news is beginning to spread through the Awakened circle. Many of the Awakened ones who entered Zero City could not be contacted anymore. No one came out.”

“That is not right,” replied Chen Xiaolian with a frown. “During the evacuation process, some of the outsider Awakened ones who survived the battle managed to join the evacuation teams. I personally witnessed their aerial transports leaving Zero City safely.”

“If so, there is only one explanation. The Awakened ones who left Zero City are being restrained,” Lun Tai said slowly. “This is not difficult to conclude. After those from Zero City left, normally speaking, the first thing they should do is to find a safe place to set up a base. They would want to establish a safe area in this world, a temporary camp. At the same time, due to the fact that Zero City’s forces are now in their weakest state, I speculate that one of the leaders must have decided to cut off all communications. As for the outsider Awakened ones among them, the forces from Zero City must be restraining them.”

“You mean a house arrest?”

“That could be the case. If I were the leader of the team of survivors, I too, would maintain a state of no communications. Ensuring the safety of the group comes first. In the event that the news of Zero City’s fall spreads out to the other Awakened ones within this world, who knows what could happen? Knowing that the seniors in Zero City, beings that used to exist high up in the clouds have now fallen to the point where they are homeless, only Heaven knows if someone would harbour malicious intentions toward them. Besides… the Players are also a dangerous factor. Thus, they may have decided to hide.”

“Are there any changes in public opinions right now?”

“None at the moment,” Lun Tai slowly replied. “I have checked a few secret online bulletin board sites for Awakened ones. At present, there are only a few sporadic questions on the issue. It has yet to go viral. Zero City has always remained a mysterious existence after all. It is just that some of the Awakened ones who should have left Zero City for the outside world have yet to return and could not be contacted. Due to that, some guilds have begun asking questions. However, their actions did not receive much attention. In addition to that, it would appear that two peripheral sub teams formed by a certain resident guild have revealed that they were unable to enter Zero City. They could not make contact… … this one got some attention. However, like the one before, it is temporarily not making huge waves. Still, I speculate that in two to three days’ time, news about this matter will get even worse.”


“Some strange news have appeared on several sites. Analysing them, I conclude that those must be some form of coded messages,” Lun Tai slowly said. “I speculate that some Zero City personnel must have found themselves stuck outside after that incident. Now that they could no longer return to Zero City or make contact, they can only use the sites used by Awakened ones. Leaving behind those coded messages, they hope to make contact with other Zero City personnel. I only saw a few of those news. However, it is certain that some of them must have made contact with each other. Even so, they did not spread the news to the ordinary Awakened ones. These people are very cautious. As expected of the people from Zero City, they are very disciplined.”

After saying that, Lun Tai paused for a moment before continuing, “However, no matter how low-key they are, some smart fellows would certainly find the traces of their actions. Thus, in two or three days’ time, this news will break out.”

“There is something else.” Bei Tai suddenly interrupted. “Those outsider Awakened ones who entered Zero City, most of them are either the core members or elites of their respective guilds. If, I am saying, should the system suddenly issue out some large-scale instance dungeons within these two days and have the Awakened ones’ guilds participate… … things would escalate! Many of the guilds do not have their core members around. Their strengths are seriously below normal. To be forced to participate in an instance dungeon under such circumstances… … the situation would deteriorate even further. Maybe, the Awakened circle would suffer a heavy loss!”

“Yes. Assume those outsider Awakened ones who made it out from Zero City are under house arrest by Zero City’s surviving forces. Once the system issues out the instance dungeon and the Awakened ones are chosen to participate… … Zero City’s surviving forces would have to face a very difficult choice: By releasing the outsider Awakened ones, they would end up exposing what had happened! But if they choose not to release them… … stopping them from participating in the instance dungeon is the equivalent of murder!” Lun Tai sighed.

There was a dark look on Chen Xiaolian’s face.

He considered it for a moment before saying, “So, what about the information for the other one? Did you find anything?”

Lun Tai and Bei Tai exchanged glances. Then, Lun Tai spoke up, “The madmen from Jerusalem?”


Lun Tai took a deep breath. Flames seemed to be slowly emerging from within his eyes – those were the flames of hatred.

“I asked around for information about the madmen from Jerusalem. However, the many sites have no way of finding out the exact location of their activities. I had inquired some of my old friends who specialize in information trading, but those madmen from Jerusalem are usually very low-key. They rarely mix around with other guilds. Thus, information about their whereabouts is scarce, but…”

“But what?”

“I heard that, after the last instance dungeon, the madmen from Jerusalem have temporarily entered a state of silence. They cut off all contacts with the outside world. Those people have seemingly… … gone missing.”

“Gone into hiding?” Chen Xiaolian sneered.

“It is possible. Some people speculated that they might have suffered from a considerable loss in the last instance dungeon. Thus, they had gone into hiding.”

“Any other news?”

“There is a piece of news that is of value. I obtained it from a very big Awakened bulletin board site.” Lun Tai slowly continued, “The one to put up this message is the group of madmen themselves.”


“More accurately, it is Mene, the leader of the Holy Knights Guild from Jerusalem. He is the leader of the madmen,” said Lun Tai heavily. “He used his own name to issue out the news. There is only one sentence there.”

“What did he say?”

“He said: Next time, I will definitely kill you.”

Chen Xiaolian raised his brows. “Oh? Those words… … are directed at us?”

“I am very sceptical about that.” Lun Tai frowned and continued, “Back in the Jerusalem instance dungeon, we did not confront Mene head-on. The same goes to you, Guild Leader. Although you did kill off one of his guild members, it would appear that you did not actually fight Mene head-on. This message that Mene left, I speculate that his objective is not you.”

“… … can we track him?”

“No.” Lun Tai responded with a bitter smile. “The Awakened sites are all encrypted, but even if we manage to decrypt it, their side would not be stupid enough to use their own personal information to login. It is like using a roadside phone booth to make a call. Even if we track down the location of the phone booth, it would be pointless as they have already left long ago.”

Chen Xiaolian pondered for a moment before getting up. “If so, I will be exercising the authority of a Guild Leader to determine our next course of actions.”

Lun Tai and Bei Tai both stood up immediately.

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“Members will stay here to rest and train. Lun Tai, you continue inquiring information on the outside world. Besides information regarding Zero City, there is also the madmen from Jerusalem. Searching for their whereabouts takes precedence! That is our primary objective! Revenge!”


“Bei Tai, you will be helping Xia Xiaolei with stocking up on materials. At the same time, pay closer attention to the members’ training. Roddy is presently focusing on researching an important item. For now, don’t disturb him.”

“All right.”

“Additionally, from now onward, we will be taking turns to stay outside. Bei Tai, Xia Xiaolei and Qimu Xi. The three of you will take turns every 24 hours. You will be staying in the outside building on this island. Be ready at all times to receive system prompts – by staying inside the base, we are blocked off from the system. We need someone outside to monitor the situation and receive system prompts. Once the notification for an instance dungeon appears, notify me immediately. At least one person must remain outside at all times to receive system prompts!”

“All right. I will arrange the shifts for the rotation.” Bei Tai nodded his head.

“Then, what about you, Guild Leader?” Lun Tai looked at Chen Xiaolian.

“I… … will be heading out for a bit. I want to get some information from Qiao Yifeng.”

“Next time, I will definitely kill you.”

Tian Lie looked at the monitor screen, at the contents of a certain website.

It was an extremely simple looking web site. It looked as if someone with beginner level programming skills had put it up. The interface for the site appeared very simplistic.

Surface wise, no one could have guessed that this was one of the forum sites for the Awakened circle… … additionally, the level of encryption for this site would likely terrify all the hackers in the world.

The moment he opened up the site, he saw a simple message. It was a public message.

Next time, I will definitely kill you.

Tian Lie pulled the corners of his lips and said, “Mene, you psycho.”

Next, he stretched his waist. “Still, there is no need to wait for next time. This senior will go look for you right now. I never liked waiting when it comes to matters of killing.”

He casually closed up the laptop placed before him, stood up and left.

He was in an airport’s VIP lounge. Carrying his backpack, Tian Lie handed his boarding pass to a very lovable looking crewmember in uniform. Next, he followed her as she led him through the VIP passageway to his flight.

After sitting down in the first-class cabin of a civilian aircraft, Tian Lie, who had just seated himself properly, was about to get some sleep when he suddenly heard a voice coming from a seat not far from his.

“So, you plan to go fight Mene alone?”

Hearing the voice, the corners of Tian Lie’s mouth curled to form a smile. He pulled off the blindfold he wore and sighed. “I say, could it be you have fallen for me? Why are you following me so closely?”

“Don’t worry. I won’t have that kind of feelings for an enemy.”

Tian Lie regarded the other party’s face before saying, “Is that a new disguise mask? This time, you look much more pleasing to the eye. Right, do I still call you Miss Ye?”

Nicole cast a cold stare at Tian Lie and said, “Tell me, what are you planning to do?”

“You tell me first. How did you find me?” Tian Lie frowned before continuing, “There is no way someone could secretly put a tracker or anything of the likes on me.”

Nicole was silent for a moment. “What if I say this is really just a coincidence?”

Tian Lie smiled. “Coincidence?”

“It is very simple. I just happen to be going to the same place that you are. Additionally, it just so happens that we chose to get on the same flight – still, you know well enough that there are not many flights from here to that place.”

“Fine, I accept that explanation. This really is a wondrous coincidence.” Tian Lie put the blindfold back on and lied down. “It is a long journey; I want to get some sleep. Right, if I snore… … please don’t wake me up. I have a short temper if my sleep is interrupted.”

Nicole snorted.

Then, the flight attendants inside the cabin began their pre-flight preparations.

One of the flight attendants came before Nicole, requesting her to show her boarding pass and some other related documents. After that, the flight attendant smiled and asked Nicole if she wanted any drinks.

Nicole placed her boarding pass down beside her. On it, the destination of this flight could be seen. It was surprisingly…
