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Gate of Revelation

Chapter 519: Trustworthy Shen
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GOR Chapter 519 Trustworthy Shen

The 45 minutes were coming to an end.

In the central square, the Sentinel mechs belonging to the Angel Corps had assumed battle formations. Their energy-tier beam rifles were all raised.

“Be ready!” A high-ranking combatant from the Angel Corps roared into his communication device. “All units at the ready! Be ready to open fire! Aim your weapons at the teleportation matrix! Be ready to open fire!”

Everyone there was so anxious they were finding it hard to breath. At that moment, there were no rookies or weaklings there. However, this was Zero City. This was a battle for Zero City.

This invasion of Zero City was the first ever.

Finally, the 45 minutes countdown ended.

Every combat personnel stared at the teleportation matrix with widened eyes. Regardless of their positions, the central square, the roofs of some building, sniping positions, mechs, all of them stared intently at the teleportation matrix for fear of missing the most minute detail.

Everything was silent for 10 seconds.

No response came from the teleportation matrix.

10 seconds… 20 seconds…

Still no response.

At that moment, Angel Wu, who was inside his mech, stared cautiously at the surveillance video before him. The screen was showing every movement within the central square.

“No movements?”

Angel Wu knitted his brows.

“Unit One here, all combat personnel are ready for combat. But we are not detecting any enemy movements. I repeat, we are not detecting any enemy movements.”

Hearing the report coming from his earpiece, Angel Wu frowned and replied gravely, “Do not let your guard down. The enemy could appear at any moment.”

“Understood, we will… …” The officer in charge of the central square defences was only halfway through his reply when he suddenly exclaimed, “Movements detected! Fire! Fire everything! Fire!”

Angel Wu suddenly straightened his body and he stared at what was transpiring through the screen.

Through the screen, he was able to see the teleportation matrix in the central square lighting up. After the green light faded down, several targets appeared.

A War Bastion unit was sent through. Beside the War Bastion were two Thunderstorm Tanks.

The War Bastion was a [B+] class technological equipment with powerful defensive capabilities. As for the two Thunderstorm Tanks beside it, those were clearly modified before.

The moment those three targets appeared in the teleportation matrix, the two Thunderstorm Tanks simultaneously released a faint white coloured light. The white light enveloped the War Bastion and the two Thunderstorm Tanks.

The surrounding mechs, combat personnel and firing units instantly let loose their first round of attacks.

Energy beams of varying sizes were fired, some even lighting up the entirety of the central square, turning it into a vast expanse of white.

Over hundreds of different energy beams descended upon the white defensive light in the teleportation matrix.

Clearly, the white light was acting like an energy shield of sorts. The energy beams striking the surface of the shield were either deflected away or absorbed.

This turn of event did not surprise the Angel Corps’ combat personnel in the slightest.

Although the energy shield was fairly strong, it quickly broke down from the hundreds of energy beams striking it – the shield lasted for less than five seconds.

The white shield suddenly dissipated and the War Bastion and Thunderstorm Tanks inside became subjected to the hundreds of energy beams. Holes instantly appeared all over them, scarring them horribly. Major portions of their bodies were liquefied on the spot.

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The Angel Corps’ officer in charge roared out and all the combat personnel stopped firing at the same time.

Under the barrage of the energy beams, all that were left in the teleportation matrix were three piles of scrap metal. Not even their original appearance could be seen anymore.

“Is this the first wave of attacks?” Angel Wu muttered. “It is just… … probing attacks?”

“Hold your fire!” The officer in charge shouted loudly. “Everyone check your weapons! We only have 30 seconds left! Hurry!”

Every teleportation process by the teleportation matrix would require one minute. The three units sent earlier were demolished in less than 20 seconds. Thus, they should still have over 30 seconds before the next wave.

The Angel Corps’ combat personnel quickly checked their equipment, weapons, power cartridges etc.

After 30 seconds, enemies appeared in the teleportation matrix once more.

After the flashing green light faded, they saw that the number of invading units had doubled.

Three War Bastions and three modified Thunderstorm Tanks – it would be more accurate to call the tanks, energy shield Thunderstorm Tanks.

After the six units made their appearance, they quickly erected the energy shield once more. However, under the barrage of the energy beams, this wave of units was also instantly destroyed.

The officer in charge gave the order to inspect their equipment and weapons and to reload their power cartridges once more – they were not afraid of consuming power cartridges. They were now engaging a battle in their own home turf. In Zero City, their reserves were almost unlimited.

This time as well, they had instantly reduced the invading units into scraps with their barrage of energy beams.

However, a slight feeling of doubt grew within the officer in charge.

“Unit One here, we have dealt with the first two probing waves. However, the other side had only sent in equipment types of units. According to our inspection, there were no combat personnel involved.”

“… so, does that mean they are probing…” Angel Wu frowned.

The probing type of invasion continued seven times.

Various demolished tanks and War Bastions filled the central square. Wreckages and scrap metal piled up in every corner of the square.

The officer in charge seized the opportunity provided by the interval in between each offensive wave to send in his men to check the wreckages in the central square.

After doing that, he was able to confirm something… … there were no combat personnel among these seven offensive waves.

In other words, the other side had only sent in some programmed equipment through the teleportation matrix.

“They are testing our firepower!”

Angel Wu flexed his fingers and growled in an irritated voice, “Maintain battle readiness!”

“I am testing their firepower.”

Somewhere deep in the Sub-Saharan African desert…

Inside a control room, Shen, who was wearing an exquisite piece of formal wear, stood in the middle of a group of Players who were in either protective suits or war gears. He looked completely out of place.

However, whenever the people around him looked at him, their eyes revealed a deep sense of fear.

“But… … Guild Leader Shen.” A fellow sporting red beard said, “We have already sent seven waves of combat units. How long should we continue with this type of probing attacks?”

Shen gave the fellow a glance and blinked. “Forgive me, but you are…”

“Captain Scola of the Noble Titan Fleet!” the red bearded man replied loudly.


Shen turned to look at the man and was unable to refrain from raising his brows.

Theoretically speaking, how to name their guilds was up to the Players.

Some just went with the standard ‘something something guild’. For example, the annihilated Windslasher Guild or the infamous Thorned Flower Guild.

Naturally, there would be those who had nothing better to do or were trying to do something different. Some wanted to be original, so they gave their guild an unconventional name.

Some would name their guild ‘Something Something Warhorde’, or ‘Something Something Knights’, or ‘Something Something Clan’, or ‘Something Something Tribe’ or ‘Something Something Alliance’.

However, ‘Fleet’ was quite the rare thing.

Seeing the red bearded man, Shen was unable to stop himself from pulling a face. “Did you give yourself that Captain what was it name because you knew about this world’s story about an infamous red bearded pirate?”

“Scola! Captain Scola!” Captain Scola vigorously stroked his eye-catching red beard.

“Fine, Captain Scola. I don’t care why you gave your guild such a name.” Shen sighed and turned to face the others. “What about you all? Do you all have the same question as Captain Scola here?”

“Yes,” replied a lean looking man. “It has been over 10 minutes now and we have already sent in seven waves of offensive units for the sake of probing them. However, I do not understand the point of this set of actions. The gate leading to Zero City is open. We should assemble our forces and charge our way in.”

The others nodded. However, due to the majesty of Shen and Thorned Flower Guild’s reputation, none of them dared to speak loudly. Instead, they simply whispered.

“Gentlemen, or should I say… …” Shen suddenly retracted the smile on his face. The tone in his voice changed and an undisguised look of viciousness appeared on his face. “… … or should I say, fellow cannon fodders. Although I think that you people are only fit to be my Thorned Flower Guild’s cannon fodder, this impatience to go die on your part really is a surprise to me.”

“… Guild Leader Shen!” It would appear that Captain Scola had a fiery temper. He was unable to stop himself from responding with a loud shout, “Although you have a great reputation, how could you insult us all!”

Shen raised a brow as he glanced at the red bearded man.

Facing Shen’s gaze, the red bearded man felt goose bumps rising all over his body. He subconsciously took a step back. However, when he thought about how there were so many people around, he grew emboldened. “Am I wrong? Guild Leader Shen, at present, we are fighting side by side. You cannot insult us like this!”

“You know what?” Shen suddenly smiled. The moment he smiled, the atmosphere in the room grew less tense. However, his next set of words caused the red bearded man’s face to twist.

Shen continued in an amiable tone, “… do you know? If you had said those words to me a few days ago, your corpse would have grown cold by now. Still, I happen to be in a good mood right now. Additionally, when you enter Zero City later, it would be inevitable for you to suffer from heavy losses. Thus, I will temporarily ignore those offensive words of yours just now. Err… … Captain what was it again?”

“… S, Captain Scola! My name is Scola!” Captain Scola was so furious his nostrils flared.

“Fine. For now, I will be kind and answer your questions.” Shen turned to look at the surrounding Players. “Why send in seven waves of units to probe them – fools! Did you really have to ask? Naturally, it is for the sake of testing the strength of their defences. All seven waves sent in were equipped with energy shield equipment and miniature AI androids.

“You can see the results with your own eyes. Not a single one of our miniature AI android made it back through the teleportation matrix.

“In other words, after they made it through, they were unable to last for even one minute! They were destroyed before the teleportation cool down was over.

“This proves that the opposing side had already made due preparations. They have prepared a great deal of battle strength on the other side of the gate in anticipation of our invasion. If you fellows cannot even figure out such a simple answer, you can forget about joining this fight. Just find a remote corner and go kill yourselves.”

After a moment of silence, a delicate voice spoke up from among the Players there.

It was a very delicate voice, with a trace of pampered softness within it. It was a woman’s voice.

“If that is the case, how long should we continue these probing waves, Guild Leader Shen?”

Shen turned to search for the source of the voice and saw a woman in protective suit.

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This woman had a slender figure and short hair. She appeared fairly capable. However, her face was covered so that her features could not be made out. The only thing that was visible was her bright pair of eyes.

“I remember you.” Shen smiled. “Miss Nova, it has been a while. Since… … let me recall, following this world’s time frame, we had met each other in an instance dungeon three years ago. I have not seen you since.”

“Yes, Guild Leader Shen.” Nova took a deep breath and continued in a soft voice, “I have missed your way of doing things. Can you please answer my question?”

“It is very simple. We will continue until the mini android we sent can return to report and prove that the defensive units we sent is enough. When we can hold against the attacks of the opposing side for over one minute, we can start our next phase.”

“If so, why do so little by little? Can’t we commit a large amount of combat units into one wave and push the defensive capabilities of the wave to the max? Going about it bit by bit, adding the units bit by bit, wouldn’t that delay our progress?” Nova continued questioning the plan. However, despite the questioning nature of her words, her soft tone did not arouse anyone’s ire.

“Very well.” Shen sighed. “Truth is, there are other reasons as to why I am doing these probing attacks. For example, we can continuously put pressure on the fellows from Zero City. Sending in units again and again would put a strong psychological pressure on them and make them grow more anxious. Naturally, I also have other reasons behind this move. However, I am sorry to say, I cannot reveal those reasons to you all.”

“… … …” There were rather frustrated looks on everyone’s faces as they looked at Shen.

Shen, on the other hand, simply looked at them and said coolly, “Who else have questions?”

“… Guild Leader Shen, everyone here respects Thorned Flower Guild’s reputation. That is why we handed over the command position for this quest to you. But if you are going to act this way, it might be difficult for us to follow you.” Nova frowned and continued, “Since we are fighting side by side, why the secrecy? You…”

“Forgive me. Firstly, I disagree with your comment that we are fighting side by side. “ Shen gave a disdainful smile. “From my perspective, all of you here… … it is not that I am prejudiced against any of you, but you are all trash.”

“… … …” Everyone’s faces twisted.

Shen coldly looked at the woman known as Nova. “Take you for example, Miss Nova. If not for your identity in this world, this pleasant looking female appearance of yours is why I am being polite to you – if you were a male, you won’t even have the qualifications to question me, get it?”

Shen then increased the volume of his voice, “Let me make this even clearer. None of you here have the qualification to question me, understand? When a giant wants to do something, it does not need to explain its actions to ants. As for the discussion of conditions… … what a joke! Since when did you think you all have the qualifications to discuss conditions with Thorned Flower Guild?”

“Naturally, I have no interest in the commanding position. My Thorned Flower Guild can casually exterminate every one of your men here! Thus, your strengths are of no value to me. Commanding authority? That is nothing more than a joke.

“You all are but a pack of stray dogs hoping to get some leftovers by trailing behind the lion.

“At present, this lion is not going to make a move. So then, my dear doggies, are you feeling anxious from the wait?

“No matter, the gate is right there and Zero City lies just beyond it.

“The preys are inside Zero City.

“If you are all so hungry and anxious, just charge through by yourselves. I have no interest in commanding you people.

“Now, time for answering questions is over. You may all leave this room.

“Those who wish to attack, do as you please.

“Any guild may make a move to go through the gate without my permission. I do not care.

“Well then, gentlemen, and the beautiful Miss Nova, is my position clear enough now?

“If you want to attack, just go ahead. I will be enjoying fine wine here while I morally support you all.”

After a moment of silence, the people inside the control room began leaving with awkward looks on their faces. In the end, Shen was the only one left inside the room.

Shen sighed and looked at the time. “Asking me what I am waiting for? What a joke… … did you think I would tell you I purposely sent those combat units in to alert and scare the people inside Zero City? Telling them that we are about to invade their city and that if they want to leave, they should hurry it up and leave? It would be for the best if every one of them left, leaving an empty Zero City. That way, my task of occupying it becomes that much easier.

“Would I tell you all about that? Fools… …”

After releasing a chuckle, Shen stroked his chin and said, “Mm, continuing with these probing waves is not that good either. I should give the mice inside some pressure to let them understand that there is no hope in defending the city. Only them would the mice try to figure out a way to escape. If those cannon fodders want to invade the city, let them.

“Ah, do you think there are any issues with my methods?”

That final sentence was spoken to thin air.

It was a strange move on Shen’s part. At that moment, he was the only one inside the control room. No one saw him speaking to the air.

However, after Shen finished speaking, a reply came from the thin air.

“I will not assess your methods. I am just going with what we have agreed upon. You will acquire Zero City. However, you must do your best to reduce the casualties of the people inside Zero City.”

It was a cold and calm voice.

Hearing that, Shen laughed and replied, “Of course, it is a deal. I am a very trustworthy person.”