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Gate of Revelation

Chapter 434: Strange Actions Of Thorned Flower
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GOR Chapter 434 Strange Actions Of Thorned Flower

“Get out of the jeep!”

Lun Tai was out of the jeep; his body crouched as he moved along the body of the jeep. He pulled open the door and pulled Qimu Xi out as he shouted, “Hurry up and leave! Hurry!”

Qimu Xi’s face was pale from fright. It was only after Lun Tai pulled her out did she snap out of it and got up from the ground. Thankfully, Xia Xiaolei had already moved over. He pulled her to the side of the street and they hid beneath the corner of the wall there.

“Remember what I have taught you!” Lun Tai continued running forward while crouching his back. Exhaling, he then said quickly, “We need to hurry up and leave this place! Move inside!”

He pointed to the small alley beside him.

Lun Tai dared not take the risk that they would not be discovered in the course of the battle between the two groups. Considering the current state of affairs, leaving was the most sensible choice.

The three of them left their vehicle and was about to enter the alley when Lun Tai noticed a blue light flashing out from the top of the faint outline of the Thunderstorm Tank.

Lun Tai swiftly pounced forward, throwing himself between the two kids and used each hand to push them down the ground.

Behind them, a blue coloured arc of light shot out from the flat muzzle of the Thunderstorm Tank’s turret and streaked through the long street…

Following a loud explosion, a building on the left side of the street where the two groups were confronting each other exploded.

The wall shattered apart amid the dazzling blue light and orange flames rose into the sky. Gravel and stone fragments flew about.

Two charred corpses fell down from the wall and onto the street, their flesh torn and strewn all over.

The sounds of gunfire stopped abruptly and several sharp screams echoed out from the broken wall area. Next, someone furiously dashed out of the ruins of the building. Two or three more ran up the roof in an attempt to escape.

However, at that same moment…

A figure descended from the sky!

A warrior wearing military mech armour with a beam blade in his hand landed on the roof. With a downward slash, the first fleeing figure was hacked into two before he could attempt to defend himself. One of the other two fleeing figures roared furiously before raising a futuristic looking gun and opening fire with it. As for the other figure, he turned around and ran.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The bullets struck the surface of the mech armour and the warrior’s body staggered backward due to the impact from the bullets. However, the powerful mech armour was able to deflect all of the bullets.

The enraged Awakened discarded his weapon, pulled out a strange looking military blade, and charged forward. The warrior in mech armour suddenly crouched down… with a “boom”, the roof area he was on collapsed and the warrior fell to the floor below.

The Awakened was taken aback; then, he noticed an oval shaped metal object on the floor before him, which flashed with blue light…


He screamed out miserably.


A circular ripple of blue light burst open and the Awakened was torn apart instantly.

Lun Tai had dragged the other two youngsters with him and they hid behind a trash container. Although the alley was not very long, the trash container just happened to block them from sight.

“Shh.” There was an extremely nervous look on Lun Tai’s face and he lowered his voice as he made a gesture to the two youngsters.

Xia Xiaolei was able to maintain a calm demeanour, albeit barely. However, Qimu Xi already had tears welling up in her eyes and it was all she could do to stop herself from crying out.

“Slowly get up and follow behind me!”

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Beside the trash container was a door to the building beside them.

Lun Tai extended his hand to grab the door handle and pulled it with force, tearing the door lock out.

Lun Tai crouched down and sent a signal to Xia Xiaolei, who immediately dragged Qimu Xi with him through the door. Lun Tai rushed in right behind them before closing the door.

At the same time that the door was closed, the warrior in mech armour jumped down from the building and landed before the alley. His eyes flashed as he swept his gaze across the alley.

“Team C here. We have dealt with one of the objectives, now searching the nearby areas.”

“Be diligent. I think I saw something just now.”

“Call up the Eye of Heaven to scan the area once again.”

Lun Tai leaned close to the door as he carefully listened to what was going on outside. Then, he turned his head and signalled Xia Xiaolei and Qimu Xi, indicating that they should go inside.

They had entered through the back door of a restaurant kitchen and the three of them now ran inside. After moving past the kitchen, they reached the washroom.

Lun Tai opened the door and saw a window in the washroom.

“Get out from here.”

Xia Xiaolei nodded and moved forward to forcefully pull open the window…

Holding a gun in his hand, Lun Tai stood at the doorway and he strained his ears to listen for anything happening outside. At the same time, he contacted Chen Xiaolian through the guild channel.

“We have escaped from the spot where the fight was taking place and are now heading for XXX street. I have identified one of the groups that were fighting just now, Thorned Flower Guild. You need to be careful. They seem to be actively seeking and killing off the participants of this instance dungeon.”

After receiving his message, Chen Xiaolian breathed a sigh of relief before quickly becoming vigilant. “Thorned Flower Guild?”

“Yes, it is them.” Lun Tai gritted his teeth.

After a few seconds, Chen Xiaolian made his decision.

He stopped the jeep beside the street and had Qiao Qiao, Soo Soo and Will get down from the jeep. Qiao Qiao led Soo Soo while he led Will into a shop beside the street. Using the shop’s backdoor, they entered the building.

“Lun Tai, we will be changing our rendezvous point. Roddy, I need a safe place, hurry!”

One minute later, Roddy spoke up, “Around one kilometre away from your current location is a cross intersection. The surrounding area is clean, no movements there. Lun Tai, your group needs to hurry. I am seeing a group of Thunderstorm Tanks belonging to Thorned Flower Guild coming together in your direction.”

A few minutes later, at the intersection that Roddy mentioned…

Chen Xiaolian and his group watched as Lun Tai’s group ran out from an alley opposite and he quickly waved them over with his hand.

After their two groups had met up, Chen Xiaolian looked around for a moment before pointing to a certain spot nearby. “Go there!”

The spot that Chen Xiaolian had pointed at was a small hotel.

Everyone ran quickly into the hotel.

Due to the changes enacted by the system to the instance dungeon area, there was no one inside the hotel.

Seeing that the lobby was empty, Chen Xiaolian’s team rushed up to the second floor and broke into a room.

After entering the room, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Lun Tai assessed Chen Xiaolian’s group and his gaze finally fell upon Will. “Is that him?”

The murderous aura coming off Lun Tai’s body frightened Will and he timidly backed away. Chen Xiaolian smiled and patted Will’s shoulder. “Yes, it is him.”

Soo Soo tapped Will’s shoulder before leaning over and whispering something into his ear. Will’s face instantly turned red but he summoned the courage to step forward. He looked at Lun Tai and braced himself. “My name is Will Ritz Beyliah. You, are you Uncle Lun Tai?”

Lun Tai was stunned and he cast a puzzled look at Chen Xiaolian and Qiao Qiao. Chen Xiaolian spread open his hands and said, “He is now friends with Soo Soo.”

Lun Tai smiled and extended a hand to Will. “All right, I am Lun Tai, but… … I don’t like being called uncle. That would indicate that I am very old.”

“Yes… Mr Lun Tai.” Will quickly amended.

“Clever kid.” Lun Tai smiled. He then turned to face Chen Xiaolian and his face became grim. “Something strange is going on. We are going to need to discuss this.”

“Mm!” Chen Xiaolian nodded his head. His expression was also very grim.

Exhaling, he used the guild channel to call Roddy.

“Roddy, we need more information.”

“All right.” Roddy was quick to answer, “I had just now checked the municipal surveillance system… … mm, the situation is quite messy.”

“Give us the details.” Chen Xiaolian frowned.

“I have identified one of the groups. Unfortunately, it is as Lun Tai had mentioned, they are Thorned Flower Guild. Additionally, I had, through the use of the surveillance system, observed at least five to six fights… … the real number might be higher, but some of the monitoring equipment might have been destroyed from the intense battles. Thus, I had lost many of my ‘eyes’ here.

“At present, we can be certain of one thing. Thorned Flower Guild has entered this instance dungeon. Additionally, their actions are extremely strange. In this first phase, they had sent out a lot of men to hunt and kill off the other participants.

“All the battles that I can observe involve members of Thorned Flower Guild. In other words, Thorned Flower Guild is actively killing off the participants of this instance dungeon!

“So far, more than ten have been killed – though the real number is probably higher.”

Chen Xiaolian’s face was ugly to behold.

This was just a [B] class instance dungeon but they had encountered Thorned Flower Guild.

For a super guild like Thorned Flower Guild to participate in a [B] class instance dungeon was a rarity in itself.

But they had actually brought so many people with them.

They were killing off the other participants in Jerusalem. By that alone, it was clear that Thorned Flower Guild had sent out a considerable number of members for this instance dungeon.

But the bigger question was… … why?

“For the time being, we have too little information to make a comprehensive analysis.” Lun Tai shook his head. “However, the level of difficulty for this instance dungeon had probably shot up beyond our estimate.”

Chen Xiaolian looked at everyone and pondered with a frown on his face. “The first phase is about to end… … only four more minutes. In order to find out Thorned Flower Guild’s intention, we will probably have to wait until the second phase. However… … we need to discuss something. Should we change our objective for this instance dungeon?”

The meaning behind those words was obvious and the others were quick to catch on.

This time around, the reason Meteor Rock Guild participated in this instance dungeon was to train their members.

They had originally thought that this was just a [B] class instance dungeon. At present however, Thorned Flower Guild, a super great guild had joined the fray. Moreover, they had revealed their strength right off the bat. Ignoring the instance dungeon quest, they had gone after the other participants – this behaviour posed an extreme level of danger.

In their eyes, there was no need for their Meteor Rock Guild to go head on against Thorned Flower Guild.

They now had a base that could act as a refuge. Even if they failed this instance dungeon, they could hide in the base to avoid the punishment instance dungeon.

Additionally, even if they had to enter the punishment instance dungeon, thanks to Chen Xiaolian and Roddy, they now knew of the BUG in punishment instance dungeons.

No matter how they looked at it, going head first against Thorned Flower Guild in this instance dungeon was pointless.

The other members were silent. Then, Qiao Qiao spoke up.

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She said slowly, “I think we can wait for the second phase to start and act accordingly. If the conditions are advantageous for us, we should try to complete this instance dungeon.

“If the conditions are disadvantageous… … we can choose to give up on the second phase and leave this instance dungeon.”

Xia Xiaolei suddenly spoke up. “Maybe… … maybe there will be a change in the second phase? Who knows, Thorned Flower Guild might end up being in the same faction as us in the quest? If we end up on the same side as Thorned Flower Guild, then there will be no need to fear them, right?”

“Don’t even think about it.” Lun Tai shook his head. “They had started a slaughter in this first phase! It is obvious they do not intend to ally with anyone. Even if the system did put us in the same faction as Thorned Flower Guild, they might disobey the stipulated conditions. Not all killing of allies will be subjected to system punishments.”

“Enough.” Chen Xiaolian spoke up. “Trying to guess anything now is pointless. When the second phase begins, we will decide after reading the prompt… at any rate, there is only three more minutes left.”

A Bentley Continental slowly moved along the street before stopping in the middle of the street. It had stopped beside a square not far from the Wailing Wall.

Winding down the window, Shen looked at the distant Wailing Wall with a preoccupied expression before sighing.

“Now, give me the report for the results of the first phase.”

It did not take long for Shen to receive the answer.

“Four sub-teams were sent out to find the four quest targets. As for the reserve combatants, they had, in the last 38 minutes, fought 27 times and killed off a total of 36 participants of this instance dungeon. Four of the participants were critically injured and nine managed to flee. As for the participants’ quest targets, we managed to capture six alive while four were killed by accident.”

“Oh?” Shen smiled. “In other words, other than the four quest targets secured by our four sub teams, we now have six other quest targets belonging to the other guilds? We now have a total of 10 quest targets now?”


“Not bad.” Shen laughed.

Next, he took a deep breath and looked at his personal system, at the countdown timer for the first phase.

Only two and a half more minutes to go.

“From now on, every member is to head and gather at preparation point number one. Immediately stop fighting and break contact with the other participating guilds. After meeting up at preparation point number one, do not leave the place without my permission.

“I repeat, no one is allowed to leave without my permission. No matter what the second phase quest may be, all the members are not to leave preparation point number one!”

Ten more seconds.

Chen Xiaolian suddenly felt anxious. He stood up and moved to the window to look outside.

Two minutes ago, the sounds of gunfire and explosions suddenly came to a pause and no movements could be heard.

The streets were empty and not a single figure was in sight.

It was as though all the fights in the city had halted abruptly.

Chen Xiaolian took a deep breath. When the countdown ended, he turned around to look at the others.

“It is time,” he said.

At that very moment, a system prompt was sent to each of them through their personal systems.

[System prompt: First phase of the instance dungeon has ended. Participants who managed to complete the first phase’s quest are now qualified to enter the second phase. Those who failed to complete the first phase’s quest will be forcibly removed from this instance dungeon and will be subjected to the corresponding punishment.

[Additionally, the comprehensive assessment on the participants in the first phase has exceeded the original evaluation. The level of difficulty for this instance dungeon has automatically increased to [B+] class.

[At the same time, the corresponding reward for this instance dungeon has been increased.]

The faces of Chen Xiaolian and the others changed.

The level of difficulty was increased!

[System prompt: The second phase’s quest is as follows…]

When they saw the prompt for the second phase’s quest, the faces of everyone in the room, except Will, fell!