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Femdom Island

Chapter 234 Emotionless Doll
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Chapter 234  Emotionless Doll

Nikol stood in his laboratory, his eyes fixed upon the humanoid creature he had captured. Its features were unlike anything he had ever seen before—its skin had a metallic shine, limbs gracefully contoured, and eyes glimmering with an otherworldly light.

As he observed the creature's movements, he couldn't help but notice a remarkable transformation taking place. With each passing minute, its actions became more and more human-like with how much Nikol fed it.

Intrigued by this phenomenon, Nikol approached the creature cautiously. He had spent countless hours studying its behaviour, documenting its every move, and now it was time to take the next step. With a mix of curiosity and anticipation, he decided to attempt communication.

There were only a few girls, who were supporting him, but all of them were properly trained by Nikol none of them even bothered to spread rumours about what was happening inside the lab.

"Hello," Nikol began, his voice filled with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. "Can you understand me? Do you identify this voice?"

The creature turned its head, its eyes locking onto Nikol's gaze. There was a flicker of recognition in those mesmerizing orbs that had similar looks to Jormungand's eyes, a spark of comprehension that sent a surge of exhilaration through Nikol's veins.

As if in response to his question, the creature tilted its head slightly, a gesture reminiscent of human curiosity. It seemed to be trying to make sense of Nikol's words, its facial features shifting subtly as if processing information.

Encouraged by this subtle acknowledgement, Nikol continued, his voice filled with a sense of wonder. "I've been observing you for some time now, and I've noticed how quickly you adapt to the conditions I provide. It's truly remarkable. Can you understand me? Can you communicate?"

The creature's eyes shimmered with an intensity that Nikol couldn't quite decipher. It took a step forward, its movements fluid and calculated. Nikol could sense a desire to bridge the gap between them, to establish a connection that transcended their differences.

In a voice that echoed with a hint of vulnerability, Nikol asked, "Do you have a name? Something I can call you?"

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The creature hesitated, seemingly grappling with its newfound sense of identity. And then, with a voice that reverberated through the laboratory, it spoke. "Name... Name... Do you have a name?"

It just repeated what Nikol said showing it didn't have the proper ability to react, but could communicate properly.

Nikol's heart swelled with excitement as he realized that the creature had indeed comprehended his words. The fact that it mirrored his question, even though imperfectly, indicated a rudimentary grasp of language and communication.

But he wasn't satisfied with just this.

"Time for your daily dose of my energy," Nikol said and entered the cage without even worrying about his safety and touched the creature's head causing it to change its body back to its original state of the monster because Nikol kept absorbing every single drop of energy that it produced and as soon as he took his hand back, it turned back into the human figure showing unless he kills these things, they will remain like this forever.

Just like this, he experimented with this creature for a few days until his other girls also finished giving birth to their children and the day came when he decided to let it fight with one of the girls under his supervision, so he could see what powers he had.

Nikol tried fighting it on his own, but for some reason, it refused to fight with Nikol showing that something is holding it back in front of Nikol.

So he asked Usha and another random girl to help him with this. Others also tried to say that they can do it, but Nikol obviously didn't let them as he knew they were too exhausted to do that.

He could have healed it, but he wanted them to feel everything naturally as it will become a much more fond memory for them about how much they got tired of giving birth to their kids.

"Are you two ready?" He asked as he looked at the creatures and Usha simultaneously and decided to let all the hell break loose and opened the cage and removed the barrier and created a barrier around him, so others won't find his presence in this room.

He made sure he was close enough to them in case things go south.

"Usha, show me your skills, attack first and try to make it more angry," Nikol shouted and Usha also nodded her head showing her thumb.

"Let's go! Make sure you won't hold back because this thing won't go easy on us," Usha said to the other girl, who was one of the best warrior girls in the town and she also nodded her head.

Usha's heart pounded in her chest as she and the other girls dashed towards the enigmatic humanoid creature. Its presence emanated otherworldly energy, sending shivers down their spines. Nikol, however, chose to observe from a safe distance, captivated by the unfolding events.

Usha, fueled by a mixture of curiosity and determination, launched herself into action. With a swift and powerful kick, her foot connected with the creature's head. A hushed silence fell upon the scene as everyone anticipated the creature's reaction.

To their surprise, the creature remained motionless, as if unaffected by Usha's attack. It simply observed, its eyes fixed on Usha and her leg. It was as though it was studying her every move, analyzing her techniques. Confusion washed over Usha's face as she tried to comprehend what was happening.

"Did it... not feel anything?" Usha wondered aloud, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Nikol, his keen eyes scanning the unfolding battle, sensed an intriguing opportunity. "Usha," he called out, his voice laced with caution. "Keep an eye on it. It seems to be learning from your attacks."

Nikol noticed all the subtle moments said to Usha using telepathy.

Usha's brow furrowed with both astonishment and apprehension. "Learning? But how? It's not even human! Isn't this monster?"

With a sudden burst of speed, the humanoid figure sprung into action, mirroring Usha's movements. It darted around the space, replicating her every step, mimicking her kicks with unsettling precision. Usha's eyes widened as she found herself confronted by her own techniques, unleashed against her by this enigmatic creature.

Interest gripped Usha's heart, but determination replaced it just as quickly. She refused to be outmatched by a being that imitated her own abilities. "If it can copy my attacks, then I'll have to come up with something new!" she declared, her voice filled with a newfound resolve.

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As Usha pondered her next move, Nikol observed intently, his mind eager to decipher the creature's intentions and capabilities. The battle had become a unique opportunity to gather invaluable information. He watched as Usha's mind raced, considering the possibilities.

There was a fierce exchange of blows, but every time Usha punched the human-like figure went ahead and tried to attack the other girl with the same punch and the opposite.

It was a frustrating fight, as no matter how much damage it took, no sign of fear or pain appeared on its face. It was just a stoic face filled with the thirst to become more human-like. In fact, if this thing felt pain, it would have been grateful as it might be one of the greatest pleasures in its life.

"Usha," Nikol called out once more, his voice steady and calm. "Think beyond what it can mimic. Find a technique that is beyond its reach, something unexpected."

Usha's eyes locked onto the creature, her mind spinning with ideas. She couldn't rely solely on her usual tactics; she needed to surprise it. Drawing upon her training and instincts, she formulated a plan, a daring strategy that would exploit the creature's limitations.

With a deep breath, Usha launched herself into action once again, executing a complex series of moves that defied the creature's ability to mimic. She spun, twisted, and leapt through the air, her movements an intricate dance of both strength and finesse and she added her extraordinary magic so she can make it hard for anyone to mimic her.

The creature's eyes widened in response, a flicker of uncertainty crossing its features. It realized that there were depths to Usha's abilities that it couldn't replicate. As Usha landed gracefully, a glimmer of triumph sparkled in her eyes.

Nikol, his analytical mind whirring, absorbed every detail. He had gleaned invaluable insights into the creature's behaviour and limitations.

"Great! So it has limits, good to know that, but this thing can keep up with Usha even without any knowledge, and what would be the result if someone teach battle to these things," Nikol couldn't even imagine how much of a nuisance it would be.

The fight didn't end and no matter how much time went on, there wasn't a winner, blood came out from the body of the creature from the places that Usha attacked, but the same can be said for Usha and the other girl, as they were out of breath defending and going offensive non-stop.

'Looks like it's my time, I want to see how he reacts to me attacking now'

Nikol thought and removed the barrier that held him causing the creature to automatically look at him with the same expressionless eyes.