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Femdom Island

Chapter 212 First Child
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The room was dimly lit, and Usha lay on the bed, her face contorted in pain. Her hand clutched Nikol's tightly as she struggled through the waves of labour. Nikol, with his newfound power, had placed his hand on her belly, his gaze filled with determination and compassion.

As Nikol concentrated his magical energy, a soft glow emanated from his hand, gradually growing brighter. Usha's eyes widened with a mix of surprise and worry as she felt a surge of power coursing through her body. With each passing moment, her belly began to expand, stretching to accommodate the rapidly progressing pregnancy.

Usha gasped, her voice strained with concern, "Nikol, what's happening? Why is my belly bloating up so suddenly? It's too soon! With this much development, it's impossible"

Nikol's voice remained calm as he reassured her, "Usha, trust me. I'm speeding up the pregnancy. I know it seems overwhelming, but everything will be alright. Have faith in me."

Usha's breaths came in quick, shallow bursts as she fought to steady herself amidst the overwhelming sensations. She looked at Nikol, searching for answers and finding solace in his unwavering confidence.

"But Nikol," she whispered, her voice filled with both fear and anticipation, "I'm not ready. I thought we had more time. I thought I would at least get a week or a month,"

Nikol's hand remained on Usha's belly showing a conflicted feeling on his face, his touch providing a comforting anchor amidst the storm. He leaned in closer, his voice a gentle whisper, "Usha, I understand your worries, but we can handle this together. You are stronger than you realize. Besides, I don't have time,"

Usha's grip tightened around Nikol's hand as another wave of pain surged through her body. Beads of perspiration formed on her forehead, mingling with the determination etched on her face. She closed her eyes, focusing on Nikol's words, drawing strength from his presence.

But because of her pain, she missed something rather interesting about Nikol's words.

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With each passing moment, the room seemed to fill with ethereal light, as if the very essence of life was converging around them. Usha's breaths grew deeper, her body instinctively preparing for the birth that approached at an accelerated pace.

Nikol's voice held a mix of encouragement and urgency, "Usha, it's time. Listen to your body and trust in your instincts. You are ready to bring new life into this world."

Usha's eyes fluttered open, her resolve firm. She nodded, a newfound determination replacing her initial apprehension. With Nikol's unwavering support, she summoned every ounce of strength within her and embraced the waves of birthing pains.

As Usha's body worked in harmony with the magical energy coursing through her, a serene aura enveloped the room. The light emanating from Nikol's hand grew in intensity, illuminating their intertwined hands and casting a radiant glow across Usha's face.

Through gritted teeth, Usha whispered, "We can do this, Nikol. Together."

Nikol smiled, his voice brimming with pride, "Yes. Together, we will welcome our child into this world."

And it took her only a few minutes to give birth because Nikol had already used his power to ease her pain, but he didn't make it completely disappear. For a mother, the labour pain is the pride and symbol of what they had to go through to give birth to their future, so Nikol didn't want to steal that from her.

The baby's cries filled the air, echoing off the wooden walls. Nikol approached, his voice gentle yet commanding. "What troubles the young man? You will have to stay strong, for everyone's sake, I won't be there with you to be a great father, but I won't forget you,"

As the cries of a newborn baby filled the room, the sound pierced through the air, captivating everyone's attention. Usha and Nikol exchanged a glance of joy and relief, their faces illuminated with pure happiness.

Startled by the crying, the other girls who had been nearby rushed into the room, their eyes widening in astonishment at the sight before them. They couldn't believe what they were witnessing—the rapid pregnancy, the radiant glow, and now the presence of a baby.

Lydia gasped, her voice filled with awe, "Usha, is this... your baby? But how? It's as if time has fast-forwarded!"

Usha, her exhaustion momentarily forgotten, smiled proudly and cradled the newborn in her arms. The baby, wrapped in a soft blanket, settled against her chest, seeking warmth and comfort. The room was filled with whispers of disbelief and wonder.

Nikol stepped forward, his voice carrying a mixture of joy and explanation, "Yes, this is our child. Through the power of magic, I accelerated the pregnancy. It was an extraordinary experience, but from now, I will keep my promise, this land will thrive with my blood."

The girls exchanged glances, their eyes shimmering with curiosity. They had never witnessed such magic before, nor had they seen such an unconventional birth. Yet, their astonishment was overshadowed by a deep sense of admiration for Usha and Nikol's resilience and love and all of their love toward the baby, because technically it was all their child and all of them were mothers at this point.

Alva, her voice filled with admiration, approached Usha and gently touched the baby's tiny hand, her words laced with genuine awe, "This child is a miracle. Your strength and determination are truly remarkable. So he is my sibling!."

It felt weird to her as well as others since the relationships were twisted, but they didn't have time to fight over what was their real relationship.

The others nodded in agreement, a sense of reverence settling over the room. They gathered closer, their presence forming a circle of support and celebration. At that moment, the boundaries of friendship were strengthened, as they became witnesses to the extraordinary bond between Usha, Nikol, and their child.

Usha glanced around at her newfound companions, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thank you, all of you, for being here and sharing in this remarkable moment. Your support means the world to us and I hope all of you will get this happiness in future."

Amidst the whispers and the radiant glow, the room filled with a sense of unity and joy. Usha, Nikol, and their little miracle had not only created new life but had also woven a tapestry of extraordinary connections that would endure far beyond that magical day, but there was one individual that didn't look as happy as he was supposed to be.

"I will fulfil my responsibility, I won't- what am I even doing?" Handing over the child to the girls, who were playing with its little hands, Nikol kept leaning onto the window and looking at the sunset, which was shining brightly showing the sadness of life, that light and warmth cannot last forever.


"What! Do you want to visit all the races? but is it possible?" Eva asked looking at Nikol, who kept looking at the girls in front of her with a determined gaze.

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Zenda, Lydia, Emily, Alva and Nym didn't even understand what he was up to, and it felt like he was pushing himself because, since the last night, he had been pushing himself to have sex with different kinds of women of the city, both elf and humans.

The girls that are close to him wanted to join but for some reason, he told them to wait because he has to finish the task first and he will embrace them after everything is finished.

"Yes! Transportation is not a problem, I just want to know the races and the places they live and someone to convince them, because I don't want to do anything without consent," Nikol said and sat comfortably on the chair taking a good look at the participants of this meeting.

"Then our kingdom will be the next choice right?" Kitsune asked as she stood up from the position and went up to Nikol and bowed her head. "Please take good care of my girls, I'm really grateful for your decision, our saviour,"

Nikol just gave a little chuckle at her words and confirmed that beast kingdom will be the next and thereafter, he will decide the next thing and his goal was to impregnate as much as he can within the time period of one month he has.

"Then, I will get back to the business, Lydia deal with the other problems, and if Usha wants anything to tell me, I will be in my room, the door will be open, and Emily send five girls into my room, every ten minutes,"

Saying those words, he left the room leaving all the girls confused because they felt he was hiding something from them and they didn't know why he was so worried about his promise.

"Tisha, what is this new power? Do you have any idea about it?" Eva asked, but she just kept looking at them with a conflicted look and said some words, that confused them even more.

"I have no idea, it's something really powerful, he can create things out of nowhere, but I don't have any idea about what his power is," She said truthfully, which caused everyone to think that something absurd must have happened.

"It's no use thinking about things that we can't have answers to, let's do what he told us to do," Eva being the muscle head she is, didn't want things to become too complicated for her, so she quickly changed the subject and decided to leave the room.

"Alva, come with me, Usha and the child might want to see you,"

Her words were harsh but, her actions were rather soft as she had been taking good care of her rival after what happened and, it really surprised Lydia and Emily to see the soft side of their aggressive and strict Eva.