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Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 89 Legend Of The Wonders
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And now that things were calming down, they wanted to question their authority? No matter how kind she was, Lulu felt a burning heat of rage within her heart. As a greater goddess, the others felt it as well.

"It... It was just a little over a hundred, but their approach is so perfect that, they have the masses to their side." Kuma responded after taking a gulp of saliva.

"Indeed. They came with propaganda and speeches that are quite eloquent and sensible to the masses. They basically bought everyone to their side at this point." Neon said with a careless shrug of her shoulders.

She did not seem much bothered about everything that was going on. She had Hugh belief on her army, and she knew they would never betray her.

"Tch. I still think they could have done this better. If only they slowly brainwashed the masses silently, then struck when we are at our lowest. Maybe that would have worked." Nuu also commented, also not bothered much.

She was only disappointed at the approach these so called rioters took. So much so, she complained only about that, and not the fact that they challenged her authority.

"Is that so?" Lulu quietly murmured to herself. The Moon Elves, the Nature Pantheon, the Elven Empire, each and every one of them. At the end of the day, they betrayed, abandoned and scorned them at their lowest, right after they contributed everything to them.

After all the sacrifice her mother made for them, the effort she put in for the Pantheon and the affection she gave to the people. Even after all that, they still...


At the end of the day, mortals will always be mortals, no matter what race, what era or what timeline it may be. Even after all you have sacrificed for them. They would still backstab you with no remorse.

"I see." She stood up, her facial expression was poker, but one could feel a hint of iciness within, "In that case, tell them this, 'Anyone who cannot follow my rules, in my own domain, can pack their bags and leave.' Anyone who causes trouble, lock them up."

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This came so sudden that Nuu and Kuma, her secretaries looked up at her in confusion. Nuu could understand quite a bit, but the change was also a bit too sudden at the same time.

"And those that are not content with how we do things, tell them to come talk to me. I've never been too busy to tend to my own people. As long as Lord Enigma is not around, I drive this ship, is that clear?" She stared at both of them expressionlessly.

Kuma was shook by those eyes and instinctively responded with a "Yes!!". Nuu was better off, she only nodded her head and stood up to leave. She dragged Kuma out with her.

'I won't let that happen again. I'd rather be called a tyrant than to suffer the same pain the forth time.' She slumped down on her throne in exhaustion. Acting tough was not her sport, but she will have to get used to it.

"All for my sister's sake and... Lord Enigma's." She motivated herself, flames of determination burning within her eyes. That aside, she still had to report everything to Enigma.

But first, she cleared her throat and fixed her posture. Regardless of whether he could see her or not, she had to present herself well. She was about to talk to a god.

Little did she remember that, she was now a greater goddess.

"He-–Hello, Young Lord." After connecting with Enigma, Lulu's personality immediately fell apart. Be it the dependable big sister or the cold young lady, they all suddenly fell apart and became shy.

[Oh Lulu? It's you today?]

The person on the other side immediately responded with an idle tone, as if he was bored. His tone carried a bit I regality to it though, or maybe her senses were messing with her.

He knew from the get go, aside from Lulu, the others were also, almost like this. He did not know why exactly, but it was definitely not a crush or anything of sort. They barely knew him afterall.

"Yes, it's me. I've come to report about this month's ordeals." She managed to calm down and revert back to her dependable personality. Unlike her sisters, she felt strange whenever she spoke to him.

And thus, ignoring her own emotions, she began explaining everything to him. Not even the smallest detail was left out. She seemed to enjoy talking to him very much.

[So that happened, huh? To be honest, I thought of giving you guys something that will make you stand out as the upper echelons of that place, but I could not think of one... Wait, hold on... Ah, is that possible?]

Lulu was enjoying herself while listening to Enigma's voice, until he suddenly started to talking to himself. No no no, it was pondering, he was definitely pondering, she thought.

[...Lulu, gather every your trusted aides to the temple. Don't forget your sisters as well, and the representatives of the demihumans. It's about time I gave you all a descent blessing]

Enigma finally came back to his senses as he commanded her. Lulu found it strange but decided to follow through with it. A god giving another god a blessing, that was unheard off. Unless, it was an ancient being doing it.

'Wait, could it be..?' Lulu did not dare think about it and just stood up hurriedly. She was eager to gather everyone and verify her hypothesis. But before she left, she had to say her goodbye, "Yes, I'll be on it. Take care Lord."

[You too dear]



The Two Great Wonders of the World Forest. This was something every region had. Usually it was one per region, the lucky ones were two, and three were quite rare.

The World Forest was lucky to have two such wonders. Each of them so deep and profound that, even Deity Kings found it hard to explain their origins or why they are here.

The first was the Mother Tree. The tallest tree, spanning for trillions of miles to the sky, and roots digging deep into the earth, all the way to the core of the region.

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Nobody knew where the Mother Tree came from. Only that, the Moon elves, Nether elves and High elves originated from it. Each of these beings were considered deific and legendary.

Their talents were around super genius at minimum and their potential were easily at the divine. But that was not all, the "World Fruits" were Artifacts of the deities, able to turn an ordinary elves into any of the three divine categories.

Or maybe ordinary mortals into higher ranked beings of their race. From ordinary humans to some form of unique variation. Or from legendary to mythical.

And of course, each person can inly have a single fruit in their entire lifetime. And it was very rare for the tree to even give birth to these fruits in the first place.

It's syrup could bring back the dead, it's wood could create magical weapons, it's leaves could increase a person's lifespan by ten percent. And this were just the few of them.

The strength of its roots could kill a higher god with the most minimum efforts. It was speculated that its full strength could destroy the whole region.

The Second Wonder was the Unreasonable Beggar. Rumor has it that from time to time, when on a journey, you will meet a man who wore torn clothes and had a dirtied appearance.

When you offer him food, he will resent you for looking down on him. When you don't offer him food, he will resent you for being selfish. When you try to help him, he will resent you for implying that he needed your help.

If you don't help him, he will likewise resent you for implying that he did not need your help. This was a beggar at that, but he was too unreasonable and crazy.

The worst part was that his strength was unfathomable. Regardless of who attacks him, they will die. Half-Deity, Lesser Deity, Greater Deity and even Deity Lords fell at his hands.

Worst of all, a Deity King, the former Crimson God, lost to him, effortlessly even. His strength contradicted to his Status as a beggar and his pettiness.

The biggest reason he is a wonder is because he comes and goes like a wraith. Even the most unreserved rogue Deity, the black dragon god, a nigh-wonder, who explores the region killing other Deities, has never met him.

The requirements to meet him were tough and unknown. But those who met him, never had a good impression of him, that was for sure. Some not even living to tell the tail.

That aside, a year ago, a third wonder was born, The False Reality. A wonder of nothing but wonder and immense mysterious. It was by far, the most mysterious.

So far, it has only occurred once, but the entire upper echelons of the World Forest have heard of it. And were shaken throughout its process due to its effects.